“How can the gospel bring peace to the world and help us to love our fellow men? What is our purpose on earth, and how can we find happiness in this life? From the feet of the Christus statue on Temple Square, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf answers those questions with this declaration: “As an Apostle of the Lord, I testify that Jesus Christ lives today.” He explains how the Savior and His Atonement provide answers to our questions. The Savior’s gospel, he says, can “bring great joy and happiness to the world.” Watch the video of President Uchtdorf’s testimony of the Savior and His ability to lift us above worldly things to find peace.”
I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so thankful to know why I am here on earth and to have help in finding direction and purpose in my daily life.
I hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy