Dancing Desk Flower Love!

DancingFlowersMy friend that I work with got a dancing flower from her mom a few months ago.

I love it!

It sits on her desk, and dances all day long.

You don’t have to water it. You don’t have to feed it. In fact it says on the back of the box to check your fertilizer at the door. That is a good thing. It is so cute!

For Christmas, my son and his sweet wife gave me my own dancing flower. Yay!

Now we both have dancing flowers on our desks.

It makes our days seem a little more happy! All you need to have a great day is a little sunshine and a happy dancing flower! Well, you need a few more things than that, but it’s a start!

Dance your way through your day, and don’t forget to check your fertilizer at the door!

Sunday Best!


“While the Christmas season is typically a time for looking back and celebrating the birth of our Lord, it seems to me that it should also be a time of looking to the future. Let us look forward. Let us prepare for that blessed day when He will come again. Let us be as wise as those ancients who watched for His coming.”    -Dieter F. Uchtdorf

jesus-christ-39623-galleryI hope you all had a wonderful Christmas holiday! I love the Savior and I am so grateful for His birth, His life, and His atonement. I am so grateful that He died for me, and because of His resurrection, I will be resurrected too. He is the Gift, the first Gift of Christmas.

I love Him.

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy


Tender Mercies…Everyday.

Tender Mercies!photoLast week when I came home from work for lunch I decided to eat a Cutie orange. I began to peel it and I noticed that the stem had this beautiful star shape.

The first thought that crossed my mind was how sweet of my loving Father in Heaven to bless me with this little reminder, and assurance that He is there. That there is a purpose. That there are no accidents, and us living here on this earth is so important, that even the tiniest stem is of significance to Him. That it needed to be perfectly shaped so that I would notice it and think of Him, and of His Son, who created this beautiful world…for me…and you. I thought of all times we see the star shape in this world. It must be a favorite of Heavenly Father’s. During the Christmas season when we think of the star and how it lead the shepherds to the baby Jesus, it is wonderful to have this little reminder. I am so grateful for this little tender mercy. I will look for them, and find them everyday.


“I testify that the tender mercies of the Lord are real and that they do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence. Often, the Lord’s timing of his tender mercies helps us to both discern and acknowledge them….The Lord’s tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ….Faithfulness, obedience and humility invite tender mercies into our lives, and it is often the Lord’s timing that enables us to recognize and treasure these important blessings….I testify that the tender mercies of the Lord are available to all of us and that the Redeemer of Israel is eager to bestow such gifts upon us….Each of us can have eyes to see clearly and ears to hear distinctly the tender mercies of the Lord as they strengthen and assist us in these latter days.”-David A. Bednar



make me cry!

We just picked up Emily from the airport two weeks ago, yesterday. 

I cried.









Today I dropped off Kelsey at the airport. 

I cried.


Years ago, like when I was a teenager,

I used to cry

when I would see airplanes taking off from the airport.

Do you know why? In the beginning it was because I knew people were leaving each other. Since I got older and had more experiences with airports, now I know that it is a happy place too. People who haven’t seen each other for a long time get together. 

Maybe it’s a little like Heaven or people leaving God to come to earth…people coming and going all the time. 

People crying tears of happiness at being reunited and people crying tears of sadness because someone they love is leaving. 

I think I’m glad to have people that I love so much that I cry at airports. 

Hug Me, First!!!


My famous “picking up our missionaries” sign!

When we go to the airport to pick up our missionaries, I always have a sign like this…

“Hug Me, First! Oh & Welcome Home!”

You would be amazed if I told you how many hugs I have gotten from complete strangers holding this sign. It might be fun to just go to the airport and get hugs for fun!!! People landing at the airport seem to always want someone there to welcome them home or here for a visit.

I am so glad I had a sign that said, “Hug Me, First!” and to receive all those hugs!


FullSizeRenderTogether Again! These beautiful girls, my “Dream Come True” and my “Bonus Baby.” I am so thankful to have them both in my life!!!


My Sister, My Friend

It doesn’t really matter if we’re together or apart, you’re never really far from me, you’re always in my heart.

I love the way we both can laugh, until we almost cry, yet hug each other tenderly, and real tears fill our eyes.

In some ways we’re so different, yet our values are alike, so I know you’ll always have my back, whenever trouble strikes!

You know my darkest secrets, and you never judge my pain. You validate my dreams, and let me know they’re not in vain. 

The face I often show the world, is who “they” need to see, but you accept me for myself, as God would have me be. 

If I could turn one “wish” to prayer, it would be that you could see, how precious you are in my eyes, and how you’ll always be. 

For no matter where life leads us, from now until the end, I pray you’ll feel my love for you, “MY SISTER,” my best friend!

by Barbara D. MacAdam

A Miracle!

2014-02-05 at 17-08-34 (1)FYI: This wonderful man, my daddy, had surgery on Monday and God granted us a miracle. He came through it amazingly and is now home.

I am so grateful that Father in Heaven is aware of us and what we go through. I am so grateful for doctors, nurses, CNA’s, and others who take such good care of us when we’re sick.

Life is Good! God is Great!