Totally "Fort Worth" it!

Hermana Kelsey 2:3 -email-


Sorry I didn’t send a letter this week. I’ve been getting more and more busy here, so it seems like I never have time to write outside of emailing. I might even get to the point where I’m as bad at communicating as Alex. 🙂 Just kidding. But yeah. I’ll try to write more real letters. Although, they are now really enforcing the rule of only writing letters on p-day, so I don’t really have very much time to write. Anyway, my week has been okay. I had a really hard couple days, because I realized that I’m leaving for Texas in less than three weeks, and I don’t know near enough Spanish to get by. It was really scary and stressful for me. But I’m doing better now. Spanish is okay. I feel like the new district that got here one week ago knows more Spanish than I do though. No me gusta la comida. Well it’s okay, but not my favorite. I am happy for the most part. I still have hard days and sad days, but my companions and my district and zone are so great. They always are trying to build each other up. It is so fantastico.
I LOVED conference! I got so much more out of it than I ever have before! Probably because I didn’t fall asleep. 🙂 Anyway, some of the speakers at conference have come to speak to us at firesides and devotionals, so it was pretty neat to hear from them. I noticed that since the last conference all of the general authorities and the prophet have aged so much. It’s kind of weird to think that they actually are mortal beings and they will die at some point. It’s sad.
I don’t remember if I told you last time, but I’ve seen Andrew a few times. He seems to be doing great. Much better than I was my first week. He’s going to be a fantastic missionary.
Yesterday, we got to host the new missionaries that came in. It was so fun! It was also strange, because just a few weeks ago I was in that situation. Anyway, the sister I hosted was Hermana Moody. She is from Wisconsin and she is going to Salt Lake South Spanish speaking. She was so adorable. I’m hoping I’ll see her around. Her class is in the same building as Andrew’s so I told them to say hi to each other when they see each other.
Anyway, I feel the spirit so much here on a regular basis. Sometimes we’ll have an amazing meeting, and it’s just so overwhelming, but on any regular day you can just feel the spirit radiating from all the other missionaries. It is so great.
On Saturday between conferences it was so nice outside, so we decided to go for a walk around the perimeter of the MTC. It was weird because we didn’t have any inclination to leave. We could have just walked out of the MTC, but we didn’t even want to.
Anyway, I better go now. I love you lots.
Love, Hermana Kelsey

God Is Everywhere!

There’s not a tint that paints the rose
Or decks the lily fair,
Or marks the humblest flower that grows,
But God has placed it there…
There’s not a place  on earth’s vast round,
In ocean’s deep or air;
Where love and beauty are not found, 
For God is everywhere.
-Author Unknown
I have been thinking about the beauty of this world and how grateful I am that God blessed us with such a beautiful place to learn and grow. What we do with our life is so important, the choices we make, the things we accomplish with the time we have been given, the legacy we leave for our children. Others may not worry so much about what they do, or who it affects, but we can still choose to be amazing. I know our Father in Heaven is everywhere! I thank God for life, for this wonderful world we are so blessed to live in, and for the opportunity to learn and grow and to work on becoming what He wants me to be.
Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

Joshua 1:9

Be sure to pause the music at the
bottom so you can hear Louis.

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 9:5 -email-
this week has gone by way fast we worked hard. but ya we got transfer news yesterday and Elder NGanda is moving to newcastle in SA. and Elder Mead is going to Richards Bay in SA. but all the rest of swaziland is staying the same. but ya i got my birthday package last week and it was too nice i loved it. but its already gone almost but hey it was good while it lasted. but ya i ate a chicken head and chicken feet. this last week so all i need to eat is the neck and intestines and i’ve eaten every part of a chicken. but ya life is still going well i’m working hard and getting better at teaching. but anyway all is well. love you 
    Love Elder Flexy 

A Beautiful Day!

March is over, 
and Spring is here.  
I had to go out into the day!  
Have you ever had a day where the sky is so blue, the sun is so bright in the sky, that you have to get out there and enjoy it!! I hopped in the car and rolled down the windows and turned up the music! I leaned my head back against the seat, and put my arm out the window, feeling the wind as I drove.  
It was perfect! 
It was complete happiness!!

Family History Friday: They are amazing!!

There are some amazingly talented genealogy bloggers out there!!
 I thought I’d give you links to a few!
There’s Renee at, you guessed it, “Renee’s Genealogy Blog”, you can visit her here!
And a very interesting blog “DearMyrtle’s” you’ll find it here!
And Kerry at “Clue Wagon”, check it out here!
Like I’ve said before, do a google search for; “family history blogs”, you’ll find great stuff!! These people are amazing, and helpful!
Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

Totally "Fort Worth" it!

Hermana Kelsey 2:2

I’m glad you are doing well. Time seriously flies by here. I swear it was p-day just like 3 days ago. Once you get here your concept of time goes out the window.
I haven’t seen Andrew yet. I was hoping to see him yesterday, but I didn’t. We got a new district though, and new Hermanas. Their names are Hermana Peck and Hermana Ruesch. They seem really nice, though I’ve only talked to them for like 5 minutes total. It’s just exciting for us to have other females around. We were getting sick of being surrounded by boys all the time.
Thank you so much for the package! I love getting packages! And mail. Anyway, if you ever feel like you just need to send something for fun, feel free to. 🙂 
Last p-day when we went to the temple we saw like 3 people that work at the MTC, who were also at the temple. One of them was one of our substitute teachers we had one day, Hermano Dubois. He is so funny. Anyway, earlier this week we had another one of our districts leave. They were all the funniest Elders, so we are sad. Also one of the Elders in our district left for Spain on Monday (Elder Walton). We were so sad; it was hard because on Sunday, we went to say goodbye and Elder Walton was bawling, so of course we all started crying. We wanted to hug and comfort him so bad, but we couldn’t. Anyway, it was really hard.
I wish I could write so much more, but I have very limited time. Sorry.
Oh another funny random thing: I’ve seen two of Alex’s friends from high school, Elder Justin Marriot, and Jared Hatch. I recognized both of them and we ended up talking for a little bit. It was pretty cool. 
I better go now. Love you lots.
Love, Hermana Kelsey