I should probably be calling it Temple Tuesday! My sweetie and I have made a goal to visit the temple once a week, and since Tuesday is my day off from daycare, it seems to be the best day. I really do love it!
Today we made a visit to the Salt Lake Temple.
But on the way, we stopped at a beautiful cemetery and took a picture of this headstone. John LeSueur is one of my ancestors. He is from the Island of Jersey. It is one of the Channel Islands. They’re in the English Channel, between England and France. He was a pioneer. A truly heroic example. I’m always amazed that my ancestors could leave their homeland behind and make a new life in a place that is unknown. I love my ancestors.
Then onto the temple. I am very partial to the Salt Lake Temple.
It is the most beautiful temple.
My sweetheart and I were married here, almost 29 years ago. It represents years of sacrifice. It was built by the pioneers shortly after they arrived in the Salt Lake Valley. It is a House of God. It is a Holy and Sacred place. I love to be here, and in any other Temple of God.
Look at the beautiful doors!Breathtaking!!! Glorious!!!
After a wonderful temple experience, we went over to the Christus Statue that is on Temple Square.
On the way home, we stopped to see this little angel. My niece is a brand new Mama, and this is her baby girl. Isn’t she a living doll? Beautiful!What a great Tuesday!!! It was a beautiful, spiritual, and splendid adventure!!! I hope you had a wonderful day too!