Sunday Best! Happy Fathers Day!


“Fatherhood is much more than a social construct or the product of evolution. The role of father is of divine origin.”-D. Todd Christofferson

Happy Fathers Day to all the Fathers out there!!! 

This happy and jolly looking fellow is my daddy! He is the best dad for me. His life and example are truly inspirational.

When he was young he dropped out of school. He was probably bored, because he worked and did other things and still ended up getting his GED at the same time the other kids his age were graduating. He was always motivated to get things done, to move forward and accomplish more in his life. This example has made me want to be productive, and accomplish things in my life. Once he finished school, he joined the army. He met my mom when he was stationed at the Presidio in San Francisco. He became a brick layer after that which meant that he could create and build things. He has always had the most beautiful yards and homes because he has a knack for building and creating. My darlin and I had our wedding reception 30 years ago in the yard he designed and landscaped. It was lovely. He got a masters degree and then a PhD. So smart! Such motivation! He was building a home and working a full time job the same year he got his doctorate. Don’t forget, he also had 5 kids and a sweet and supportive wife. He seems to have a vision for the best way to get things accomplished, and then moves ahead to finish what he started. He’ll tell you he’s not perfect, but he really is! He is 82 years old and still active and blessing others with his time and knowledge. My daddy and I have a standing date around the first of each month. He’ll call me and say, “Is this you? This is me, when do you want to have a date?” I just laugh and say, “Yes, it’s me! Is this you?” We set a date and it always turns out to be such a treasured time to me. I sure love my dad! I am so grateful that I have been blessed by his example, and love for all my life!

Thank you Daddy for being a wonderful Father!!! oxoxo

I hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

10 Reasons Why I love Being a Grandma!

When we first became parents, we were thrilled.

A tiny human was now part of our lives and we were overwhelmed, but looking forward to a lifetime of getting to know our child. How would we do it all? There was so much to learn. There were so many new emotions and concerns we had never even thought of, like, making sure he pooped and peed enough. How much formula is just the right amount? What if he won’t burp? At times he would not stop crying, why?

It all worked itself out. We did it! We have been and are successful parents. Yay!!!

Now the reward.

We get to be grandparents!

Let me tell you the 10 reasons why I love being a grandma!

10-Grandchildren are a blessing!

It is amazing how blessed I feel knowing that I get to have these little ones in my life.


9-Their little happy faces light up when they see you.

When we drive up to the house and they are waiting for us- it’s the best.


8-Grandchildren are adorable.

It is almost impossible to see your grandchild and not want to squish her (or him).


7-Little hugs around the neck are the best. 

To have my grandchildren hug me is to know that I am an important part of their world.


6-Grandchildren are very entertaining.

They are cute, funny, silly, dramatic, and emotional.


5-Spoiling them is expected.

It is so fun to buy them things, make them things, feed them things, and kiss them, and hug them, and love them so much!!

4-Grandchildren have sweet little piggy’s on their feet that need kisses.


3-They are your reward for not killing your kids.

I’m so glad I didn’t kill their dad when he was a teenager. Really.IMG_0179

2-Grandchildren remind us that God is good, and that the world must go on. 

How can you doubt it when you see that face?


1-When you’re a grandparent you get to send them home, and get a good nights sleep!!


Grandparenthood rocks! 

Now for the great news!  This little guy will be joining our family in September!


Look at this precious little soul!

Can you stand it?

I can’t wait to be a grandma…again!

I am so excited for this new baby to love!!!

Heroes: Elizabeth Smart!

Today I watched this amazing video of Elizabeth Smart telling the story of her kidnapping.

She is so amazing!

Her example is inspirational. She has been able to rise above her horrific trauma and bless us all with her wisdom. She reminds us that we can choose what how we will react to life and the hard challenges that we face. I

She is one of my heroes!

Sunday Best!

This quote describes my darlin to a “T.”

“Love is one of the chief characteristics of Deity, and ought to be manifested by those who aspire to be the sons of God. A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race.” -Joseph Smith


You will not usually see my darlin cruising around with his chainsaw and working on the Sabbath, but we have had some serious wind storms, and trees have been falling on homes, cars, and making a real mess where we live.

Last night the wind start to blow really hard. I’m sure a lot of people didn’t sleep well. Sometime in the night the power went out and by 7:30 this morning I received a text saying that 9:00 church had been cancelled. The power was out in the church.

My sweetie decided to go for a ride and see what things looked like. He ended up driving past our old home. It has many tall pine trees around it. He noticed one pine tree was tipping a bit and when he looked at the ground realized it was going to fall over. He quickly went to the door and let the people who live there now know they needed to move the cars that were parked very close to the tree. They rushed to move the cars and within a minute or so the tree came down right where the cars were.

They were so grateful!

My darlin showed up at home and told me the story, then left with his chainsaw to cut up the tree.


When he got back to our old home. The tree next to the one that fell, was beginning to tip as well. Some of the neighbors noticed the activity going on and started to help clear the limbs and clean up while others started cutting down the other tree.


I drove over to see the damage. I was amazed and surprised that it never happened while we lived there. What a wonderful neighborhood. People were coming to help without any special request. Just seeing the need and helping. I love these people!

I love my darlin for blessing so many others, and always being “anxious to bless the whole human race!”

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy


Today, it has been 7 years since I started my blog!


It’s my blogiversary!!

So here’s a list of 7 things I’ve learned blogging for 7 years:

1-Always remember why you do it.


I don’t spend a lot of time on other peoples blogs. I am trying my best to get a grip in my life and sitting on the computer all day doesn’t help. So if I don’t have a lot of visitors, because I’m not commenting all the time on others blogs, I’m ok with that. I am leaving a journal with stories and what not for my family and anyone else who would like to visit. I love you all!

2-Put your best foot forward.


Emily and Anthony’s cute socks and shoes on their wedding day!

I struggle sometimes. I prefer to not focus on complaining. It’s really not me anyway. I am a joyful person! I am always looking for the blessings in life.

3-Have variety.


If I always focus on one topic, it’s like I’m talking in a monotone voice. That’s not very fun! So it’s good to mix it up.

4-Be totally honest.


I am, what I am. I love to share what I feel and the adventures I’m having. Sometimes, life is challenging. Maybe if I share how I’m working through a challenge it might help someone else. Who’s to say…;)

5-It takes a lot of effort sometimes, and that’s ok.


Remember Dory? Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!

6-“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”


I am a firm believer that love conquers all. I don’t agree with everyone on the internet, and I know they don’t all agree with me, but we can be kind and show love for other humans when we communicate.

7-Sharing what matters most to me is fun!


Sunday’s really are Best! Family History is so fun! Missionaries make me happy! Beautiful Places are beautiful! My Darlin, First Born, Janet, Dream Come True, Most Quoted, Amber, Bonus Baby, Anthony, Grandbabies, and Tayzie mean the world to me! Someday this blog will be a treasure for the people I love, maybe it is already. Either way, it’s here and waiting for a visit from all!

Thank you for visiting! I hope you return often!

Love, Joy


I’ve been going through boxes…still.

I moved a year ago, we downsized.

Somethings you can go through quick, and junk or donate. Somethings take time, like the kids school papers, and family memorabilia. My expectation was that I would scrapbook, or organize as we lived, and experienced the things that are now in boxes, while we were experiencing the memory.


I was busy when they happened,


Now, if you’re one of those mom’s like I was, don’t be hard on yourself. Do the best you can, and someday you can be like me. 😉 I found some pictures today of my kids when they were just tiny. With tears streaming down my cheeks I thought of all the fun we had as a family when they were little. It was the best! I wouldn’t trade it for anything!!!

If I had organized all the things I meant to, I wouldn’t be spending time today thinking about how blessed I’ve been to have children, a sweet darlin, and wonderful memories of all of us growing together!


Riley 2 years old with Uncle Brad


Alex 6 months old with Grandpa


Riley 5 years old and Kelsey 2 years old (me in the background)

She is my Bonus!!!


Happy Birthday sweet Bonus Baby, Emily!!!

22 reasons why I am so glad I’m your mama!

You are:

1-a bonus 2-the cherry on top 3-the cutest caboose 4-beautiful 5-a spiritual giant 6-so sweet 7-thoughtful 8-a good friend 9-motivated 10-adventurous 11-faithful 12-a good example 13-darling 14-fun 15-happy 16-a leader 17-very huggable 18-hard working 19-sensitive 20-easy going 21-trustworthy 22-the best!!!!

I love you so much!!!! 
Have a wonderful Birthday!!

Little Brothers!


Today is my little brother Grant’s birthday- Happy Birthday Grant!!

And on the 2nd of April was my baby brother Larry’s birthday- Happy Birthday Larry!!

Aren’t they so cute?

When we were kids I was often the one in charge when the parents weren’t home. I wish I could say I was always nice to them. I wasn’t.

They really were fun little brothers. They were inseparable.

Grant seemed a little more quiet than Larry when they were kids. Grant has so many talents, and is very creative. He worked hard at college and is a very good provider for his family. He is a leader. One of my favorite things about Grant is, I know he is always doing his best in whatever he accomplishes. You can count on him for love and support! For years it was our tradition to go to the local Parade of Homes together. He loves architecture and I love looking at all of the beautiful homes.  These days, besides being an all around great guy, he is a brilliant photographer of the Great Salt Lake area.

Larry is my baby brother. I don’t know if he likes me calling him that, but I was 9 when he was born and helping mom take care of him was such a fun thing to me. He was my baby. The one I took care of, and hauled around. Now he is a big guy and very lovable. He took state in wrestling in high school. We are all proud of that. He is very generous and loving to all of us. He is so creative and has a lot of projects going all the time. He is the epitome of an entrepreneur. He writes music and stories, and is creative and efficient, and also a great photographer and world traveler. He is my biggest help when it comes to technology (I’m sure he wishes he wasn’t).

Once when we were young I wanted to watch my two favorite shows: Love Boat, and Fantasy Island (I am embarrassed to say that), and the little brothers wanted to watch something else. Well, I was the boss ’cause mom and dad were gone. I said, “No, way!” A few minutes later the little brothers come in the room with picket signs and saying, “Rights for little brothers!” Bouncing the signs up and down. I about lost it! Oh my stars! They were so cute.

I feel so blessed to have these cute little brothers!!! I love you both!


My life would not be complete without you!