Totally “Fort Worth” It!

Hermana Kelsey 8:2 -email-

Dear Family,

I’m glad things are going well for all of you. Life is good here! The work is moving along, and I am enjoying the ride. We had a lot of trials at the beginning of this week, but everything is good. Satan was trying to work really hard on us though.

Tuesday we had specialized training for sisters and couples. It was really awesome. We got to see all the sisters in the mission. I talked to Sister S. about T., and what is going on there. It was way cool.

Conference was truly awesome!! We had some investigators that came for parts of it. We told them the last couple of times that we have seen them that if they go to conference with a question in mind, they will receive an answer. We asked them after if they had, and they said yes! Man, it is so awesome. Anyway, we missed part of conference though, because we had two baptisms yesterday(!), and we were getting ready for them during the first session of conference on Sunday. I am a little sad, but I’m glad we got those baptisms done. I will just have to read the talks when they are printed later on. But the parts that I watched were really great. I definitely learned some new things, and some things that will help our investigators. I am also so excited about the temple in South Africa! So excited in fact, that I didn’t really hear where the other temples are supposed to be built. Whoops! 🙂

Anyway, Mom, I did get my contacts on Thursday. Thank you so much for sending them for me. I truly appreciate all you do for me! 🙂

That’s cool that Riley is dating someone. I’ll try to write her a letter today. I’ll just send it to the house, and then you can get it to her or whatever. Tell him he needs to write me a letter sometime, or at least put a little something in my email. 🙂

Oh the temple! I miss it so much. I wish I could go every week again. I was sad when I heard about what happened with the Provo Temple. I went to that temple like 8 times when I was in the MTC. It has a very special place in my heart.

Dad: I’m sorry about your shoulder. Ouch! Hopefully it’s gets better pretty fast. But I’m sure you’ll be as good as new very soon. 🙂 I will pray for you to pass your test. Remember, as long as you have studied hard and done your part the Lord will bless you. 🙂

Emerny!: Look at you! You’re a missionary already! 🙂 🙂 Ha ha. That is way cool though. One thing to remember, when you are talking to someone about the church is to not get defensive when they question your beliefs. It’s really hard sometimes, but if it turns into a fight, the Spirit won’t be able to be there to be the teacher. 🙂 But yeah, that is so awesome. Hopefully things are going well for you. Remember to, “Just keep swimming swimming swimming.”

I gotta go now. I love you all so much!

Love, Kelsey

P.S. I haven’t heard from Alex in a really long time. What is going on with that kid?!


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