Sunday Best!

John 13:15, 34-35
15 For I have given you an 
example, that ye should do
 as I have done to you.
34 A new commandment 
I give unto you, That ye love 
one another; as I have loved you, 
that ye also love one another. 
35 By this shall all men know that 
ye are my disciples, 
if ye have love one to another. 
The dictionary says 
that a disciple
 is a follower of Christ. 
We can all be disciples- 
by following Christ and His example. 
When I was serving as a missionary in Texas, I had many great experiences with being a disciple of Christ. One in particular was with a man that my missionary companion, and I, were teaching. He was an older man, kind of set in his ways. As we taught him, he said he knew that the things we were teaching him were true. We asked him if he prayed about them. He said, “Yes.” But the thing that stood out the most, was how we acted, how we loved him. And also how we loved each other. This, to him, was the icing on the cake. He knew what we were teaching him was true, because we had the love that Christ is talking about in John 13:35. What a blessing in my life to help someone to know they have a Savior who loves them. 
Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

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