Family History Friday: Stories!


Great Grandpa and Grandma Hanson’s 50th Wedding Anniversary!

Knowing stories about our family members, and ancestors is not only fun, it helps us to feel like we can relate to them. It helps us know that they have or had experiences, challenges as well as wonderful things happen in their lives, just like us!

A fun way to record the stories is to have a Family Home Evening.

I found a article that gives us ideas for fun Family Home Evening activities we can do with our families. Visit the site here! After you visit, make a plan for a fun time with family.

Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

Are You Feeling It?


I stated in a post several months ago that I struggle with depression. 

The end of March marks one year in our new (old) home.

It has been quite a year! 

These are the things that happened in the last year:

1-We sold our home of 18 years. Left a wonderful neighborhood and church family, and moved to a new wonderful neighborhood and church family.

2-We bought a darling new home, built in 1906 and half the size of our old home.

3-We all lived together in our old home. My oldest with his sweet wife and baby in the basement apartment while they looked for a home, and our three other young adult children going to school, etc.

Not anymore! Oldest son and wife, Riley and Janet bought a home, second son Alex bought a home, and the girls, Kelsey and Emily moved in with him.

Which means….we became “empty nesters!” (Much more difficult than I anticipated)

4-Second son, Alex met and fell in love with his sweetheart, Amber. We had a wedding in October!

5-Girls no longer want to live with brother, Kelsey moves back with us, Emily moves in with Grandmother.

6-Quit my job. It was just too much.

7-Emily met and fell in love with her sweetheart, Anthony. We had a wedding in January. Spent the whole month of January sewing, creating centerpieces, and ordering wedding decor.

Not to mention, that since 2010 we sent Riley to Boot Camp, Alex to South Africa to serve a mission, Kelsey to Texas to serve and mission, and Emily to the West Indies to serve a mission, we received them all home and had three weddings, a funeral for my father-in-law and many other changes, including health issues for my parents. This last five years have probably been the busiest time of my life.

I’m only telling you all of this, because sometimes I think life just wears you out!

I wouldn’t change any of these experiences for anything, but I feel pooped. The state of my mind doesn’t help sometimes.

The reason I titled this post “Are You Feeling It” is, because I consider feelings very important.  There are feelings of worry, fear for the future, for the safety of family, etc. Sometimes when I have feelings come to mind that are not helpful to me, I have learned some pretty good coping skills, like looking for all the good things that are happening, also making sure I am taking care of myself.

I would say the feeling I long for most on a consistent basis is Peace. I really want to feel that all the time, but that may be too unrealistic.

There are times when I want to feel close to my Father in Heaven. It’s not that I don’t feel Him to a certain extent, but not the way I want to feel Him. It could be my happy pill, sometimes I’ve heard from others taking medication that they can’t even cry. The pill makes them feel numb. I need the pill to be my best, but I want to know He is there for me. That I am of infinite worth to Him. I want to know He is hearing my prayers and answering them.

I have decided it is an issue of Faith, for me. I was studying Faith and thought, maybe I don’t have enough Faith.

In the Bible dictionary it says Faith is a principle of action. You know how people say to “exercise” Faith. I thought that explains a lot…I never really like to “exercise.” Haha 🙂 (I wish I could say I was kidding. I know, exercise releases endorphins.) So anyway, if Faith is a principle of action, I decided to make a list of things I could do to “exercise” Faith. Here it is: Study my scriptures, pay my tithing and offerings, attend all my church meetings, take the sacrament in a meaningful way-thinking about the Savior and His atonement for me, doing my best at my church calling, also really putting an effort into saying heartfelt prayers at least morning and before bed. I already do these things, but maybe not my very best effort. I committed to build my Faith.

And guess what?

It helped. I started noticing things in my day going smoother, or having some tiny insignificant thing go just right. I even had answers to prayers come in a way I could not deny. I know there may be some doubters, but I felt it! I felt Him. I felt Him loving me and I am feeling much better than I have for a year.

If you are struggling with your Faith, do your best to put your desire to increase your Faith into action. This lets Heavenly Father know you are willing to do your part, to act, to meet Him in the middle or even more. Whatever it takes, do it! I can say I can Feel it, and I am so grateful for my increased Faith.

My Therapy Dog!


Dogs are so perceptive.

They know how your doing at any given second. This sweet girl knows she is loved. She stays close and even wants to be on my lap as I sit at my desk working. It can’t be comfortable, but there isn’t a rug, or chair close by so she can be near me. She cries at my feet till I pick her up and put her on my lap.

What a blessing animals are to our lives.

I love this sweet Tayzie Mae!


Missionary Monday: Soeur S. in France!


Je sais qu’il vit, mon Rédempteur! – 28 mars 2016

What a glorious spring day after a beautiful day of celebrating the resurrection of our savior Jesus Christ. Though we should remember Christ’s Atonement and Resurrection everyday, I find it joyous to celebrate it on a specific Sunday as well.

It was another great week in the N. A week well invested and enjoyed. As always, there were highs and lows, miracles and tragedies, and so many blessings.

As I am sure everyone is informed, more so than us probably, of the missionaries from this mission who were injured in the Bruxelles attack, I don’t need to write much. However, I am simply grateful for each one of them, their service, their examples to me throughout their missions, and their attitudes and courage through this time. I know each of them, Elder Norby and Elder Wells more than Soeur Clain and Elder Empey, but each of them have taught me something and I am glad to know they were protected and kept alive. I never thought I would experience 3 major terrorist attacks on my mission and be so close to it all, but it has been such a learning experience and testimony to me that God watches over and comforts His servants.

I have gained a better glimpse of how badly this world needs the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. It is truly by studying and living the teachings and following the example of He who was perfect. To finish my work in France with Easter has been such a blessing, especially following the events of the week. I know that this life is not the end. I know that Jesus Christ suffered and died for us just as I know that He lives for us. He lives! He has been resurrected and He lives today! What great joy and hope I have because of Him.

I cannot express in words how grateful I am to have been given the honor, privilege, and responsibility to share the restored gospel with the people in France for the past 18 months. It has been absolutely incredible. Words simply cannot convey what it has been like to serve in this mission. I know that this is the work of God. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true and living church of Jesus Christ restored to the earth today. It was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith by the priesthood authority of God. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and contains the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is true and it is real. The power from reading, studying, and applying it is real. I know that God has a plan and it is a plan of happiness, eternal and everlasting joy. It is in knowing this plan and doing the best one can to live the gospel by faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and finally enduring to the end, that we may achieve true happiness in this life and in the life to come.

Jesus Christ lives. He is our savior. He is the Son of God. His Atonement is real.

I love my savior and I love being a missionary. I have been bracing myself for the retour but I know that I don’t have to stop being a missionary once I am released and remove my plaque. This work needs everyone, member and missionary, every single person to being doing missionary work. It is the most important work. Inviting others unto Christ. Living the gospel daily, helping others know Christ through our actions and words, inviting them to partake of the joyous and delicious fruit of the gospel. It’s what it’s all about.

Je vous aime tous. Merci pour votre soutien et amour. Vous êtes les meilleurs.

À jeudi,

Sœur S

Sunday Best: Adversity


In church I taught the girls in my class about adversity.

This is a tough one for me,

which is why I think I decided to study it and then teach it, again. I need to keep reminding myself so I can wrap my brain around this one.

I know we need it.

I know it’s part of our mortal experience.

I know why we have to go through hard things, I just don’t like it.

“As part of Heavenly Father’s plan.., you experience adversity during mortality. Trials, disappointments, sadness, sickness, and heartache are a difficult part of life, but they can lead to spiritual growth, refinement, and progress as you turn to the Lord.” -True to the Faith. Paraphrasing: Adversity comes from different sources, consequences from disobedience, as a natural part of life, because of others’ poor choices. 

I have been struggling with and watching others deal with all of the challenges of life. It is “a hard knocks life” to quote Annie. So much sorrow, so much selfishness, and dishonesty. So much hurt, and pain.

I recently heard of a terrible incident where a man accidentally killed his own son while target practicing. The young son had a wife and two children. Tragic. Their lives will never be the same. How does someone go on after that?

If you look, you can find all sorts of devastating news about how this or that happened and their life is changed forever. There are evil people, famines, and natural disasters all over the world. So much adversity.

According to True to the Faith- We can complain and become bitter, and let thoughts of “why me?” dominate our thoughts, or we can ask our Father in Heaven to help us learn what He would have us learn, and remember our many blessings. Sometimes if the adversity is illness, we may have to simply be patient and faithful. If our adversity is because of another’s words or actions, we need to work toward forgiveness. Maybe, if it is abuse we need to seek help. 

“Whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trial, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.” Alma 36:3

One of my favorites stories is about Corrie ten Boom. She and her family were put in a concentration camp during World War II, because they hid Jews from the Nazi’s. Miraculously they were able to keep a small Bible with them in their barracks. For some time the Nazi soldiers would avoid checking on them. They later found out that the soldiers were avoiding them because the barracks was infested with fleas. Corrie’s sister Betsie had encouraged Corrie to give thanks for everything, even the fleas. Corrie had a hard time with this, until she found out that it was because of the fleas that they were able to read their Bible. In the book that tells their story it says,

“like waifs clustered around a blazing fire…The blacker the night around us grew, the brighter and truer and more beautiful burned the Word of God.” -The Hiding Place.

In the most horrible circumstances they were able to learn from their experiences, and become close to God. They were able to remember blessings.

Neil L Andersen said, “In nature, trees that grow up in a windy environment become stronger. As winds whip around a young sapling, forces inside the tree do two things. First, they stimulate the roots to grow faster and spread farther. Second, the forces in the tree start creating cell structures that actually make the trunk and branches thicker and more flexible to the pressure of the wind. These stronger roots and branches protect the tree from winds that are sure to return.

You are infinitely more precious to God than a tree. You are His son or His daughter. He made your spirit strong and capable of being resilient to the whirlwinds of life. The whirlwinds in your youth, like the wind against a young tree, can increase your spiritual strength, preparing you for the years ahead.”

I told the girls in my class that if we do what the trees that live in a windy environment do, if we help our spiritual roots to grow faster and deeper when faced with a challenge by developing our testimony of the Savior and having faith in God’s plan for us, and become thicker and more flexible by staying close to the Lord and His word, we will make it through the challenges and adversity that we will face in our lives.

I am amazed how many times I have had to learn this. I guess I’m still learning and always will be. I will focus on the lesson in life, what God is trying to teach me. I will “receive all things with thankfulness” and become the woman God is leading me to become.

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

Sunday Best!

“Life is to be enjoyed, not endured”
―Gorden B. Hinckley


It was a beautiful, snowy, cold day. It was a busy, challenging day.

It was a day we have been looking forward to for a lifetime.

It was also fun, exciting, spiritual and wonderful.


Don’t just endure!

Hope your Sunday is the Best! Love, Joy

Busyness Pt-2: Planning a Wedding!

Planning a wedding is so much fun!

It can be very stressful if you try to do too much and not let other people help. It is something little girls think about a million times while they are growing up. It is an event that moms look forward to sharing with their daughters from the time they are born. We build it up and have so many expectations about how it is going to be. It can be very beautiful and very reasonably done. It’s best to be realistic though, and know that things don’t always go perfect and that’s ok.

With that I will say I am very frugal. I have taught my children to be careful with their money, and I know they will be careful with their parents money, too.

I will never spend an insane amount of money on an event that will last a day.

The most important part of the wedding day is the Wedding, the actual vows. Making promises and professing your love to all, especially God. When you look into your sweetheart’s eyes and your know you want to be with them forever. That is the most important part of the day. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to have that.

Within a day or so of the announcement of the upcoming wedding, I usually find a book that I can use for the planning. The book I used for Emily and Anthony’s wedding was just an address book that I knew I would never use for it’s intended purpose. I separate it into sections.

I find it is easier for me to simplify the categories. Most of the planning can fit into one of the following categories:

1-Important-Things in this section are, you guessed it, important. *Research of and final choice for the wedding venue. *The address and phone # of the county you will be married in, with the information about when to purchase the wedding license. *Contact information about the officiator at the wedding.

2-Budget-Of course it’s very important to have a budget. You can spend a lot of money on a wedding, enough to save a small country. Or you can be very careful with most of the wedding and spend a little more on special things. Pick the part of the wedding or things at the wedding that matter the most to you. It could be the location, the dress, or something like the flowers. We bought Emily’s dress at a vintage clothing store and I made modifications to it to make it what she wanted. We used canning jars that were decorated for the centerpieces. They are very popular and cheap or free.

3-Guests-Start listing and gathering all the addresses of those who will be invited to the wedding, the wedding luncheon, and the reception. The same people may be invited to all of the events, but maybe not. I usually invite family and close friends to the wedding, and the luncheon. Then I invite more casual friends, neighbors, co-workers, and acquaintances to the reception.

4-Reception-I put everything about the reception in this category. Location: All of the possibilities for the location, their phone numbers, prices and details about what they offer. I went on google and checked addresses to see if the address for the wedding and the address for the reception are close enough to make it convenient for those attending. You need to know that we are LDS, and our daughter got married in the LDS Temple. They don’t hold receptions there, so the reception location was different. Decorations: Table decorations, back drop where the bride and groom will stand to greet guests, sign in table, pictures and decor placed here and there to add to the total feel of the reception, ceiling decorations (we used paper lanterns), etc. Food: What will be served, what type of food and how you will serve it. How you will present it? Will you have servers, or helpers to clear the tables. Some weddings serve a full meal. We didn’t do that, we served refreshments. More about the reception in a future blog post.

5-Misc-The wedding luncheon (or brunch or whatever you decide) can go in this category. I put information about the colors for the wedding. Swatches of the fabric we used, etc.

Another helpful part of the planning is to get a Pinterest account. It is a fantastic resource for planning fun “do it yourself” decorations. You can purchase a couple of magazines, to look through for ideas. A Google search of this place or that place, or different types of decorations, etc.

These are some things that have helped me. I planned two weddings last year. One was our son, and the second was our daughter. Both weddings turned out great and they were both different. It was very fun, and stressful, but I loved doing all of this for my kids and their sweet spouses.

-Just an FYI, I planned Emily’s wedding in 3 months. It can be done! I promise!


Busyness, Etc.

EmAndAnthWedding (1)

Where do I start? 

I have been a slacker…..Only in my blogging!

Life is so wonderful, and hard, and awesome! Our family had a wonderful blessing on Saturday, January 30, 2016. Our daughter Emily, my Bonus Baby was married for time and all eternity to her sweetheart in the Jordan River Temple.

It was wonderful!

It was a blizzard.

It’s was very overwhelming and fun!

I have had my two son’s get married, but this is my first wedding for a daughter. Let me just say there is a big difference in what you do to get ready for a son to marry, as opposed to what you do to get ready for a daughter to marry. I have been sewing, and hot glueing and organizing for weeks and weeks for this blessed event.

It all turned out great!

Now that we have had our day with Em, I’ll share some of our preparations with you.

I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t in preparing. I’ll share some of the things I’ve learned. I will share pictures and fun ideas.

Watch for my next post!