Lessons & Being a Talker

I have the gift of gab.
 I have always been a talker. In fact, I remember when I was a child, my school teachers telling my mom that I talked too much during class. Since becoming an adult, my ability to talk has been a blessing. My darlin says, “You can talk to anyone, anytime!” I notice people and things, and just start talking. I talk to people in the grocery store check out line, and people at the doctors office. At my job, I talk all day. Most of the time people love it, and talk and visit back with me. It is a blessing to have the gift that I do. Who knew, that the thing that I was always in trouble for as a child would be a gift and blessing as an adult, and that it could also be a frustration to me as well. 
I had an experience at work a few weeks ago. I said something without thinking, and felt very sorry. I didn’t feel very happy about my talking so much then. I wished that I hadn’t said what I said. I didn’t say anything mean about anyone, but I just shared too much about what I was thinking. And what I was thinking was not very nice. I thought to myself, “You say too much!!!! You don’t have to share everything that you are thinking!!” I went home feeling like I was never going to talk again (yeah right, like that’s even possible). I thought about what had happened for a few days. And realized, that I was being harder on myself than anyone else. The situation that I’m telling you about was over, and I was still worrying about it. Then I found a great thought that I want to share. It’s perfect for this. 
The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. -Dorothy Nevill
I learned to be a little more selective about what I say. Think for a moment before I speak, ‘Is this a good thing to share, or is it better to keep it to myself?’

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 3:2 -email-

Mama Baba,

sorry the computer i’m using is trippin bad so i’m just gonna say that our baptism isn’t a set date cause she wants to be ready. so its in november and we are doing awesome keep us in your prays this computer keeps deleting my email as i’m typing so i better quit sorry i’ll write extra next time.Love you guys.

Love Elder Flexy

Sunday Best!

“Love is one the chief characteristics of Deity, and ought to be manifested by those who aspire to be the sons of God. A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the world, anxious to bless the whole human race…and for doing, I pray that heaven’s choicest blessings my rest upon you.”
-Joseph Smith Jr.

Family History Friday (FHF): Inventory Sheet!

An inventory sheet is a great place 
to keep information about the family heirlooms and collectibles that are in your possession. If you have things that were given to you and you want to give them to one of your children when the time comes, you can keep track of them here. Put the surname of the family that the item belonged to at the top. List items on the left. Give them a number if you like. If the item is a picture or a vase, you could put a number on the back or bottom. Where is it located? On the wall in the family room, or in the china hutch. What if the item is journals, and there are 10 of them? You could list them as one item or number them from one to ten. If different people have them, you could still have a list of who has journal # 5, etc. In the comments section you write who that item will go to when you die. It would be one way to help your children to know your wishes when you’re not there to tell them. It’s a great information sheet! 
Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

Private Riley!

I got a text from Riley today. He is so funny! Since he has been at AIT (advanced individual training) he and the Branch President are usually the only ones at church. Not like at boot camp. At boot camp, everyone needed a break from the drill Sargent, so everyone went to church. So anyway, in my text I said, “Who was at church?” And he said, “Just me! I said the prayer, blessed the sacrament and bore my testimony.”  What a great son! I love him and am so proud of him! Thought I’d share!

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 3:1  -email-


Ya we have our first baptism date!! Her name is M____ and she came to church and she loved it so much. Her husband L____ would already be baptised but he works all day on sunday so he has only been to church one time. 🙁 anyway but once we figure that out he will be baptised. yes i received your letters and i’m sending one today. sorry i would write more often but we work all day and go to bed so its hard to find time to write. oh ya the memory card is in the letter so you will have it soon. Ya i got a letter from Riley and he sounds like he is ready to come home. But he will be fine i’m not worried. So the area we work in is very hard to navigate through it has street names not numbers so its really hard to find places. anyway we have a zone activity today so time is short. Love you mom see you in a minute.


So yesterday we got yelled at by a racist guy and he called security on us it was so funny. Cause the securtiy guy didn’t do anything about us cause he knew we were good. so we are teaching like crazy. On Saturday we had a blitz for an area in our zone and all the missionaries just contacted for like an hour it was super fun. I love street contacting and i’m getting pretty skilled at it to! My best so far is contacting three people at the same time! its great anyway good to hear things are going good at home. I love you.

                                                                Love Elder  Flexy

Sunday Best!

John 13:15, 34-35
15 For I have given you an 
example, that ye should do
 as I have done to you.
34 A new commandment 
I give unto you, That ye love 
one another; as I have loved you, 
that ye also love one another. 
35 By this shall all men know that 
ye are my disciples, 
if ye have love one to another. 
The dictionary says 
that a disciple
 is a follower of Christ. 
We can all be disciples- 
by following Christ and His example. 
When I was serving as a missionary in Texas, I had many great experiences with being a disciple of Christ. One in particular was with a man that my missionary companion, and I, were teaching. He was an older man, kind of set in his ways. As we taught him, he said he knew that the things we were teaching him were true. We asked him if he prayed about them. He said, “Yes.” But the thing that stood out the most, was how we acted, how we loved him. And also how we loved each other. This, to him, was the icing on the cake. He knew what we were teaching him was true, because we had the love that Christ is talking about in John 13:35. What a blessing in my life to help someone to know they have a Savior who loves them. 
Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy


Are you determined
I’ve been known to be 
on occasion.
 I’ve never seen such 
in a plant. 
This little plant was growing 
out of the carpet at my work. 
I absolutely love stuff like this. 
This little seed had so much 
 that he didn’t let a little concrete 
and carpet stop him from doing 
what he’s supposed to!
When I see something like this, I think, 
“I can do more than I think I can!”

Failure will never overtake me 
if my determination to succeed 
is strong enough. 
-Og Mandino

Family History Friday (FHF): Family History Conference

Do you live in Northern Utah?
Next Saturday September 11th, 
there will be a
Family History Conference 
@ Weber State University 
in Ogden. 
For more information go here!
There will be plenty of experts on hand to help 
with any questions you might have concerning 
Family History Research and it’s Free!
Happy Family History Friday! 
Love, Joy