Christmas Time

I love it, Christmas time, that is!
I thought I’d share with you some of my JOY collection.

I have a joy collection, because my name is Joy
and every Christmas people give me Joys.
So here we go….Ode to Joy

My darling shelf with my snowman collection.
That way I can keep my decorations up until February. I’m a thinker!!!

My tree, not quite finished. And the little manger for the baby Jesus. We have a tradition that we have had since my kids were little. We add a piece of straw to the manger for every kind deed we do for each other. We are trying to make a soft bed for baby Jesus by Christmas morning, so the kids work on it all month. I think it’s a great tradition, especially since Jesus taught us to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Happy Christmas time, everyone!! Love, Joy