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Monthly Archives: August 2012
Two Cents: Dandelions!
Totally “Fort Worth” It!
Sunday Best!
“To the duty designated by His Father, [the Savior] turned His face, pledged His heart, and gave His life. And what a sinless, selfless, noble, and divine life it was. Jesus labored. Jesus loved. Jesus served. Jesus testified. What finer example could we strive to emulate?
Let us begin now, this very night, to do so. Cast off forever will be the old self and with it defeat, despair, doubt, and disbelief. To a newness of life we come—a life of faith, hope, courage, and joy. No task looms too large; no responsibility weighs too heavily; no duty is a burden. All things become possible.” -Thomas S. Monson
Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy
Worn Out in Service…? I’d say!
I couldn’t resist sharing these with you! Here is Elder Flexy’s shirt collar, pants, and shoes, the day we picked him up at the airport. Two years in South Africa wearing himself and his shirt, pants, and shoes, out in service to the Lord. What a sweet son! I am so glad he’s home, and I can hug him anytime I want (sorta).
Flexy’s pants wore out here, because of his backpack rubbing.
The Truth “Helps”!
I recently read about a particular family that I know.
This is a really great family.
I really mean it, in fact I love them.
What I read, and all I’ve ever heard about this family is about the great and amazing things they are doing. They travel, they volunteer (not just in the community, but in the world), they have perfect kids, and a perfect marriage, they live in a perfect house, etc. At least that’s how it seems when I read and hear about them, and really isn’t it neat that there are families like that in the world. But I thought if I feel this way, that they’re perfect, maybe others do too.
Sometimes I feel like I am not very amazing or great or that I don’t do very amazing things. Especially when I hear about families like them. I thought about my blog, and my life, the way I come across. Do I seem like I have it all together? I don’t see how I could, because I so don’t. Anyone who really knows me, knows what a non perfect person I am.
The truth is no one is perfect!
Not even that great family that I hear and read about, the ones I sometimes feel like are perfect, they’re not.
One thing I know for sure, is that when we share ourselves with others, we want to tell the best things about our lives. I for one, feel that others have struggles and such, I don’t want to burden them with a long list of things that are bugging me, or challenges that I’m dealing with in my life. Besides, I’m a firm believer in the adage “fake it till you make it”. I choose joy. I choose to share joy. On the inside, I struggle daily with feeling my best. I deal with many things that aren’t very pretty. I feel inadequate a lot. Sincerely.
Maybe on occasion I can share the fact that I am having a rough day. Maybe. If I knew that others who I think have it all together really don’t I would feel better about myself and not feel bad when I think to myself after reading or hearing about them, that their life is perfect and mine isn’t and something is wrong with me.
In this case the truth would help. I’m not saying that they are being untruthful about their lives. Just that they might be sharing the best and most attractive things just like we all do. They aren’t perfect, they’re just like us. We all have trials and challenges in life. Sometimes we don’t know what others are dealing with and that’s probably a good thing.
But sometimes the truth “helps” us feel like we’re all in this together, this whole earth experience!
I love the quote: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” -Teilhard de Chardin
When ever we feel bad, or sad, or that we don’t cut it, -that thought is not coming from God. When hearing about other people we think are perfect, let’s think for a moment about how much God loves us. We are His children. All of us. The real truth is, that He knows we are having a human experience and He is there to help us, always.
And that is the truth, and I believe it helps!
A Volunteer!
Totally “Fort Worth” It!
Riley: I wrote you a letter on last p-day, but I forgot to sent it until Saturday morning, so it will be arriving soon. 🙂 Sorry!
Fishing with a Friend?
We were just reminiscing tonight about funny things the kids have said.
Emily reminded me of the time she was talking to her dad, my darlin, about fishing. He said he was going fishing with his friend Dana (pronounced Day-na), and Emily said,
“Is mom OK with you fishing with a girl?”
To which my darlin replied, “Dana is a boy.” Emily said, “Oh, well that’s OK then.”