Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 3:5 -email-
So this week has been awesome!!! I went on splits with an elder that just got here a week or so ago. so it was basically  two greenies in one day of work but we did really good in the end. i caught a bug so I’ve been a little sick but nothin big.
1.well i like our flat but elder martin said its one of the worse in the mission.
2.we have beds and we sleep very well.
3.P-day we do any odds and ends we need to take care of and sports and thats pretty much it.
4.Moses Mabida stadium is in our area and the ocean are the only really big sites in our area.
5 Do the internet cafe’s have the capability to burn a CD? One of the missionary mom’s said their son would drop off their memory card at the cafe in the morning and then pick it up later with a CD. They would then send the CD home. When the CD had arrived safe and the parents had downloaded the pictures, then the elder would erase the memory card
5.I’m not sure about this one but i’ll look into it.
6 Can you attach and email some pictures each week? 
6.i will test this one next time and see if i can send them.
7.our area has both rich and poor we have a place called La Lucia and its super rich nice mansion houses and than places like Overport that are just poor apartment buildings.
8. ours is a ward they just combined Beria branch and Durban north branch to make a ward and its a good ward nothing like at home. our ward is basically a convert ward there are very few born members in the wards so it makes things interesting.:)
9.we eat curry, Briani (kinda like rice),samp which is like very soft corn kernels, and Pop which is like mashed potatoes but different but its good.
10 Have you eaten anything fruit or vegetable that you have never heard of before?
10.well we had these lime things that were dipped in chili sauce so its sour and spicy and its wasn’t good.
11.yes Elder Martins family are active in the church his dad is the stake president back home
12 Are you teaching well together? 
12.we are teaching ok the ways we teach are so different so its hard but we are working good together.
13.i do stick out like a sore thumb people a lot of the time just stare at me its kinda funny.
Anyway things are going great and I’m working hard. love you

Love, Elder Flexy      

thats good that you have been painting. we were painting these peoples roof the other day and i almost fell off! it was pretty funny but mission is going great there is a possibility i might get a new companion this next transfer because this area is a hard area they never keep someone there too long. so we will just wait and see. Ya playing golf sounds really fun right now but we will be playing soccer in an hour or so anyway. well talk to you soon.
Love, Elder Flexy

One thought on “Howzit-Elder Flexy!

  1. Joy, that is awesome that he is doing so well. I imagine our boys do stick out like a sore thumb. Poor Matt, got my pasty white skin. Tell him to keep up the great work! He is a great missionary.

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