Hermana Kelsey 15:4 -email-
Dear family,
How is everyone? It is always bittersweet talking to all of you, because it always goes way too fast. That 40 minutes flew by. I was thinking about it, and the next time I talk to all of you, it will be face to face! Ahhh! Weird! But anyways, it was good all the same. I’m glad you are all surviving this crazy world we live in and making the best of it.
Mom: Ha ha. I also got a flower at church, even though I’m not a mommy. They had extras so they gave to all the “future mothers”. It was sweet. I really like this ward a lot. I still don’t really know very many of them, but I feel like they are all excellent people. Anyway, I feel like I told you most of the stuff I was going to talk about yesterday, but I will write more to you next week for sure. 🙂
Dad: Awww! I miss the little chidlets! I feel a little sad that they are growing up without me. 🙁 But it’s okay I guess. It happens. I miss seeing everone at family parties. It was good times.
Emmysaurus Rex: That’s awesome you got your young womens medallion. I remember when I got mine. It was fun. So since you are graduating next Tuesday, I can expect a letter sometime next Friday? Because you’ll be less busy? 😉 Okay deal! 🙂 Ha ha. Anyway, I think that is all for now. I love you all a lot! Be good.
Love, Kelsey