Out on a WIM #81



Hey Fam!!!

Thanks for the email and the updates! I am glad to hear that all is going well.
I am doing really great. I am actually happy!!! There was only one time this week that it hit me that I am leaving. And cried so stinkin hard. I think it freaked Sister W. and Sister S. out because they have never seen me cry or sad or anything… I feel kind of numb to it all. It is similar to how I felt when I left on my mission, I couldn’t quite wrap my head around it.
I have been like really antsy it’s kind of hilarious. We will be studying and suddenly I just start pacing around the house… I am doing good though! I am excited to see you all and give you big hugs of course!!
So this week was a bit wild. We were doing lots of Skyping. I skyped three sets of sisters and we had a fireside in our branch this week and so that went really well. A lot of our efforts were spent in service and doing wonderful duties. It was a good week. A little stressful.
On Sunday and at the activity we are having a few potential priesthood holders that have been so solid in keeping commitments and coming to church. It’s amazing. The Lord is blessing us.
As for Sister W. and Sister S., they are doing so well. I got to observe a little bit more this week and let them take the reigns… THEY DID AWESOME!! I have no worries about them taking over the area. I am grateful to have had them as my best friends to finish out my mission and they have been most supportive with my wild emotions and sadness.
Anyway I will tell you everything in a few days. Just so you know I am probably going to talk about my mission and things I learned forever and a day. So bear with me please 🙂
I am so grateful for this time that I have had to serve a full time mission. It has been challenging and pushed me out of my comfort zone. It has blessed me. I have been inspired and led by the sprit time after time. I love my Father in Heaven and I can now say I truly have Him for my closest friend and rely on Him and want Him to be able to trust me with anything He wants done. I have learned so much and I could never express it words to the fullest.
I am so grateful for your support and examples to me and the things you have helped me with. You are always so patient and loving. Thanks for raising me right!
Ummm… I am getting some little things for each of you and I am going to take a little bit more money out today! I hope that is ok. I will have a little surprise for you all.
Wow. I can’t believe this is my last email home as a missionary. I will see you in a few days. I sure love you with all my heart. Don’t forget Gale (Emily’s Pillow Pet) and a coat! Also I would die of happiness if you had pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and fresh salsa at home! That is all. I love you so much. Can’t wait to see you and cry and rejoice with you!
Love, Sister Emily ………… I will miss being called Sister.. It makes my heart hurt just a little. Anyway! See you soon.

Family History Friday: He’s Amazing!

My wonderful daddy has set up a little work area at the hospital.

He is one of the reasons that I love Family History as much as I do.

Here he is, in the hospital waiting for heart surgery and he has his computer set up and he is staying busy. I brought my lap top up to visit him today and we worked on our

Family History for a bit. photo 1 (13)

He’s so popular that we had lots of interruptions. I had so much fun!

And I had to take a picture of his snazzy glasses!!! photo 2 (13)I would say he is an ideal patient. He wrote his own Discharge Goals! My favorite part is the “attitude-Bring on the world, I’m ready for whatever comes my way.”

photo 3 (7)He really is an amazing man!

We’ll be praying for him to do well in surgery. We’ll also have the same attitude, “ready for whatever comes [our] way.”

Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Feeling so much gratitude for, and in no specific order:








(Definitely, Not a complete list!)

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Bumps in the Road!


My sweetie and I were up at the Bear Lake golf course last summer. I was watching him hit a bucket of balls. He is very fun to watch! As we walked back on the path to the car, I noticed that the people who take care of the golf course used white spray paint to mark the bumps in the road, or path, where the tree roots where pushing up the path in different spots.


I said to my darlin’, “If only the bumps in the road of life were marked so well, we could avoid them!”

I came to a bump in my road today. I found out that my daddy’s heart is very sick. I honestly don’t believe that knowing that this bump was coming would make it any easier, and I know that I don’t have the choice to avoid it. Maybe it’s okay if we don’t see the bumps coming, because we would never choose to go over the big bumps. We would just avoid all of them. Having challenges in this life, and going through hard things, is part of why we are here. My daddy has been blessed to live for 80 years, and we have been blessed by his presence. I will have faith that he will get to stay and bless our lives for years to come, but I will also choose to be grateful for all the time I’ve had with him. I know things will turn out the way they are supposed to.

2014-02-05 at 17-08-34 (1)I sure love this Daddy of mine!!!

Out on a WIM #80



Hi fam. I am on an iPad at the senior couples house right now… We all know how tech friendly I am not.. So.. Needless to say this email will definitely not be my longest email…

Thanks for the email!! I was dead cereal about bringing gale to the airport, but I am glad it made you laugh. I am sorry you are not feeling well.
So this week was marvelous!!! We are having so much success it is insane!! We got to have four of our investigators at church which is a miracle. S. is being baptized in a couple of weeks. She made a huge sacrifice in walking way far to get to church that is how I know she has truly had a change of heart.. She would never do that before.. We also had three potential priesthood holders come and they all participated and it was an ideal perfect day 🙂 we are teaching great families and finding lots of prepared people by the Lord. It is amazing, I am so excited every day as we go out and teach!
Hey I will finish emailing you after we eat thanksgiving lunch.. Oh by the way. We now have a senior couple!!
Never mind I am almost out of time.
Anyway all is well. I am so happy and can’t quite wrap my head around what is going to happen soon so I am not as sad as I thought I would be.. I am loving life and my babies. Sister W. and Sister S. are amazing . Oh Sister W. says her family reads my emails from your blog so here is a shout out to her family… Hey W. family I love your daughter she is awesome. I have heard lots about you, all good things. Love you W. family!!
Anyway that is all I can manage to type… It is hard to do it on this iPad..
I am so grateful for you all and for the gospel in my life. Those are the number one things I am thankful for is my fam and my Father in Heaven and my Savior. I love being a missionary and will be one until the day I die and even still after that 🙂
I wish I could write more but just know that I love you and am excited to see ya when I see you!!!
Stay excellent!!
Love, Sister Emily!

“It’s Glorious!”

I have had a certain song on my mind….for days, possibly weeks. Here is the song:



It is the theme song from the movie: Meet the Mormons.

I have so many emotions tied up in this music.

First, I am a member of

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

the “Mormons”.

I love belonging to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I was raised in the church. It makes my heart so happy when there is so much negative going on, to know there are so many wonderful people in the world.

As long as I can remember, I have known I have a Father in Heaven. I Know this life is part of a bigger plan He has for us. He loves us and wants us to have all the experiences that will help us become what we are meant to become.  We are here together to support and help each other as we go through our life. That’s why we have families! and friends!

Second, The message of this song

is that even though we sometimes don’t know which way to turn. We don’t know what is next for us in life, if we are listening with our hearts to what God is trying to tell us, we can receive help. He will guide us, sometimes through other people. We all “play a piece.” Sometimes others help us, and sometimes we’re the ones helping. We will figure out our “part.”

Third, Others are watching us and we can be their example.

If we believe in God, that life has a purpose, that Our Savior Jesus Christ lived and died for us, that He was resurrected and lives today. That we have a responsibility to love and serve God and others in our lives, and that we must love others, because we love God. That example can help someone who is not sure about why we are here. Our confidence and faith in God can help others know it’s okay.

“There are melodies in each one of us!”


This last week our cousin lost his 14 year old daughter. She was beautiful, talented and a wonderful girl. At her funeral her sister sang this song. It was so beautiful. The message continued to be felt in my heart. Let us all use our life to find our piece, our melody, and share that melody with all that we meet.

President Thomas S. Monson said: “Along your pathway of life you will observe that you are not the only traveler. There are others who need your help. There are feet to steady, hands to grasp, minds to encourage, hearts to inspire, and souls to save.”

It’s Glorious! 

Out on a WIM #79



Hello to my absolute favorite people in the entire universe and ting.

How are you all?? For true it sounds like all is going well 🙂
Oh sorry I messed up on your age. #fail
ONLY TWO EMAILS LEFT!!?? Oh my stars! I need to get packing.. I am way excited to give you all big huge hugs and all. It still has not hit me yet. Maybe when I am in our house it’ll finally hit me.
I am glad to hear that you had a great birthday!
Ok so this week. I left my babies. They ran the area for most of the week.
Tuesday me and the Zone Leaders left and went to Trinidad! It was so wild. Last time I was there was a year and a half ago when I was just a little crouton. No seriously though.
I got to see so many sisters that I love and we had a Sisters Meeting with the STL’s and future ones. We taught the new ones and they asked us questions and it was a great meeting. We had a devotional and dinner that night. And then all of Wednesday from six in the morning until eleven at night we had straight spiritual feasting. It was a lot to take in and I loved it.
I was so happy to see all of the people there that I love and adore. And I always feel like I am learning so much..
When we got home I felt really tired and I had a head ache.. I thought it would just pass but I ended up feeling really bad and getting sick so I was out for a couple of days. I slept for hours and hours which is when I know that I am sick because otherwise I am always going a 100 miles an hour and always staying busy. So after much rest one of the Elders gave me a blessing. It was a sweet blessing. And I told Heavenly Father that by the next day I was setting a goal to feel 90%. And according to my faith it happened!! I started to get better quickly and it was amazing. Truly a miracle. So I am doing better now.
This week all together we set 5 baptismal dates!!!! 5 Righteous sons of God are willing to take that step. We are seeing such awesome things happen here. We have now three families that we are working with and lots of future priesthood holders.. It is so wonderful! The Lord is blessing us ever so much.
The Assistants called me on Saturday night with a situation with one of the sisters that needs to be fixed. And they told me that I was the only one they trusted to do it. But really I won’t be the one fixing the problem. It is the Lord. So what I did was I fasted and prayed and practised and counciled with a few trust worthy missionaries and I know I can do this. It feels difficult for me. But through the Father all things are possible. It was a blessing the time this came.. Because I was trying to get better from being sick when they called. Suddenly I felt so enabled. I felt like I had strength more than mine. I have felt that so much being an STL! It’s a cool feeling to allow the Lord to work through you.
So this was my week in a nutshell! It was a good week. I have learned a ton! As usual!
Anyway Mama I am excited to give you a big squish! Thanks for all your support and love. When I get home I would like you to please bring Gale in the car. Also I would really love it if at home there were some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and fresh salsa…… Not to be picky or anything. Just throwing it out there. Haha I am such a goob. And also I would like my bed comforter in the car because I have a feeling I am going to be REALLY cold. Since right now here I sit in the Library shivering because of air conditioning….. I am insane I know.
Dad: I love your teary eyes and the cute wrinkles you have to the sides of your eyes. You are such a gentle spirit! I can’t wait to see you and mama and the fam! I hope all is well. I love you and will see you just now.
Kels: I hope you read the story I told about being enabled by the Lord. The more responsility he gives us the more strength he gives us as well. It is really quite amazing. I know that the Lord trusts you and knows that you’ll do your best even though you are busy. You will be fine. And I can come and help you the best I can! I am glad to hear that you are still a concertaholic and I hope you did my dance moves at the Black Keys concert… just sayin. Anyway hey thanks for the trunky reminder! It still has not worked yet. But I sure am excited to see your face. I love your stinkin guts.
Al: That is way cool!! I will try to make some friends of girls who you think are cute when I get home. I am going to be a matchmaker. I hope that Bishop will let that be my calling!
I love you all! Have a great week. See you just now.
Love, Sister Emily

Sunday Best!

photo 2 (3)

D&C 78:19

“And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.” 


We need to be more grateful.

I think there’s no true character without gratitude. It’s one of the marks of a real strong character, to have a feeling of thanksgiving and gratitude for blessings that are ours. We need more of that spirit in our homes, in our daily associations, in church, everywhere. It doesn’t cost anything. It’s so easy to cultivate the spirit of appreciation and gratitude.

-Ezra T. Benson

Hope your Sunday is the Best! Love, Joy

“For You? Or For Me?


When I was a young mother, and my girls were real small, I bought all of their clothes and they looked darling. I sewed a lot for them.

 I dreamed of the day when I would go shopping with them. I thought it would be so fun to spend time picking outfits together. I imagined that we would like the same styles and fashion. I actually thought I was pretty stylish and hip to the latest fashion.

Pretty soon, however, they started to pick their own clothes. If I bought something without them with me I would end up taking it back, because they didn’t like it. That’s when I stopped buying things for them, without them being there with me.

Since that fateful day….I have come to realize that my dreams of having fun shopping with my girls has not turned out like I thought it would. It’s still pretty fun, it’s just not like I thought it would be. Expectations.

Let me just tell you how it works. I’m shopping with my “Dream Come True” and I say, “Look at this cute shirt! What do you think?”

She looks at me, then the shirt and says, “For you? or for me?”

Ouch! I’m thinking, “Is there a difference?”

Yes, there is…because she would never wear the things I think are cute!

I guess I’m not as fashionable as I thought I was…

…so, if you have daughters and they say, “For you? Or for me?”

don’t feel bad, you’re not alone.

Out on a WIM #78




Greetings one and all. How is everyone doing?? I sincerely hope that everything is going well. It sounds like it is!!

I hope you enjoyed your birthday email 🙂
Ok so I am glad to hear about Jullian’s blessing and that Riley did it!!! That is amazing. Brings tears to my eyes to see how great my brother is doing. He has had a crazy road.
Sounds like this week was eventful! So was mine!
Funny story of the week: So this week it was way rainy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got soaked!! Anyway we went to visit one of our investigators and she was having a yelling fight with one of the neighbours (no big deal) (just the usual) Anyway so they are like screaming at each other and saying words that I will not speak of to you… Haha! ANYWAY so as these two ladies are having a sassy Caribbean fight… Her kids were standing by us while we were slipping around this hill by her house. The little boy was standing by me and we are trying to distract them since their mom was being a dingleberry. Meanwhile the little boy slips and grabs unto me… Or should I say my stretchy skirt and pulls it down along with him. So here I am skirtless in the middle of a fiasco with these ladies… Hahahaha Also all the neighbors gathered around to see what the matter was. It was hilarious! So I started laughing pulled up my skirt and we walked away. End of story.
Right now I am learning (with the Help of Sister W) to play my favorite hymn “sweet hour of prayer” on the piano! Hopefully I will have that down for when I get home 🙂
On Tuesday we had a skype meeting with all the trainers and leaders all throughout the mission. That went really well. He made some jokes about me surviving training two missionaries!!
Something that has been a struggle this week is trying to help people to understand things and not have so many distractions during the lessons. Sometimes I feel like I am teaching as best I can while also relying on the spirit and people are still not getting things!!!! Or are hardening their hearts. It is difficult. I hope I am a good child to my Father in Heaven.
Tonight we are doing a couple of FHE’s with families!
There have been many tender mercies this week (as always) And I know my Father is looking out for me and he strengthens me.
We got S. and another investigator to church!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( I hope Janny doesn’t slap me for all the exclamation points….) But we were so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It made my whole week. It went really well.
Anyway I am now organizing and doing all I can to help the sisters prepare.Tomorrow I will be leaving for Trini for a few days and that’ll be a good opportunity for them to practice relying upon themselves and the Lord. I know they will do wonderful!!!! I really love them very much and they impress me. Anyway that is all for this week.
Have a great week and I love you all very much!!!
Love, Sister Emily