My Most Lovin!

Happy Anniversary!

We’ve spent 29 years together!


Why has it worked? We aren’t a perfect couple, but we have learned some things.

First of all, we began our relationship as friends. We were friends for years before we went on a date. In fact, when he asked me out the first time, I wasn’t sure if it was a date or if we were going out as friends. I decided if he opened the door for me, it was a date. Guess what? He opened the door for me!

Second, we understand that neither one of us is perfect. We will bug each other from time to time. We do our best to treat each other with love, respect, and kindness. I feel so blessed to have this kind of marriage.

Third, we include God in our relationship. He is the most important. If we are both doing our best to live the kind of life we know that our Father in Heaven would be pleased with, we will be treating each other right, and we will have love in our marriage.

It is hard work, but very much worth it. I wouldn’t trade him for anything, and I am thankful everyday for my life with my darlin.

HaPpY BiRtHdAy to My DaRliNeSt!!!

We had a fun day celebrating my sweeties birthday!!!

We rode on the Front Runner to Salt Lake City. We saw a movie at the planetarium, and then we saw lots of other things…. photo 4 (2)We saw the solar system! photo 1 (2)We saw a meteor and touched it!photo 2 (1)We saw a tornado machine!photo 2 (2)We saw this ginormous earth! What a beautiful place we live!!!photo 3 (1)Then I saw this cute guy on Mars doin’ an Egyptian pose!!! 😉photo 4 (1)We had dinner at Tucanos….Mmmmmmm!photo 2 (3)

photo 5 (1)They had a lovely Salad Festival. I think all salad bars should be called a Salad Festival! Don’t you? It seemed that much more special!photo 1 (3)Then we went to the City Creek Center. Beautiful!photo 3 (3)I love spending time with my sweetheart! We had such a fun day!

Happy Birthday to my darlin’!!

Out on a WIM #64



Hello to my most wonderful family! Oh man how are you all?? It sounds like everything is just a bucket of roses there!!! Thanks for the updates on everything 🙂


Ok so pretty much this week was crazy! So crazy. The first few days I was still trying to get everything ready for the Sisters who will be in my last area! Sister S. was feeling really sad to leave the mission and leave me.. Honestly it was hard. I loved my missionary family there. I miss Sister S. and my DL(District Leader) Elder R. was pretty much my best buddy. He lives in Australia and he just went home. But he emailed me today. I was so glad to hear from him. It was sad to leave but it was a good change.
So, my new area… 🙂 I love it here very very much. The first day here I cried and cried. I think because it was a change and stuff. I realized that the previous Sisters that were with Sister W. had not been the best examples in being obedient, diligent missionaries… So I now see my purpose here. The first day I was like shoots, I may have to be unliked here for a while because of my firmness. The first days I just layed everything on the table. I will be more faithful to my Father in Heaven and his leaders then I will to the people I am around. It is a long story! I will tell you in a few months all of the details. But just know that I am in good hands and I know why I am here and I am grateful for that. Something that is great is that I have yet another opportunity to train.. Kinda.. I asked Sister W. what she feels she was not properly trained on and so we have been working on lots of things!! It is awesome. God is good. I am glad that I am able to be an effective instrument in his hands.
I LOVE my new area. There are many prepared people here. Seriously this place feels like heaven. Things are going a lot smoother than they were in my last area. I think I needed that clean slate! We are working with great people. E. is a 14 year old inv. with a baptismal date in a couple of weeks. She is amazing and came to church yesterday it was great.
My Sister Training Leader stuff is going great. I will be traveling back to St. L. to do trade offs and help the sisters there. Sister W. will be with a temp for a couple of days! Everything is going so wonderful!! No I do not feel overwhelmed because I know the Lord is lifting me higher. Otherwise I probably would feel stressed a lot. Just like my plaque scripture says. My strength is weak but I do not rely on my own strength I rely on the Lord and he helps me everyday!
I love being a missionary, so much. The gospel is my rock and I realized that I have become converted to the Lord so much so that even when I am required to do hard things or be persecuted because of the gospel I will take any beating. And with a smile on my face.
Here we get warm showers!!! HOT SHOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have not had one of those in a long time. Our car is like amazing! No keys.. Push to start! Seriously. It’s cray.
Welp. Here is a birthday shout out! Dad, Happy Birthday my pops! I am ever so glad that you were born 🙂 I am grateful for your example of Christlike love and service. You are such a humble and wonderful son of God. You never cease to amaze me and because of you and your love for mama I know what I want my future marriage to be like. I want to be just like you guys. You are such a dear friend to me and I know I can always count on you. Whenever I had a problem at home I knew I could call you and you’d be there to help me. Thanks for being the best dad ever. I love you so very much.
Well! That is all for this week! Sorry no individuals time is scarce!
I love you all. Have a great week. Go out and be like Christ!
Love, Sister Emily

Sunday Best!

“This is the gospel of Christ. He is our Lord. This is a Christian church. We follow him. We love him. We praise him. We glorify him. And now we must go forward and follow him in every detail. The gospel has been restored. It is here for us in all its fulness. Never before has it been so full and so complete, so comprehensive, never before that we know of in the world.
“And here it is, available to us and available to millions of people, some of whom are listening. We hope they will not make the mistake of casting it aside or ignoring it. God bless you who have been listening”-Spencer W. Kimball
Hope your Sunday is the Best! Love, Joy

It’s a Sign!

photoMy darling Kelsey…my “Dream Come True” received these three water bottles all within a week of each other.

She won two of them in a contest and the third one was given to her for reading with the kids at the elementary school.

I told her, “It’s a sign!! You’re not drinking enough water!”

Don’t you think??


Out on a WIM #63




Welp. I am so glad to hear about all the fun you guys are having. You are all the best!
Mahm. Thank you for sharing that experience with me. That is very touching. I am so glad you had that wonderful experience 🙂 Sometimes I forget how similar we are. I feel that way often! You are amazing.
Tell Natasha Bear that I say Happy Birthday and that I love she bad.
To answer your questions: Side story: Right now I am emailing here in my area, then I leave… Never to return again. So everything has been really busy and crazy..
When I come home: Transfers take place on Wednesdays and so I will spend a day at the mission home and come home on a thursday!!
So my new companion is Sister W.! I am an STL for her right now.. So I know her very well. She is a doll. I cannot wait to get to St. V. and get to work!!! We are going to tear it up. My new area is called C. I will let you know the address when I get there. I will still be STL for where I am going, Suriname and St. Lucia. I will be able to come and help the Sisters coming here because they are blanking the area!! So that is a blessing.
This whole week I have been trying to prepare the area for them. It has been hard!!!! Because I pretty have to do it all by myself. There isn’t much Sister S. can do to help! So it has been a pressure filled week! But awesome!
Yesterday Elder R. (my DL(district leader), who is going home) Sister S. and I all spoke in church! It was nice. We were saying goodbye to a lot of the members and our investigators. It has been really good.
Ya know I am so glad that I am a missionary! Sometimes it is a wild experience but I have to rely on the Lord completely. Which I love! I am grateful for all the lessons I learn daily and hourly.
Honestly I am going to miss this place a lot. It seems that being here has built me more into the person Heavenly Father wants me to be and so a piece of my heart will always stay here.. I also am going to miss the missionaries I serve with, they are like my family. And Sister S. and I are best buddies. She knows things about me that not a lot of people know. I tell her everything. Hahah the other day I said “man I feel like I am losing my other half…” And she goes “I feel like I am losing my soul!!” Haha! It is funnier if you know her. She is so much fun. You’ll see MANY videos when I get home.
Well! Do you have any other questions for me?? ALL IS WELL IN THE WEST INDIES!!!
Anyway Mom I hope you have the best week and keep being the great person you are. I am grateful for your example you constantly set for me. Thanks for always pushing me to be better and loving me. I love you wiff all my heart! I know Heavenly Father is proud of who you are and the things you do.
Daddy! Hey My Pops! I am glad to hear the garden is going well. What’d you plant this year?! You should send me some! 😉 I have been doing a lot of gardening here! I can help you out when I get home. I bet you did great in your lesson with the kids! You are so good with kids. You and mom both. No wonder you have the best kids ever right?! Anyway I love you Dad. You are awesome. 🙂
Well that is all for now. I will have lots to tell you next week.
I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Keep reading from your scriptures everyday, that’s our armor!
Love always and forever, Sister Emily

Sunday Best!


I testify to you that there is no greater and no more thrilling challenge than to try to learn of Christ and walk in His steps. Our model, Jesus Christ, walked this earth as “the Exemplar.” He is our Advocate with the Father. He worked out the great atoning sacrifice so we could have a fulness of joy and be exalted in accordance with His grace and our repentance and righteousness. He did all things perfectly and commands that we be perfect even as He and His Father are perfect. (See 3 Ne. 12:48.)

“What would Jesus do?” or “What would He have me do?” are paramount personal questions of this life. Walking in His way is the greatest achievement of life. That man or woman is most truly successful whose life most closely parallels that of the Master.

I know the Lord lives. I know that He loves us. I know that apart from Him no one can succeed, but as a partner with Him, no one can fail.

I know that God can make a lot more out of our lives than we can.

That we may all have the moral courage from this moment forward to more fully strive each day to think on Christ, learn of Him, walk in His steps, and do what He would have us do is my prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. -Ezra Taft Bensen

Hope your Sunday is the Best! Love, Joy

Family History Friday: Speaking of Indexing…!

Last week for Family History Friday I talked about the indexing program the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is doing. Well, it turns out the they set a record for the number of records submitted.

“FamilySearch indexing volunteers broke a record this week during the first Worldwide Indexing Event. FamilySearch International, the largest genealogy organization in the world, was hoping an unprecedented 50,000 contributors would participate in the 24-hour effort to submit genealogy records, beginning at 6 p.m. MDT on 20 July 2014. A total of 66,511 indexers and arbitrators went online to submit records, surpassing the goal by 16,511 people.”

Read more about it here!

and here!

Indexed: 4,682,746

Arbitrated: 941,932

Total Records Processed: 5.7 million

Great job, all you indexers and arbitrators!!!!

Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

On Pioneers and Pilgrims!


On this beautiful Pioneer Day I would like to share a post written by my Dad.

Here you go!


On Pioneers and Pilgrims

“Of logs we built our houses, of shakes we made the doors, of sod we
made the chimneys, dirt we had for floors.” Joel William White wrote
that in his journal. He was my wife’s 2nd great grandfather and one of
the early pioneers. Another one stated that; “We swept our dirt floors
with a sage brush and when we were done we threw it in the fireplace
to heat our home.”

On the 24th of July, we will again be celebrating ‘Pioneer Days’ with
a parade, rodeo and fireworks; it is primarily a Utah holiday and
rightly so. That is the day, in 1847, that our first Utah pioneer
forefathers drove their covered wagons down into the Salt Lake Valley
after a thousand mile trek across the dusty plains. They had been
driven out of their homes in Illinois because of religious
persecution. They came here looking for peace and safety from the
intolerance of the, so-called, civilized areas of our then young
nation. A nation that had recently instituted a constitution that
guaranteed religious freedom.

Each year on this celebration day, do our minds ever leave the
parade, the rodeo and the fireworks long enough to contemplate what
those early pioneers went through to get here? Do we try to
understand, on that day, the 24th, the many things they had to do in
August, September and October in order to survive their first year.
They had to plant crops late in the summer so they would have food to
eat through the coming winter or they would actually starve to death?
For them, it wasn’t a matter of, well, if the corn doesn’t mature
we’ll have to run down to Albertsons and buy some. Theirs was a matter
of, if the corn doesn’t mature we won’t have any. It was a very
difficult life for them; unlike us, they had very few choices in terms
of what they could do. And when you don’t have choices, what you have
to do must be done with energy, hope and a prayer in your heart that
it will be a successful effort. One interesting way of trying to put
ourselves back then was stated by an unknown author this way; “If we
were put back in that time we would not be ourselves.” We would be put
into an entirely different dimension, a dimension not unlike the
popular TV series of several years ago, called the ‘Twilight zone’.

Some of the first settlers made a pilgrimage to this country from
Europe where they were persecuted for their religious beliefs. They,
too, struggled to prepare for their first Winter and many did not make
it. They were referred to as Pilgrims. The early Latter Day
Saints,also made a pilgrimage to the Salt Lake Valley and for the same
reason, religious persecution. They, too, arrived at an awkward time
of year and they, too, could be referred to as pilgrims.

When I was a young person, I read, “Pilgrim’s Progress”, a story about
Christian, a young man who supposedly was representing all Christians.
While venturing through life he ran into one moral obstacle after
another, each having to be overcome, before he could move on toward
his goal of eternal life. From that perspective we are all pilgrims
with the same challenges.

Those of us who have embarked on a search for our ancestral families,
are also pilgrims. We are often required to seek information from
distant lands. Like a quest, seeking old records, from  places, and
languages that we may have had no previous experience with. Searching
here and there for clues that will lead us to a name, a place, a time,
with the hopes that to find one ancestor we will be lead to another.
Do we not wander through time and to new places, even cyberspace. We
are truly pilgrims. We, too, are on a sacred quest with a prayer in
our hearts that we might weather the storms of failure until we find
success. -Emil