Out on a WIM #59



Oh man this week was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So to answer your questions Mama yes I am learning my responsibilities. I had a meeting with Sister M. and also talked with President M.! Yes I will travel to go and help the Sisters in their areas BUT this transfer I did that at Zone Conference because I can’t leave Sister S. (my temp) in charge of the area… So something cool is President M. asked me to also be the STL for the Suriname sisters which means I get to stay in close contact with Sister K. (the cute sister I trained 2 transfers ago) and help her!!!! When I called her she screamed and was so happy. So was I. But with them the flights would take to long so I will just be skyping them and calling them weekly. While we were in St. V. I got to have some quality time with those wonderful sisters and I interviewed one of them and gave her some encouragement because she was feeling sad. It’s amazing how I feel the Lord strengthening me by giving me more responsibility.. I actually literally feel stronger and more able to handle things than I did last transfer.
There is awesome quote that I read that says “Do not give me tasks equal to my strength but give me strength equal to my tasks” I thought that was inspiring especially at this time 🙂 I am honestly and truly doing so good! I am loving life and no way am I getting worn out from training. If the Lord requires it I will do it for the whole rest of my mission! Sister S. is doing really well! The first few days the people were not being very nice to her. But she is warming up and we are practicing teaching skills and I am doing my best to help her. She is very willing to learn and will soak in everything I say. She is such a goober sometimes but so much fun! I have learned a lot from her already.
The branch is doing well. We are just building up the branch still right now!  Things are looking up. I am glad we have the senior couple to help 🙂
To answer your question about the root of sin: I would say that the root of sin could be any number of things lack of self control, lack of confidence, pride but what it really comes down to is it’s a lack of faith. Not trusting that God bless you for obedience. People here will always say “I don’t want to back slide after I get baptized” and my answer is always simply “then don’t!” Don’t back slide, don’t choose to sin and give Satan power over your life. That is something we have to remember is that we always have a choice… ALWAYS! Satan only has as much power as we give him. We have to keep that eternal trust and perspective that God has given us to withstand temptations. Yes of course we will fall short sometimes but if we live gospel to the best of our abilities we will always have the spirit with us which will warn us of temptation and sin. Anyway I could go on for hours about that 🙂 There is a quote by one of the apostles that says “we never need feel we are alone or unloved in the service of God because we never are” Yes there will be trials but often times those come from our Loving Father in Heaven to bless us and strengthen and test us.
Alright Mommy thanks for all your love and all that you do for me.
THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!
Dad: I am glad to hear that Murph (the car) is doing great and you are taking care of him! I know what story you are talking about! (The Donut Story) I love that one. It’s a good explanation for the atonement. Keep up that garden! You are the best. LOVE YOU!
Anyway you are all amazing and sure do love and admire you all.
Thanks for everything. I hope you have a great week and go out and set good examples for everyone around you!
Love, Sister Emily 😉

Family History Friday: Heaven and Families!


      “Our doctrinal obligation is to our own ancestors. This is because the celestial organization of heaven is based on families. The First Presidency has encouraged members, especially youth and young single adults, to emphasize family history work and ordinances for their own family names or the names of ancestors of their ward and stake members. We need to be connected to both our roots and branches. The thought of being associated in the eternal realm is indeed glorious.”-Quentin L. Cook

Families are Forever!!!

Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

Tuesday Adventure!

We went to a little tiny town called Cedar Fort! Some of my ancestors settled in this little town back in the 1800’s. The area was beautiful!!



Old headstones!IMG_1701What a beautiful view! It was very lovely there.

The wind would come up every now and then. It reminded me a little bit of Wyoming.


This Billy goat was so cute. If you look close you’ll see he’s sitting partially under the pipe in the stream bed. I thought that was so clever of him. I got a little closer to see if there was water in the ditch, and he got scared and tried to run. He didn’t get far because of the rope. I tried to explain to him we were just trying to take some pictures of him. He just stared at us. He’s a cute Billy!
IMG_1712Just look at this picture! How beautiful! We are so blessed to live in this beautiful world. The mountain way off in the distance is Mt. Timpanogos. 
 Whenever I get the opportunity to visit a place where my ancestors walked and lived I feel more connected to them. They are all amazing to me.

After we left Cedar Fort, we made a quick stop in Cabela’s. My darlin’ was in heaven. Me? not so much!

The best part of the day was attending the Draper Temple.

So beautiful!!! It was a wonderful day! I love the temple.


Out on a WIM #58



Hey my people!! How are you all?! Ok so this week… HOLY CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before I get going I just have to warn you that this will not be the longest email in the world because we are on a tight schedule. We are here for Zone Conference which will be tomorrow!!!!!
Ok so new news! I spent most of this last week lounging with the senior couple as you saw… I know she sent a picture. 🙂 My new companion came in, her name is Sister S. and she is from Guyana but she is not Indian she is darker and such a doll! She had a rough start because the members have not been very kind and lots of silly things have happened. She also smashed her finger in the car door 🙁 So pretty much I have been feeling really bad for her. She’ll pull through. I just have to keep reminding myself and also her that there “must needs be opposition in all things”. I have been grateful for that this week. She has taught me much and already and is a very observant and sharp servant of the Lord 🙂 Boy am I glad to have her here!
I can’t wait for Zone Confernce tomorrow. I always feel a great zeal when I leave and want to improve always! I’ll have to sit down with President and Sister M and get some more training for being an STL so that should be nice. Ummmmm…. Other than that we just had a fiasco at church when the ex BP got up and “gave a talk” It was more like a venting sesh… 🙁 Man oh man! I sure hope peoples hearts will start to be softened!
So all is well. I am just loving being a missionary as usual and I am looking forward to the future and I hope I am given many more mountains to climb… I am certain I will be. This next few weeks I will just have to be sure to help Sister S. find the good in missionary work before so she won’t question if she should serve her mission. It would be so sad. Because serving a mission is the best thing for anyone in the world to do.
Well my lovelies it was wonderful to hear from you! It sounds like you are all doing so very excellent! CHANCHO I NEED TO BORROW SOME SWEATS!!!! No seriously this library is freeeeezing! Hahaha you just got a whole over dose of Sister Emily.
I love you all! Have a great week. Keep being the best human people ever.
Love, Sister Emily

Out on a WIM #57


Hello my amazing family!!!!

It sounds like each and every one of you is just doing so good! It sounds like you had a very fun week. I did too!!!
To answer your questions:
Priesthood holders: We have quite a few. There are some young and some old but none even close to being Branch President . They are all pretty young still in their conversion process.
The Members here are AWESOME! Some of them are strong and have been but the branch kind of goes through a cycle of people. There are only first generation older members.. There are some second generation members but they are still very young.
We got our transfer calls on Saturday and I am really and truly training another temporary missionary!!!
 This one hasn’t even received her call yet! Her name is Sister S. Sister K. knows her and told me some things about her. It’ll be a fun transfer! Oh also I was called to be the Sister Training Leader for two of the islands!!! Wow!! YEAH YEAH STL!!!!!! I am way super excited for the opportunity to serve. President M. has been in touch with me and I have been telling him all the things on my mind and everything.
So this week was really really crazy! We are working really closely with these 2 adorable families!!! They are progressing nicely! Also L. one of our investigators came to the Branch Party on Saturday and also has been at church for 2 weeks in a row now!!! YES!!! We are beginning to see great success and peoples hearts being opened!
Anyway I cannot believe it’s already been a transfer! I am going to miss Sister K. bad bad bad. We have become so close.
Just so you know everything is going well! Tings are turning around and I am excited for all that lies ahead!
Scripture of the week: D&C 78: 17-19
I am so grateful for the things that we learn from the scriptures and for the strength that we can find through them. And boy what blessings we receive from living the gospel!!!
Ummm… That is pretty much all of the big news for this week. Tomorrow we are going up to north on the island for the meeting and then I will be spending lots of time with the G.’s (senior couple) until this Friday when my new companion comes in!
Ok so one last item of business: My bag is pretty busted. So I need to get a new one so I will be talking some money out today I don’t know how cheap I can get one for but I will do my best in finding a good deal.
Anyway I love you mama so very much and thanks for all that you do!! Next week I will tell you some funny stories and whats not! I LOVE YOU!!!!!
Daddy: HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 I just wanted to thank you for your sweet spirit and for your humble loving self. I sure do love and appreciate all of the hard work you do and for being the best dad ever. The food sounded awesome! You should send me some 😉 Have a great week.
Anyway!!!!! Loves and hugs to and to all and good day! Have the best week and I will tell you what happens next week! I will be emailing you where Zone Conference will be held! I will be having training sessions for becoming an STL. FUN FUN!!!! Alright Peace out!
Love, Sister Emily

Family History Friday: Family Love!

I found a great story on YouTube about Stephen Colbert’s Uncle Eddy. Listen to it!

Do you know why Stephen has such a great love and respect for his uncle? It’s because his mom shared with him stories and letters and history about his uncle, and what was going on in his uncle’s life, and the world at the time he was alive.

That is why I love Family History. Because once I take the time to get to know my ancestors, I realize they’re not much different than me. They had hopes and dreams. They had challenges and sadness. They worked hard and sacrificed. They loved and shared their life with people they loved. They made life better for me. Knowing the things they went through, helps me know that I can go through hard things too. I feel like they are close and helping me. Rooting for me as I go through life. I will love them and remember them.

Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy