Dearest family,
This week was pretty great. Well actually…it’s been really crazy. Tuesday, I was feeling kind of weird. Like halfway through the day I was feeling like I was going to pass out and slightly delirious. I didn’t know why, but I didn’t say anything to Sister V. This was our conversation a little bit later.
me: “Do you feel weird?”
Sister V: “Like what kind of weird?”
Sister V: “Like what kind of weird?”
me: “Like your head is floating?”
Sis. V: “Yeah.”
me: “And you feel weak?”
Sis. V: “Yeah.”
me: “Man, I thought it was just me!”
So we took ourselves to the nearest Walm-mart and decided to take our blood pressure, just in case. Turns out our blood pressure was low for some reason. Then after that we ate which I thought would help. But it didn’t really. I still felt really tired and weak. So I went to bed that night and hoped that everything would be good when I woke up. I felt better (stronger), but also weird. Like anxious, and I couldn’t focus, and my heart kept beating really weird. I spent my entire 1 hour personal study reading 17 verses of the Book of Mormon, and then I didn’t even remember what I had read at all. I basically felt like I was going crazy. Like it was all in my head. But I remembered that the night before, one of my zone leaders, Elder C, asked if I wanted a priesthood blessing. I told him no at the time, because I thought I would just get better. So because it was transfers Wednesday morning, we went to the church, and I got a priesthood blessing. And then I felt a lot better. Then on Friday, my allergies were acting up really, really bad. I used an entire roll of toilet paper soaking up the extra snot pouring out of my face. (Sorry for the visual, but that is what was happening) 🙂 It was crazy. So I got another priesthood blessing on Saturday, right before the morning session of conference. But, don’t worry Mom, now I am all good. Not 100%, but about 97%. 🙂 Missionary work and our schedule as missionaries is taking a little bit of a toll on this little chica., though :I
Other than that, things are great. Conference was amazing, of course! One of my favorite talks was the Jeffrey R. Holland one. He is such a powerful speaker. “It’s getting late.” Ha ha. Whoa! That gave me chills. It truly is “getting late”. The second coming is closer than we think, and now is the time to prepare. I wrote so many pages of notes. I loved that most fo the talks were about marriage and children raising. Ha ha. Sister V was telling me she has never thought about marriage more than in the last couple days, because everyone in conference was talking about it. I think she’ll get married pretty quick when she gets home. I’ll give her 6 months. 😉 🙂 Ha ha. But wow, for reals!?!? My little bro was on tv?! That is so unreal. I didn’t get to watch any of the stuff in between, because we were eating and going to appointments, but that is so sweet! I wish I could have seen it. I probably would have cried though. I miss my little hyperactive Flexy man! 🙁 I bet he is all grown up now, and mature and stuff.
AWW man! Tashers! I miss that little girl a lot. I was looking at an older picture you sent me of her, compared to the one that you just barely sent, and I still cannot believe it is the same little girl. She is just so big. How did that happen?!
Dad: I truly am jealous that you ate a peanut butter dream bar and swedish pancakes. Oh the simple pleasures of life that you don’t get to have as a missionary! I look forward to the day when you will make me swedish pancakes and I will eat 10 of them. 🙂 Just like the good ol’ days. 🙂 But anyway, conference was great. I always get way more out of it now, than I ever did before. Everything they talk about is so important, and before the mission, I just didn’t get it. But now I’m starting to understand it a little better. 🙂
Emily: OMG! You are not turning 18 in 18 days!!! That is not even real!! You are getting way too big too fast. Just stop it okay!? Jk jk. But really that scares me a lot. Everything is going to be so different when I get home. I’m scared. But I’m sure it will be great. That’s cool you are on spring break. They had spring break here like 2 weeks ago. I’m not sure why, but whatevs. Do you want to hear something sad? I have 0 interest in watching movies anymore. Like I heard that y’all were watching Remember the Titans, and I didn’t even have any desire to watch that movie, or any other one. It’s something weird that happens to missionaries. You become these super boring people that only care about the salvation of souls. But it is great. I love being a missionary! You should be one too someday. 🙂
Riley: Aww that is so cute that Natasha calls Janet “Janny” and “my angel”. She is seriously like the sweetest cutest thing ever!. Ha ha. I mean…that is, until I have kids! Hahaha! 🙂 🙂 Jk, jk. But for reals. Anyway, I gotta go. Keep doing good things. P.S. Did you like conference?
Janet: Ja ja. Que bueno! Gracias por el slang. Mi companera antes siempre decia “Que verguenza!” porque ella es rubio y siempre hacia cosas raras. Ja ja. Pero ya puede decir “Que oso!” en vez de “Que Verguenza!” Pues gracias por tu ayuda. Casi no tengo tiempo entonces tengo que ir. Hablamos luego! Cuidate mucho! 🙂 Y tambien gracias por decirme que esta pasando con mi hermano. Es verdad. El no habla mucho. Es un hombre de pocas palabras. 🙂
Anyways, I gotta go now. I love all of you! Be good. I’ll see you soon. 🙂
Love, Kelsey