Happy Birthday!!! My Flexy is 19!!!

Well his name isn’t really Flexy. He just asked me to call him that when he was about 5 years old. It has been 19 years today, since he was born. When I had Alex, and they handed him to me, they said, Here is your baby“. I was quite overwhelmed, because I had a 19 month old baby at home. The first thought I had was…”What was I thinking?” Well, I must have been thinking…”This will be fun!! Let’s have another baby!!” I remember going to the grocery store with Riley in the front of the cart (you know, where I probably shouldn’t have put him), Kelsey in the baby seat and Alex hanging off the front of me in an infant carrier. GOOD TIMES! I only left the house to go somewhere, if I could take my time. People would pass by and say, “You look like a busy, mom.” Honestly, it has been fun. Alex has been such a fun little boy, teenager and young man. He is getting ready to go on an LDS mission and is soooo excited. We’ll let you know where he gets his call when it comes!!
I love this darling boy!!!
Happy Birthday, Alex!!

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