Sunday Best!

Doctrine & Covenants 130

18 Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.

19 And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come.

Our Relief Society lesson today was about continuing to learn as we go through our lives. Comments were made that the older we get, the harder it is to recall what we have learned in the past. Not only that, but as our lives get busier our minds are filled with so much, we forget things.

I feel very confident in putting the effort into learning and gaining ore knowledge if I know that it will be something I can eventually have readily available in my memory.

When I am resurrected I will have a perfect body. My spirit and body with be reunited forever. Because of our Savior and His resurrection, we will all be resurrected.

What a blessing to know these things.

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

Keep Talking

For some reason I just keep talking.

In elementary school my teachers would say, “Stop talking!” My parents would come to parent teacher conferences and the teachers would say, “She talks a lot. She might get more work done, if she didn’t talk so much.”

I remember having the hardest time doing my work, and not talking. I didn’t do it very well.

I didn’t do it very well for many years, like 13 years.

I’ve learned that talking is a gift I have been given. I’m glad I decided to keep talking. I don’t think my teachers in school would mind me talking now.

When I meet new people, I talk to them and it is so fun! I believe it helps them to feel comfortable.

When I am with my family and friends, I talk to them and ask them how they are doing. I tell them I love them, and that they are so important to me. 

When I see people at the store, on the street, or anywhere, I talk to them. I love people. I love to hear about their lives, their jobs, their families, and more.

I am so grateful that I have a gift for talking, and that I never stopped talking. I will

keep talking

for the rest of my life. I will try to bless others by helping them feel comfortable around me, and by showing an interest in their lives.  


Sunday Best!

“May the real meaning of the gospel distill into our hearts that we may realize that our lives, given us by God our Father, are to be used in the service of others.

If we will give such service, our days will be filled with joy and gladness. More important, they will be consecrated to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and to the blessing of all whose lives we touch.”-Gordon B. Hinckley

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

Beautiful, Happy Places-The Yard

I love spending time in the yard. It is so enjoyable to work, and plant, and make it a wonderful place to spend time! The yard is our little bit of heaven. We enjoy spending as much time as possible in the yard. When the kids and grandkids are home, this is mostly where we are. 

I found this cute little trolly in the garage. It belonged to my maternal grandpa and I decided it would be a great addition to the patio. 

All it needed was a fresh coat of paint. It’s fun to use the things we’ve collected through the years and give them a purpose. Now it is functional and I think of grandpa when I look at it!

I love it!!!

It’s a Landmark!

My cute daddy used to be a bricklayer in his younger years. He was also a genius at doing rock work. In the yard of the homes I grew up in, there were always rock walls, pathways, and fire pits. My dad is amazing!

I always wanted to have some of this rock work around the home I now live in with my sweetheart, so we have been looking for something we could do.

One thing I wanted was to get a new mailbox. The one that came with our home was not very nice looking.So we decided that was it! The project would be our mailbox!

Well, daddy is 83 years old. We can’t ask him to do this for us. We can’t even ask him to help, really, but we can ask him to supervise! So we picked a day and had him come over to supervise and help us start the rock mailbox project!

He put my little darlin to work, digging, mixing cement and preparing the sight for rocks. Next step is deciding which rocks to start with. Here is the mailbox about 1/3 of the way done. We had to leave the old mailbox on till we got to the spot where the new mailbox was going to be so the mailman would have a place to put our mail. We also decided to keep the post the same since it was in place and very secure. We have been working on it for over a month. We mix up a bag of mortar and work at it till the mortar is gone, wait a day or two, until we have time to do it again. Slow and steady! Looking good!Almost done!

We’ll finish in a day or so, but I love it! And now when I look at our mailbox I’ll think of daddy, and his awesome talent, and always be so glad to have a reminder of him at our home. It is a landmark, our landmark. It represents, gifts from God, love of family, building things, and beauty.

Sunday Best!

“What does it mean to be of good cheer? It means having hope, not getting discouraged, not losing faith, and living life joyfully. “Men are, that they might have joy.” It means facing life with confidence. The gospel of Jesus Christ gives us the strength and the eternal perspective to face what is coming with good cheer.” -Adhemar Damiani

We cannot always control what happens in our life, but we can always do our best to be hopeful, and have faith that our loving Father in Heaven is aware of us and will help us and bless us as we go through our life.

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

Bloom Where You’re Planted!

Life is all about change.

It is about moving forward, learning new things, and experiencing new experiences. It may be moving to a new home, starting a new job, welcoming a new baby, becoming an empty nester or saying goodbye to someone close to you who has passed on.

 I have never been afraid to try new things, to quit a job and move on, if that job that isn’t a good fit.

Sometimes the changes are not what we want, and sometimes they are our choice.

I have a new job.

I feel sad that I will not see the sweet little daycare kids I have grown to love.

I will get to see something I love, and have always loved my whole life!


My new job is working at a flower shop. I am hoping to have a wonderful experience with this change in my life. Flowers help people feel loved. They say someone is thinking of you. I feel like what I do at this new job is blessing other peoples lives, helping them at difficult times, happy times, and everyday moments.

I love it!

What a great opportunity for me! I will “Bloom Where I’m Planted!” at my new job!

She is Witty, Funny, and I Love Her!

My sweet mother in law passed away.

I will miss her.

She has been a part of my life for 32+ years. She has blessed our family with her love, and her service. We have had so many fun times together as a family. Her skills at board and card games is amazing. Once she got the word “fandango” in Scrabble! Who does that? She is so funny and always had a cute story to share every time we saw her. She is an awesome cook. Thankfully my darlin knew I’d never be as good as her, so his expectations were low. I think he got his moms abilities to cook too. Lucky for me!  She is a good lady, and wonderful mom. She is a sweet grandmother to our kids, and grandkids.

She has a love of The Gospel of Jesus Christ, and served as a missionary several times. Her love of God was evident by the way she lived.

I’m sure she has reunited with her sweetheart Pearce, who passed away 3 years ago. What a reunion that must have been.

I am so grateful for her.

I will miss her, but when I do, I will think of all of the wonderful memories I have of her life. What a sweet lady!

Sunday Best!

Today is Relief Society we talked about marriage.

It is such a wonderful topic and I’m always so grateful for my marriage!

I shared this cute clip from the Pixar movie “Up”. Watching it always make me smile and tear up. Carl and Ellie are the cute couple in the movie. They are so typical of most the marriages I know. They start out with so much hope and expectations for their adventure in life, but things don’t always go the way we think or want them to go. It seems the best way to be married is to love each other and just keep moving forward with love and faith in each other and God.


Every marriage is subject to occasional stormy weather. But with patience, mutual respect, and a spirit of forbearance, we can weather these storms. Where mistakes have been made, there can be apology, repentance, and forgiveness. But there must be willingness to do so on the part of both parties. …

I have learned that the real essence of happiness in marriage lies … in an anxious concern for the comfort and well-being of one’s companion. Thinking of self alone and of the gratification of personal desires will build neither trust, love, nor happiness. Only when there is unselfishness will love, with its concomitant qualities, flourish and blossom.

-Gordon B. Hinckley


I have learned in my marriage that men and women are different and complimentary. My sweetheart is my best match. I have strengths, and so does he. When I am overwhelmed with something, he is there to support and handle the situation. When a decision needs to be made, we discuss it and I am usually the one who follows through with the decision.

We couldn’t do as well as we have in our marriage without our Father in Heaven, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to bless us, and to help us be our best selves in our relationship. They want us to have a successful marriage, too!

Hope your Sunday is the Best! Love, Joy

The Love is So Powerful, It Hurts!

I love being a grandma! It is such a blessing in my life.

Our sweet oldest granddaughter will be 10 this summer! I don’t know how this happened. She is a treasure, and I love every moment I get with her!

I can’t believe it!

Then there are these super cute grandson’s!

Cars, skateboards, and time playing in the yard is always fun to watch with this one!

And this little guy, reminds me of a tater bug! He is such a sweet baby full of smiles and hugs! What fun I have with these two boys!And don’t forget our precious new granddaughter! She smiles with her eyes, and responds so cute when we talk to her. She is basically perfect!

Thank heaven’s for technology. I get to see them all everyday.

I love them all so much!

When  I look at them, the love in my heart almost wants to bust out of my chest! I actually hurts, a little. How can this be?

Grandbabies are such a gift! They are straight from heaven. I know now, what I didn’t know before I became a grandma that the best is yet to come. Father in Heaven loves us so much he gave us the opportunity to become parents, saving the best for last, becoming grandparents!