

Camilla Kimball

Camilla Kimball was President Spencer W. Kimball’s wife. She was an amazing woman and one of my heroes. While she was alive she was always learning. She took classes to increase learning every year of her married life. She read lots of books. She loved reading. Did she know all the answers?


Did she let her desire to know and learn make her frustrated when she didn’t know all the answers?


This is what an article said about her:

Because of her family’s hospitality toward searching and studying, Sister Kimball says, “I’ve always had an inquiring mind. I’m not satisfied just to accept things. I like to follow through and study things out. I learned early to put aside those gospel questions that I couldn’t answer. I had a shelf of things I didn’t understand, but as I’ve grown older and studied and prayed and thought about each problem, one by one I’ve been able to better understand them.”

She twinkles, “I still have some questions on that shelf, but I’ve come to understand so many other things in my life that I’m willing to bide my time for the rest of the answers.”-Source

My favorite thing about Camilla was that she was “Ok” with waiting for the answers to come at the right time. I am “Ok” with this, too!!!

I’m so thankful to Sister Kimball for her example of being a constant student all of her life.

Sunday Best!


“Let us be wise in all things, and keep all the commandments of God, that our salvation may be sure. Having our armor ready and prepared against the time appointed and having on the whole armor of righteousness, we may be able to stand in that trying day”-Joseph Smith

Hope your Sunday is the Best! Love, Joy



My little darlin’ is very athletic!

He can do most sports very well. He would not say that…but I would. He is very humble about it all. I can’t do sports at all. (Although, I used to be a gymnast, like a hundred years ago)

He’s always trying to get me to do sports with him. Honestly, I’m not sure if Golfing is a sport, but that is what this post is about, so here we go.

Up at Bear Lake, he wanted to hit a bucket of balls. I love to watch him!!! Well, on the way to hit the bucket of balls he says, “Let’s go putt for a minute.” I’m like, “Nooo, I’m not very good.” He keeps encouraging me, and so we go over to the putting green. We hit a few balls back and forth on the green, and pretty soon it’s a great time.

I said one of the funniest things…I said,

“I hate it when you make me have fun!”

We laughed!


Now, when ever he tries to get me to do sports I say,

“I hate it when you make me have fun!”


Inspired Rocks.


Years ago we decided to do some rock walls in an area of our yard. My daddy is an amazing landscaper! His first grown up job was as a brick layer, which helped him develop skills for all kinds of yard projects. He has built rock walls many times in his life.

So my darlin’ and I asked for his help in making our rock wall. My dad said to go get a load of rocks and when you’ve got them we’ll do it. My darlin went to pick up a load. He hunted and looked through the rocks at the quarry. He spent a lot of time picking what he thought was the best rocks, then brought them home.

When my dad saw the rocks he said, “Hmm…they’re not very “inspired.” We were both not sure what he meant. He went on to explain that round rocks, like the rocks that have been in a river, that are smooth and roundish from the water running over and around them don’t make the best rocks for a wall. The best rocks for a wall are irregular and have edges that kind of fit together like a puzzle. The best rocks are “inspired” rocks.

I love the way my daddy described the rocks as “inspired.” 

I will never look at a rock wall without thinking about the day I learned what an “inspired” rock is!



I hesitate to write this post.

I know, I know, “our joyful nest” is supposed to be “a happy place to be”, but I’m sorry to say it’s not always the happiest. It’s not the saddest either. It’s just normal life, with it’s ups and downs.

I knew when we moved a few months ago that there might be some struggles for me emotionally. I don’t mind small changes and I usually cope well with them, but big changes sometimes throw me for a loop.

I have officially been thrown for a loop.

I’m not one to share complaints, or go on and on about my challenges. I do have a tendency to stay a little more quiet, and try to work through it by myself, but I wanted to give an explanation for my lack of posting lately.

Struggle #1

Depression. I am a woman named “Joy” who struggles with depression. It’s just wrong…:}. Or at least it seems like something a person like me would never deal with. I have been told by many people once I tell them, they “can’t believe it.” I have learned to cope through the years, but sometimes I have to work harder than ever to make it past a snag. Like moving out of a house I’ve lived in for 18 years and having all of my children move out on their own at the same time.

Struggle #2

I absolutely love my children, like most mothers do, so having them not live with me anymore is a lonesome thing. At the same time, I know it is good for them to grow up and I love living as empty nesters with my darling sweet hubsy. I still worry about them, and wonder what time they got home on a Friday night.

Struggle #3

Too much to do, not enough time to do it in. This never seems to change.

So of course life continues and I am still learning. Some days I am struggling very much with even leaving the house. I do it anyway, and I pretend a lot on those days.

I thought since I just spilled my guts that I would tell you some of the things I do to cope with these struggles.

Coping with #1


First of all I am on medication for depression. I lovingly call it my “happy” pill.

I never miss it!

I have tried many different medications through the years and this one works for me. I still feel the effects of depression to a certain extent, and I know I need it. I have weaned myself off before and could not stop crying, so I went back on it.

 I am careful with my sugar consumption. I love sugar, but it doesn’t love me.

I take vitamins, and eat lots of healthy food. Green things and natural things.

I get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

I attend church on a regular basis and pray always, believing with all my heart that the Savior can help me live my life to the fullest, and that He knows me and what I’m dealing with in my life. It is faith that helps me when I have negative thoughts come to my mind. I know certain things like: I am a wonderful person who is very blessed. I have family that loves and supports me and I can do hard things. I repeat in my mind that I know this, when my feelings tell me “you suck”, “no one cares”. or “God doesn’t get you”.

Gratitude! I am constantly reminding myself of all the blessings I have, even dealing with depression and struggles is a blessing.

The best thing I do to cope is to forget myself. In the middle of all of the things I feel sad about, I get busy loving someone who is worse off than me, someone who is struggling more. Sometimes I can’t do this, but I do what I can to move past the sadness. This works for me. It may not work for everyone.

Oh, I almost forgot...laugh! I have mentioned before in other posts that I laugh really easy. This is truly a blessing to me. If I’m really struggling I can watch a movie or read something that makes me laugh. 🙂

I even listen to uplifting music. This helps a ton.

I believe that we owe it to those we love and who love us to be our best self. It is not fun to live with a grumpy, sad person. I don’t want to be that person to those I love, so I do my best to be my best self.

Coping with #2

I absolutely love my children.

So this is a similar way to cope as with #1, because I do a lot of self talk.

I love my children, and I love to be with them as much as possible. They love me too, but their not supposed to be spending a lot of time with their mom and dad. They’re supposed to be living their own life. They work, go to school, date, and my oldest is supposed to be spending time with his family.

If they are doing their own thing, that is good!!!

Some people have a hard time getting their kids to leave “the nest”, we should be happy that they are happy to leave! “Yay! We did a good thing, we raised them and taught them to be independent, responsible adults, and to live on their own.”

I feel sad for a minute and talk to myself and then get busy doing something else.

Coping with #3

Too much to do, not enough time to do it in.

I can’t believe I still struggle with this… really! I love to get things done. I am a list person. I love to make lists of the things I need to get done and then check each item off as I do them. The problem is I always try to put too much into each day, and then I’m bummed when I don’t complete the list. Dur!!!

I have to remind myself… it’s ok to take your time.

Like my son Alex said “Remember, ‘Slow and Steady wins the race!'”

Read the post, here!

So…now you know more about me than you ever wanted to know. I hope in some small way that what I have said is helpful to someone out there.

We are all children of a loving Heavenly Father. He sent His son to show us by example how to live. He atoned for our sins and because of this we can always do better. We mean everything to Him. You mean everything to Him!!

and I love you!

“Have courage for the great sorrows of life, and patience for the small ones. And when you have finished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake.” -Victor Hugo

Missionary Monday: Sister S. in Missouri!

I love the peace that you can find in the temple! It almost brings me to tears of joy. It also is so nice to see so many friends and friendly faces! This week was great!
And there was also a special surprise. Elder and Sister Holland and their family came to the Liberty Jail around 8am on July 16th. We got a call around 9 from Sister G. telling us that he was here and he wanted to greet us! Sister S. and I headed over as quickly as we could. Smiling face with smiling eyes We all stood in a line at the front. When they were finished in the rotunda, we were able to meet the family. Elder Holland wanted to shake all of our hands, but he apologized for being in his pday clothes (a blue checkered button up shirt, blue pants, and sandals.) He kept reaching for his unbuttoned collar, you could tell he preferred to do this in a suit. He shook all our hands, Sister S. and I were last. When he shook my hand he said, “Where did you get your hair?! Flaming, just flaming!”Smiling face with smiling eyes Sister Holland also gave us all hugs, she was just so sweet, and she also admired my hair! Smiling face with smiling eyesWhen they were about to leave he decided that he wanted to take a picture with us, usually he doesn’t do that unless he is in a suit, so, to hide the fact that he wasn’t properly dressed he said he would stand behind us. He said that they had to take a picture with these beautiful Sisters. Wow, what a neat and special experience! It was an answer to my prayer,”Heavenly Father, if Elder Holland comes, all I want is to be able to shake his hand. That would mean so much to me.” Smiling face with smiling eyes
Also this week I received a revelation that I thought I would share! While I was in the second narration I received some revelation. There was a group that had just come from the Navoo pageant I was reminded of all those who come to protest at things like that. All the anti and all the bashing, etc.. As I was there in the second narration, where Joseph and the other prisoners were brought to the jail, It really solidified the fact that truth will always be opposed. (There was a huge group of people who had gathered to see these “monster like” men. As Joseph was entering the jail he turned to the crowd and said, “Good afternoon gentleman.”) I have thought about that in the second narration before, but it never hit me quite like that before. As I shared what stood out to me, more came. Truth will always be opposed, we are seeing evidence of that all over. We will be asked to stand up for those truths that we hold dear. As we do that we can, and should, respond like Joseph. We should respond with kindness, love, and compassion; we should respond like our Savior. We can and should be Christ-like. D&C 123:17 “Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.” Our investigator really wants to be baptized! We are just trying to work out a few details so that we can have him on a specific date. He asked our bishop if he would perform the ordinance! We also are trying to see if we can still teach them because they are moving to another town. Fingers crossed!

Well I love you all so much! I know that the Church is true! I Know that our Savior lives, and I love getting to share that testimony on a daily basis. This really is the best thing I could have done. I am so grateful that I followed the spirit and came  on a mission. The Lord really has blessed me so much! I love you all!!!
Mucho Love! Smiling face with smiling eyes Sister S.

Family History Friday: Mormon Migration

Emerald Isle_edited-1

I found a wonderful site to help with your search if you have Mormon ancestry. It’s called “Mormon Migration” you can find it here.

“About 90,000 Latter-day Saint converts crossed the oceans during the 19th century, heeding a call to come to Zion, to “be gathered in unto one place” (D&C 29:7). The first company of Saints gathered to Zion in 1840, followed by a continual flow of immigrants over the next decades. Immigration, after conversion, was considered the fruit of a faithful Saint. Church leaders de-emphasized convert immigration to America at the close of the 19th century, and during the 20th century The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints constructed chapels and encouraged converts to build Zion in their homelands.”

There are all kinds of records at this site, with many search options!

Check it out, and just have fun with it. It is so interesting to me, even if I don’t find any of my ancestors, I just have so much fun looking through the information.  You can enter dates, and it will pull up all of the ships that sailed within the dates you set. You can also view the original passenger lists. I love it!

Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

The Best Remedy-Nature!

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The best remedy for those who are afraid,

lonely or unhappy is to go outside, 

Somewhere where they can be quiet,

Alone with the heavens, 

Nature and God

Because only then does one feel

That all is as it should be

And that God wishes to see people happy, 

Amidst the simple beauty of nature. 

-Anne Frank

 A few weeks ago in church one of the young women shared an experience she had at girls camp. They rowed in a boat out to the middle of a beautiful lake. When they got to the middle, the leaders asked them to sit silently for a few minutes. They asked the girls to think, look, and listen. After the few minutes were up, some of the girls had tears in their eyes. They could feel something sweet and powerful. A message from God that they are loved. Then they sang a song called, “I Feel My Saviors Love.” All of the girls were crying now. They really could feel their Saviors Love.

I have had that same feeling out in nature.

I am so grateful for this beautiful earth!

Go for a hike, go to the park and lay on the ground beneath a tree and watch the branches move with the breeze, or even a ride in the car through the canyon or past a lake.

We are so blessed!!!