I mentioned a few posts ago that my darlin is a scout leader.
The scouts had their Klondike Derby last night.
Plans for the night started about two and a half weeks ago. On Tuesday the 8th the scouts and leaders traveled to where they will camp. They spent about two hours piling snow, making large mounds.
A week later on the 15th they went back up and dug out the caves. Then last night, the 18th they slept in them overnight.
They look like they’re having fun!
This wonderful man is my darlin, he has a heart of gold.
“A man filled with the love of God is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race.” -Joseph Smith
That’s how I feel about my darlin. He is always willing to bless others with his time, talents, and love. Thankfully, he loves to sleep in snow caves!