If you’d like one, I don’t know for sure where you could get one. I don’t think they make them anymore. We got it from a family we lived by years ago. We have used it off and on. The Ice Cream Roller has two containers, an inner container and the outer one you see. What you do is put the ingredients to make ice cream in the inner container. Then you put that container inside the outer container, and in the space between them you put ice and salt. Then you roll it back and forth between two or more people. It is a fun thing to do as a family. After a while, you open it up and eat the tasty treat. Yum!
Now for the “Desperate Measures” part of the story. Sometimes you just need some yummy ice cream a little faster. Sometimes you’re desperate for it, but you just don’t have the strength to work for it. My cute little darlin came up with a great idea. He decided to use the treadmill to make the ice cream. I bet you’ve never heard that before. He put the roller on the treadmill, started it up and put something at the back end of the treadmill to stop the Ice Cream Roller from rolling off the treadmill. There it was just rolling and rolling while we did other things. After a short time our delicious treat was ready and our taste buds were in heaven.
Desperate times call for desperate measures!