Happy Halloween!!!

We only had two people dress up for Halloween at our house!

Tayzie and…DSC06157


Flexy! Tayzie is a pumkin and Flexy is a Sith. In case you don’t know what a Sith is, they us the dark side of the force in Star Wars. I told Flexy that I’d rather he be a Jedi, but he wasn’t going for it. DSC06162

I said that if you’re going to be on the dark side, you better not smile, you better act tough. So here he is not smiling and acting tough. He’s still very handsome though.DSC06160

Out on a WIM #24

Alright Family! How are you all? It sounds like you are doing oh so great!

OH WOW!!!! Lot’s of people are having babies!!! Wah. I have been a little bit baby hungry the last couple of days. Hahaha but no worries it’s nothing serious! Just a slight craving.. It will pass. Tell everyone congrats for me!

Tanks for the quotes! I love the ones you send 🙂

Ok so as for this week…. WOW it was probably the most crazy week EVER. I literally was so stressed that I could hardly function. We had Zone Conference this week. And for our interviews with President M. we were to memorize ten verses of a chapter in the BOM. The senior couple had to go home early because her sister died… 🙁 So the ZL’s and I are in charge of the finances and basically everything that the senior couple does….

Alright so Zone Conf. on Friday was SO GOOD. I felt the spirit so strong. And everything they shared was exactly what I needed. President and Sister M. are amazing.

The AP’s decided to come out teaching with us on Saturday and my brain was just fried from all of the stress… Plus it was crazy having them come out with us. I WAS FLIPPIN’ OUT! So anyway we took them to a lesson and it went AWFUL. Well so I thought at the time.. I am thinking welp I am an awful teacher and I can’t handle this stress I am having.. I was getting physically ill from it all.

Anyway so I just cried that night and prayed like crazy. Heavenly Father helps me out so much and Sister W. the Sister Trainer Leader called me and just let me tell her everything. I felt better a little bit.

So Sunday I was still feeling sick and just sad and like I am just not good enough…. And church everything just fell into place. The things I learned and heard helped me so much. I then could see the good things in life like I normally can. So I went back over our time with the APs in my mind but looking in a different light and realized that there are so many tender mercies that are happening around me. And so many things I needed to learn from that lesson. I am so grateful for this week and for the struggles I have. I have learned a lot about myself and really felt of a love from my Father in Heaven. I know everything will fall into place when we trust in the Lord.

I need to slow down and stop stressing myself out. Let go of things I cannot change and take life one baby step at a time. What about Bob!! Hahahah who knew right? I have been saying baby step doing this and that! It helps!

Um… as for training it is going about as good as it possibly can. I am taking it slow by slow, line upon line and doing my very best. I love my companion and have seen her grow so much already I am excited to continually see this change!

There is a lot that happened this week! But L. is now confirmed a member of the church! Yeeha!

But just so you know I am mostly back to myself! I feel so much better. I am extremely blessed.

Mom: (the letter at the top is usually mostly for you) Thanks for sending the package! Hopefully I get it tomorrow. You are the best. Keep being you and having your beautiful big heart! I love you an awful lot. Don’t ever worry about me, I am having the time of my life and am in good hands, (Heavenly Fathers hands).

Dad: Hahaha you and your documentaries 😉 You are so great. But it is true we should have that kind of faith in our Father in Heaven. Keep being awesome and serving your heart out. I love you daddy.

Moral of this week: Take it easay.

Scripture of the week: Ether 12:27 Our weaknesses help us to be humble and we can learn and grow and help our weaknesses become strengths! Especially through our Savior Jesus Christ and his gospel.

The church is true of course! I know 🙂 I will hopefully send pictures next week! I love you all. Remember who you are and what you stand for. God bless!

Got Any Gwapes?


Look at these beautiful Concord grapes!!! They smell and look so wonderful. We have been juicing almost everyday! The juice from these grapes is the best!DSC06148

The color is spectacular. I wish I could capture it in my picture. We are so excited to drink this juice all winter long!DSC06149Yum!!!!!

Out on a WIM #23

baby emSister Emily at 3 months old!


Mommy: I sure did love my package. Specifics: The clothes fit great. Thank you for the notes and everything that was in my package it made me so happy! Yes I would appreciate my meds soon if you could do that 🙂 I am indeed having a lot of fun with Sister H.! She was so shy… But she is opening up. We have a lot of fun and a lot of laughs. I am just trying to continue showing her the ropes of missionary work! It is oh so great.

This week has been crazy!!!!!!! First of all I had my second baptism yesterday 🙂 It was L. She was so ready and everything went well. She got up to bear her testimony and started to tell this random twenty minute long story about nothing. Then I realized that I never explained to her how to bear a testimony….. Woah. This’ll never happen again. Ya live and ya learn right?? Hahahahahaha it was pretty bad. L. likes to talk…….. A LOT. Well so does everyone here but she is…… yeah. Anyway she is great and sure do love her!

Another cool thing that happened this week is: E. (the one who said she hated Heavenly Father and Jesus a long time back) said a prayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The most heart felt prayer. It was beautiful I started to tear up! She has come A LONG WAY from where she was and she still has a long way to go. But I know that we met her for a reason and cannot give up on her.

Also this week my favorite old lady from the mission field… The one that is ninety years old? Yeah she passed away this week. It was very sad. But I know she is in a better place but I will miss her a lot. The members all called me to let me know because they knew I loved her so much.

This week is Zone Conference coming up! I am deeply excited!

Hmmmm… There is a lot more but not too much time! Heavenly Father is so great. The scripture that has been sticking out to me this week is the one talking about how God shows us our weaknesses so that they can become strengths and everything like that! I feel that this week. There are lots of strengths and weaknesses I have. But I want to be better everyday.

Mama thanks for all you do again. I know you can’t hear it enough… So I will keep telling you. I love you tons and tons.

Anyway Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor. I am still loving being a missionary. I have a heart full of love for my Savior and his gospel and each and every one of you. I know the church is true. It is such a blessing to me. Have a great week, remember to read the scriptures and pray all the time! Remember, “Life is good”. Always!

Love always, Sister Emily 🙂

Sunday Best!


“Generally there is in man a divinity which strives to push him onward and upward. We believe that this power within him is the spirit that comes from God. Man lived before he came to this earth, and he is here now to strive to perfect the spirit within. At sometime in his life, every man is conscious of a desire to come in touch with the Infinite. His spirit reaches out for God. This sense of feeling is universal, and all men ought to be, in deepest truth, engaged in the same great work—the search for and the development of spiritual peace and freedom.” -David O. McKay

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

Out on a WIM #22



Good afternoon my brothers and sisters, my fellow saints! Hahaha (this is something one of the members in our branch says whenever he stands up to give a talk, bear testimony or conduct a meeting)

 My week has been most excellent.
Yes I did get the package! THANK YOU. It was basically the best day of my life. Better than any Christmas I’ve had. Oh….. this is awk…. it’s not even Christmas time… Hahaha I honestly have no idea what season it is at all. Yeah hopefully my meds will get here because I don’t want my face to go ham or anything like that..
SO. My new companion……. Well where to begin? She is adorable. She is nineteen but she looks like she is sixteen! I am so excited to have her. She is pretty dang shy. She is starting to open up more now. We get along well. Of course I still miss Sister T., she was my sister. Every once in a while I get a tear and then move on and work hard 🙂 So far for training I have been placed in a relatively hard position but I know Heavenly Father will help me in carrying out my duties and I know that I am with Sister H. for a reason and that I have things to learn from her and a big heart that can love her until she dies from love. She is not even sure why she is so great but she is! She just needs to realize her strengths. She doesn’t give herself enough credit. I have been trying to help her to see how fun missionary work can be and rewarding. Anyway I have enjoyed my time with her so far and know that we will have a good couple of transfers!
So this last week:
Monday and Tuesday we went around and Sister T. said bye to everyone! It was really sad. We only bawled our faces off. Tuesday night we had a sleepover with all of the sisters because we were taking them to the airport the next day and picking up the sisters.
Wednesday we went and picked up the new missionaries! It was insane! They looked so scared.
The rest of the week we have been getting the area back in line… It got all messed up when I got sick and everything.. I have been showing Sister H. around and teaching by myself a lot. Which is alright! I actually am so grateful to be in this spot because I feel like I am growing in a different way. There were times where I wouldn’t say things or take a lesson a certain way because I was afraid to make my last comp upset… Which is awful I know.. But anyway I feel like I am growing in many ways and it is great. And not to mention Heavenly Father has been such a huge part in my life. This is His work. I am grateful to have this small part in His work 🙂
On Friday I actually just needed some advice so I had an interview with Sister W. and she helped me to have hope and told me that she knew that Heavenly Father had placed Sister H. in my care because He knew that I was one of few who could handle it and stuff… It made me feel a lot better and everything. Not that I was struggling but I did need those words!
We actually have another baptism on this coming Sunday 🙂 I am so excited and little stressed because there is still more to teach her… Oh well everything will be great! L. is progressing well and was so prepared. I know I have told you about her. She is an inspiration! I will let you know how everything goes with that next week!
I love you all! I hope you all have a great week. Remember who you are and what you stand for. Heavenly Father loves you. The church is true!
We have been reading in Alma in the BOM and I love to hear about Ammon and his brethrens. They are wonderful! Go and read it again!
P.S. Did you get my little notes in the mail mom and dad??
Love, Sister Emily XoxO

Sunday Best!

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“The Creation, great as it is, is not an end in itself but a means to an end. We come to the earth for a brief period of time, endure our tests and trials, and prepare to move onward and upward to a glorious homecoming.  Our thoughts and deeds while here will surely be more purposeful if we understand God’s plan and are thankful for and obedient to His commandments.” -Russell M. Nelson

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy