Have you heard people compare our brains to computers? Or talk about the amazing amount of information the human brain can hold? I have heard it said, that a genius only uses 10% of their brain, or our brains are smarter and have more capability that the largest computer. Blah blah blah….blah. They’ve never used the brain I’m working with! Don’t get me wrong. I love my brain! It is a great brain! But if I were to compare it to a computer, well, it would not be the latest, greatest, model. I was talking about this with some friends tonight, and telling them that my computer (brain) is like a computer that is 20 years old and I’m still trying to put new programs into it. It crashes a lot!! And I don’t really have enough memory in my hard drive to adequately keep track of all the things I need to keep track of. I don’t really know why I’m telling this to whoever reads this, except to say, I know my brain is an older model. I love it just the same. I am grateful I have it, and especially glad it works as good as it does. I wouldn’t mind a little more memory, but I’ll just keep working with what I’ve got. That’s all!