Mommy: I sure did love my package. Specifics: The clothes fit great. Thank you for the notes and everything that was in my package it made me so happy! Yes I would appreciate my meds soon if you could do that 🙂 I am indeed having a lot of fun with Sister H.! She was so shy… But she is opening up. We have a lot of fun and a lot of laughs. I am just trying to continue showing her the ropes of missionary work! It is oh so great.
This week has been crazy!!!!!!! First of all I had my second baptism yesterday 🙂 It was L. She was so ready and everything went well. She got up to bear her testimony and started to tell this random twenty minute long story about nothing. Then I realized that I never explained to her how to bear a testimony….. Woah. This’ll never happen again. Ya live and ya learn right?? Hahahahahaha it was pretty bad. L. likes to talk…….. A LOT. Well so does everyone here but she is…… yeah. Anyway she is great and sure do love her!
Another cool thing that happened this week is: E. (the one who said she hated Heavenly Father and Jesus a long time back) said a prayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also this week my favorite old lady from the mission field… The one that is ninety years old? Yeah she passed away this week. It was very sad. But I know she is in a better place but I will miss her a lot. The members all called me to let me know because they knew I loved her so much.
This week is Zone Conference coming up! I am deeply excited!
Hmmmm… There is a lot more but not too much time! Heavenly Father is so great. The scripture that has been sticking out to me this week is the one talking about how God shows us our weaknesses so that they can become strengths and everything like that! I feel that this week. There are lots of strengths and weaknesses I have. But I want to be better everyday.
Anyway Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor. I am still loving being a missionary. I have a heart full of love for my Savior and his gospel and each and every one of you. I know the church is true. It is such a blessing to me. Have a great week, remember to read the scriptures and pray all the time! Remember, “Life is good”. Always!
Emily, you are totally awesome! I love the enthusiasm with your mission and I’m so proud of you along with the whole family you know!!! Keep it up and be safe.
Love ya tons… Keith and Teresa.