Monthly Archives: March 2011
Totally "Fort Worth" it!
Howzit-Elder Flexy!
Sister S,
Sister S;
Elder B and I needed to take an iron to the missioanries in
Mbabane and Elder [Flexy] with Elder Diseko needed a lift to their
morning appointment. He knows we took the face view but we thought you
would like a view of them about their Father’s Business.
Love, Sister B
Sunday Best!
Hope your Sunday was the Best!! Love, Joy
Pooh and Hamilton!
Family History Friday: An Amazing Voyage!
In talking about the Mormon Immigrants and the hardships they endured, I have often heard my Mom say the trip across the plains was hard, but the trip across the ocean was harder. I have read many accounts of immigrants crossing the ocean, and it is always amazing to me what hardships they endured. Some, lost loved ones, that had to be buried at sea, and being sea sick would be so difficult. You would not hardly get a break from that. The close quarters and no privacy would be difficult too. I found an interesting article about the Saints and the trip across the ocean. You can read about it here!
Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy
Totally "Fort Worth" it!
Happy Birthday and Miracles!
Today is my brother Keith’s birthday. He is here because of miracles. I called him today to tell him Happy B-day, and asked his permission to tell a little about him. He said, “Of course.” So here goes.Β
My brother Keith is only about a year and a half older than me. Sometime in the process of growing up Keith lost his way. I say that, because the way he was going, was not the way our parents had taught him. He became involved with drugs. He used many drugs, Nicotine, Alcohol, and others. The drug that caused the most damage to Keith’s body isΒ Cocaine. When using Cocaine he injected it into his body and became infected with Hepatitis C. Hepatitis C attacks the Liver and destroys it. After years of drug abuse, Keith ended up in big trouble. He ended up in jail, awaiting what might be the biggest possible change, time in prison. I’m sure he was very upset and felt like he didn’t deserve this. Or at least he didn’t want what was happening to him, to happen. He spent 6 months in jail waiting to find out, what the judge would decide about his future. It was a very difficult time for him, no drugs and all day long, day after day to think about life and what might happen. Even that was a miracle. To go from being under the influence of drugs, and not seeing clearly or caring only about the next fix. To having the opportunity to really see, or think about his life. After this period of time in jail, Keith was allowed to go home to my parents instead of prison. That was another miracle. He was 34 years old and had been given a second chance. There was so much prayer and fasting going on during this time. So he was home and was really ready to start a new life. He was aware of the way his life was and he knew what he needed and wanted to do, to make his life better. But what about the Hepatitis C? Well, it was still there, doing damage. Keith had been given a second chance but might not be able to be around very long to enjoy it. He married a wonderful and caring woman, and they started building their life together. But as time went by, we all realized that we would need, another big miracle for Keith. By 2007 he was in really bad shape. He would have to spend time off and on, in the hospital to help him survive his illness. He was on the -transplant waiting list- waiting for a new liver, but you don’t always get one. Sometimes you die while you’re waiting. Then on July 7th 2007, Keith received a call. They had a liver and could he be down to the hospital within a few hours. Keith and his wife Teresa went as fast as they could, down to the hospital. We all gathered in the waiting room to wait and pray. We felt very positive, everything would be ok. Sure enough, after hours in the operating room the surgery was finished and our Keith was alive. We went to visit him the next day and could not believe the difference. He was ready to really live his life. We had received another miracle. We are all so thankful to the donor family for their great sacrifice. Their decision blessed Keith, and gave us a miracle in the middle of their sadness. It has been almost 4 years since Keith received his new liver and he is doing great. I am so glad he is here to have another birthday! I love you, brother!
What works for me!
Howzit-Elder Flexy!
life is great. my birthday was fun i made some breakfast burittos. anyway swaziland continues to be the best. we had a really good week.
1 How was your week?1.great we walked so much this week it was crazy talk.
2 How is your new member doing?
2.he is doing great he got confirmed yesterday.
3 Do the other members fellowship good?
3.ya usually
4 Are you healthy? is your toe healthy?
4.ya i’m fine the toe is all better.
5 How is your contacting going?
5.good we find people like crazy
6 Any new investigators?
6.well ya you can say that we have lots that are progressing fast.
7 Do you get to exercise or do you feel like you do enough walking?
7.well today we played basket ball today it was really fun so we do exercise too.
8 How is your companionship?
8.great no problems
9 Have your investigators asked you any questions you didn’t know the answer to?
10 If so, how do you find out the answer?
10. we just tell them we will look it up for them.
11 Do you have an area rep/general authority? who is it?
11.yes for our area its Elder Watson
12 Do the South African people have a tradition or ancestral story that involves Christ coming to visit them, around the time he visited the Americas? If so is it helpful in the teaching process?
12.that one i’m not sure but i’ll check.
anyway life is good and the work is going forward. anyway time is almost spent. love you.