Sunday Best!

“I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare. In other words, if our expenditure on comforts, luxuries, amusements, etc., is up to the standard common among those with the same income as our own, we are probably giving away too little. If our charities do not at all pinch or hamper us, I should say they are too small. There ought to be things we should like to do and cannot do because our charitable expenditures exclude them.”

-C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Hope your Sunday was the Best!  Love, Joy

"…stop accumulating…"

Andrew Carnegie, one of my heroes said, 
“I resolve to 
stop accumulating 
and begin the infinitely more serious and 
difficult task of 
wise distribution.”
I am about there. 
I have lived in my home for 14 years. I have been bringing things into my home for 14 years. I do take things out too, but too much has come in and not enough has been taken out. One day my dad was here visiting, and he looked around and said, “I can see you’re still a gatherer!” Ouch! He and my mom had just moved from a 4000 square foot house, into a 2 bedroom apartment. 
How did they do it? 
“Wise distribution!” I have been wanting, needing, to stop accumulating and distribute more! I am going to work on this, I am going to stop accumulating, stop bringing things home. And make more trips to donate! Now, if I can get the others I live with to do the same, we’ll be in good shape!!