Is it good to have expectations?
I don’t know…except to say I have had and continue to have expectations about my life. Has it beneficial? I would say no. Things don’t always turn out the way we expect them to, I would say they rarely turn out the way we expect them to.
When Kelsey, my “Dream Come True” was in high school, she would say that when she graduated she wanted to go visit New Zealand! As her time in high school continued, she changed her plans…knowing that the chances of making it to New Zealand were slim to none.
Her next plan was to go to the “Four Corners!”
Definitely more realistic.
Guess what? She didn’t do either one! She went to New York City for a week and stayed with her aunt and uncle who live there (She let me and Emily come too).
It was a blast! We love NYC!!!
Did reality match her expectations? Was it still ok? You bet!
I think we all need to relax, and enjoy life! (I’m saying this for me:))
I am still working on this, but it seems so many times that what I expected, or wanted to happen in my life doesn’t happen, and what happens instead is wonderful!