This is the “Wonder” horse that my kids grew up riding. We’ve had it for at least 23 years. Now my sweet granddaughter, Natasha, plays on it. When Riley was old enough to lose interest in the horse, we decided to store it in the garage. It was there for a while, in fact, it had not been seen by the children for quite some time. Christmas was coming and my darlin and I had a great idea. Alex loved small toy horses and played with them all the time. We thought, “Let’s paint the ‘Wonder’ horse and give it to Flexy for Christmas.” What a great idea! So we got busy painting and on Christmas morning it was waiting by the tree for Alex. Riley came running in and said, “Hey…, that looks like my old ‘Wonder’ horse!” All of the kids stopped and looked. Now, when you are the mother to a kid like Riley, you have to think on your feet. I said, “I thought your ‘Wonder’ horse was out in the garage?” Then he answered, “Oh, yeah!” That was close. Christmas morning continued with our darling children happy as could be.