Hermana Kelsey 6:5 -email-
Dearest familia!
This week has been another really good week, that ended with some hard things. I guess I’ll start from the beginning.
Monday: We ate cena (dinner) with a member family, and I jumped on the tramp, and did some flips…in my skirt! 🙂 Ha ha ha!! It was okay though, because it was a tight one, and nobody saw anything. But it was super fun. I haven’t gotten to do that in a while. After that we had a noche de hogar (family home evening) with some investigators we are teaching. It turned out really well, and their kids and the dad are actually getting involved now. We were just teaching the mom and the daughter before. The mom is older, and is actually a grandma to her two daughters kids. But anyway, we are really excited about that.
Tuesday: Nothing really happened…but the son of the family we taught yesterday, and today, was being really, really funny. His name is Leo (his mom says it like lay-o), and when you say it like that it actually means, “I read” in spanish. I thought that was pretty funny.
Wednesday: We taught our really cool investigator Joe. He told us this last Sunday, that he didn’t want to get baptized anymore, but I think he is just overwhelmed with everything, and isn’t really sure what to do right now. We are still going to keep working with him.
Thursday: Today was planning day, but we skipped out on part of planning to teach our baptismal date for this Saturday. She is so cool. Her name is Lesa, and she is almost 14. Her family is actually part members. It’s kind of an involved story, but her mom died a little while ago, and now her dad is married to her aunt. Her aunt is a member, and so is her younger cousin Aidan. Her dad doesn’t really want anything to do with the church. We went to see him to get his permission though, and he said he was okay with Lesa getting baptized. 🙂 We were really excited about that. 🙂 🙂 But she is really cool.
Friday: We had zone conference. It was really really good. President Sagers is just so full of knowledge. And sometimes he goes off on crazy tangents and tells us random weird stories. He’s a very funny guy. Once you get past the whole intimidation part. 🙂 Then later in the day, we went to the E’s house to help them move some furniture, so they can get their floor worked on. It was really really hot because their A/C just went out earlier in the day. But I was excited because we got to wear pants for a little while! 🙂 Also…they fed us! In case you are wondering why that is so exciting, it is because that is a sign of conversion! Yeah!! 😀
Saturday: Today was a crazy crazy day. The day started out like usual. We visited some people, and then because we were running low on miles, we decided to take out on of our ward missionaries. Her name is Mercy, and she is older (like 50’s). She actually comes out with us a lot. So anyway, we were with her for like an hour or so, and no one let us in to let us teach them. We were walking around outside a lot, and it was really hot. Hermana Mercy has a tendacy of walking away from us, so when we were contacting this people, and she kept walking, we didn’t really think too much of it. Then we saw out of the corner of our eyes that she had sat down in the middle of the sidewalk. Sister Q ended the contact really quick so we could go check on her. We asked how she was doing, and she was telling us about how hot she was, and that she needed water. The lady we had just been talking to went into the apartment, and got a glass of water. Hermana Mercy started drinking some of it, and we poured some on her neck to cool her off. We called this couple that she lives with to have them see if they could come get us. All of the sudden, Hermana Mercy passes out. The lady that was helping us held her head up so she wouldn’t get hurt. Then she started throwing up. We didn’t even know what to do. Sister Q was on the phone with the couple at this point, but she hung up real fast, and called 911. We were trying really hard not to panic. We thought our exchange was dying in front of us!! Anyway, long story short the ambulance came, and she ended up going to the hospital. It was crazy. She ended up calling us later in the night to see if we were still having our baptism, because she wanted to come. That chick is nuts!!
After that, we went to the church to set up for our baptism. We had a really great baptism. Lesa is such a good girl, and she is going to do great things. 🙂 I think she is going to serve a mission someday. 😉
Sunday: We had a really good day at church. We had a couple that we have only taught once come to church, which is a really good thing. If you can get investigators to come to church, it is a really big step. But then, later in the evening we got dropped by one of my favorite investigators. Her name is Carrie. She is 14. Her mom and sister are members, but not her, her dad or her other sister. She is so awesome! I just love that girl. But she told her mom last night that she doesn’t want to see us anymore:( I was so sad last night. We have lost investigators before, but I really had hope that Carrie was going to go somewhere, and now she won’t. It was a sad time.
So that was our week.
Mom: Wow that’s awesome you are getting some kids to watch. 🙂 I’m glad things are working for you! 🙂 Just remember to always pay your tithing first, before anything else. That is one thing I have really strong testimony about. The Lord can’t pour out his blessings upon you unless you show your faith by paying your tithing, and making that small sacrifice. 🙂
Ha ha. You kind of are getting old. 😉 Jk jk.
(I had just told Kelsey that I’m turning 50 this year!)
Emmysaurus: Wowee Wow Wow! You’re getting so big. Guess what? I’m going to miss your high school graduation…and so is Alex. 🙁 Man, that’s crazy. I’m glad you got some cute new clothes though. Is Rach in high school?! Wow, man! Everyone is growing up too fast. Well, I gotta go now. Peace and blessings!
Well, I’m out of time. Love you all. Keep doing good things!
Love, Hermana Kelsey