Sunday Best!

Guess what the talks were about in church today? One of my favorite subjects,
 Family History! 
We had two speakers. They both did an excellent job. They were talking about how doing family history has been a neat experience and has blessed their lives. 
The first speaker, Carolyn, talked about an aunt that lives across the country. This aunt is able to go to cemeteries that their ancestors are buried in and do some of their family history. She said that relationship has been so wonderful. She has learned so much from her aunt about her family’s history. I was wishing I had a distant relative like that. Maybe that is one thing I’ll have to work on. 
The second speaker, Wendell, was talking about how he did a “google” search for his ancestor and didn’t find him. So he tried doing a google search for the wife of the man he had already looked for and found them both. Wow! He was even able to take a trip over to England and Wales to do research for his family. I would love that too! It was neat to hear how other’s are doing their family history and loving it. 

If you want to have a neat experience learning about your family history, a good place to start is here!
“You may be confident that your deceased people know where their records are, and you can obtain help through inspiration….if there is anywhere on the earth anything concerning them, you will find it. …but you must continue to work. The spirit of your heart turning towards them will come upon you, and the way will be opened in a marvelous manner, and if there is a scrap of evidence concerning them upon the earth, you will find it. When we have done all that we can do ourselves, the Lord will come to our rescue.” 
                            -Melvin J. Ballard
Hope your Sunday was the Best! 
Love, Joy

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