Out on a WIM #53


Emily has been on her mission for one year!!!!!


Hello my beautiful fam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It sounds like all is well at home! Which is excellent to hear. Lots of fun things going on. Ahhhh enjoy the temple for me please.
Oh tell Ri and Janny congrats on one year! It is amazing how fast time goes by. Yay!!!!! We made it a year! Hahaha MAHM. Do not worry about me moving far away because that won’t happen… I am quite attached to my family and that quaint little place that I call home ๐Ÿ™‚ I won’t go far I promise. (maybe there is enough room downstairs for Riley, Janet and me and my eternal companion…. maybe ๐Ÿ˜‰ I am glad and also proud of you for making it this whole year! You are awesome.
Awww… man. The Hales family. I will keep them in my prayers. I admire them so much. Send them my love. I know everything will work out ๐Ÿ™‚
My companion is from Guyana. Her immediate family are all members. She is a strong girl. It has been hard for her to come into a placer with so many struggles but if the Lord wants someone to grow…. He sends them here! ๐Ÿ™‚
She will be ready for her mission very much so. She’ll be leaving here in a few weeks to go back home and prepare for her real mission. She is awesome!!
She calls me her first mama. I am like her premortal life mom because she hasn’t even started yet! Hahah she has so many fun things about her. She is like one of the sassiest people in the world!!! And it is hilarious. We have a lot of fun together and all.
T. one of our investigators! He is awesome. Never misses aย sundayย at church. Always keeps commitments and loves the gospel. He is a little slower but a great guy! We will be baptizing himย this Saturdayย ๐Ÿ™‚ I am very excited.
Yesterday when Pres M. was here he was talking about the importance of asking questions. He said asking q’s is good and it helps us learn and grow!
Something I have been learning from the Book of Mormon is from Nephi. I want to be like Nephi. I desire to have his faith and diligence. Every time I restart the Book of Mormon I learn new things. I have read the Book of Mormon so many times on my mission now. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love it. I know whoever reads the Book of Mormon will learn more about the Savior and be a better person.
Anyway this week has been a good week and I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and the strength he gives to me in my life.
Anyway I love you all very much. I am looking forward to getting my last package ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for everything ย ๐Ÿ™‚ LOVE YOU ALL MY AWESOME ETERNAL FAMILY!!!!!
With so much love, Sister Emily ๐Ÿ™‚

Now That’s a Bag!

Me and darling “Dream Come True” were out shopping and she saw this awesome huge bag!


I said,”I bet you could fit in that bag!”

IMG_0807You may or may not remember this…


This was before Kelsey left on her mission!

Next thing I know she is getting ready to climb in!!!!!
Just kidding! Look at that smile! ๐Ÿ˜‰

“Good things come in small packages,” like my Kelsey!!

Love you, sweet “Dream Come True!”

Out on a WIM #52

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Greetings to the most awesome people on planet earth and beyond! Awww man I love you all bad.

MAHM!!! I am so proud of you for not crying!!! I am so proud of me for not crying!!! We did so good. Yeah it was really what I needed to see all of you and to hear from you. It has been wild here……. Don’t worry I will give you the details when I get home…..
You all are looking like real mighty fine. Are you all on an exercise plan because you have all slimmed out and are looking like super models. Seriously. Ya tryna make me look bad when I get home??? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Haha just kidding.
I am glad you had a great sacrament meeting! I miss those kind of Mothers Days!!!
Ah that is so sweet of you to think I am an old soul. I honestly wouldn’t be anything without the things you and Dad have taught me or the support you gave me.
You raised me just right. I wouldn’t change a thing.
Thanks for all that you have taught me and for the potential you always saw in me. I know I have had struggles in my life and sometimes maybe I was not the best. But I am eternally grateful. THANK YOU.
Again Mommy. Happy Mothers Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for being my mom and for ALWAYS being there for me. You helped me so much because I knew that I could tell you anything. You really and truly are my best friend. You have always been such a great example to me in my life and I admire you with all that I am. THANKS SO MUCH!!!
Tell Brother L. I say hello ๐Ÿ™‚ What a sweet man.
Ok so this week it has been my pleasure to meet Sister K. She is an angel. I have never met anyone like her!!!! She has this cute little tude and such a strong testimony. I am glad she is from the WIM and is able to help with any struggles that come our way ๐Ÿ™‚
This week we had a man from the mission presidency come into our area. He is a great man! He gave us a pep talk and everything. We are setting a goal to each go and find 3 priesthood holders. There will be miracles here I just know it!!!!!!
There are many times this week when I honestly felt a little worried or down for second and then I felt Heavenly Fathers love and support there for me. My relationship with Heavenly Father is the most important thing to me in my life. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. He does so much, especially showering me with tender mercies.
I pretty much told you everything else yesterday!!
I love you all very much and wish you a wonderful week.
Keep being awesome! The church is true!!!!!!! I know, i live it and i love it.
Love, Sister Emily ๐Ÿ™‚

Sunday Best!

A Mother holds her child’s hand for a moment and their heart forever.

photo 2 (8)The opposite is true too.

A child holds her Mama’s hand for a moment and their heart forever.

Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Today we were able to Skype with our sweet Emily, our Missionary. Our grand baby came home from the hospital today with his Mama and Daddy.

It’s been a wonderful day! 

Hope your Sunday is the Best, too! Love, Joy

Best “Furry” Friend!

We have a sweet “Furry” friend that lives at our house.

People have called her, “Man’s best friend,” but since there’s not all men at our home we will just call her our “Best ‘Furry’ Friend.”

This is Tayzie right after we got her.

The idea to go get her was Kelsey’s, so when Tayzie is misbehaving, I always call her Kelsey’s dog. Isn’t she adorable? What a fun pup.

Kelsey is pretty darn cute, too!!!

Kelsey and Tayzie


This is the famous “smiling dog” photo!!

Well, maybe not famous, but it should be.ย TayzieSmiling

And here is Tayzie after her last trip to the beauty parlor for pups. She is so cute!!!!

photo (36)I didn’t know it was so fun to kiss fur!!! Right there, behind her eye!

Flexy say’s she is hormonal, because she gets so excited when we come home, that she literally cries and howls. I usually say to her, “I know, I missed you too!!!”

It is so great to have a “Best ‘Furry’ Friend”!!!!

Tuesday Adventure!

I should probably be calling it Temple Tuesday! My sweetie and I have made a goal to visit the temple once a week, and since Tuesday is my day off from daycare, it seems to be the best day. I really do love it!

Today we made a visit to the Salt Lake Temple.

But on the way, we stopped at a beautiful cemetery and took a picture of this headstone. John LeSueur is one of my ancestors. He is from the Island of Jersey. It is one of the Channel Islands. They’re in the English Channel, between England and France. He was a pioneer. A truly heroic example. I’m always amazed that my ancestors could leave their homeland behind and make a new life in a place that is unknown. I love my ancestors.


Then onto the temple. I am very partial to the Salt Lake Temple.

It is the most beautiful temple.

My sweetheart and I were married here, almost 29 years ago. It represents years of sacrifice. It was built by the pioneers shortly after they arrived in the Salt Lake Valley. It is a House of God. It is a Holy and Sacred place. I love to be here, and in any other Temple of God.photo 3

Look at the beautiful doors!photo 1Breathtaking!!! Glorious!!!

photo 1After a wonderful temple experience, we went over to the Christus Statue that is on Temple Square.

photo 5On the way home, we stopped to see this little angel. My niece is a brand new Mama, and this is her baby girl. Isn’t she a living doll? Beautiful!photo 2What a great Tuesday!!! It was a beautiful, spiritual, and splendid adventure!!! I hope you had a wonderful day too!

Out on a WIM #51

252357_10200107121586600_105632493_nPre-mission silly dress up!


Hello everyone!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Welp! This week was something else.

The Branch is going to start going better now.
We found out that a lot of the rumors were true……. Ummm… Yeah! But never the less everything will start to fall into place from here on out.
We are going to start going around helping to strengthen the members and now we can really focus on our purpose without worrying about other things.
Tank you so much for putting our area in the temple.
This Sundayย went really well. It was testimony meeting and you could see how all these trials have been effecting the people but they are so strong it blows me away.
Also somethings that were hysterical:
Before I begin I must explain that testimony meetings here are a wonderful, funny, awesome mystery box of surprises.
I love the people here so much. I don’t think I could handle the things that they go through… And sometimes I am not even sure I can handle the things I am going through!! Haha the Lord provides much strength for me.
Sister K. is really nervous to leave and she has a lot to handle before she leaves. I have been praying endlessly for her. She is such a tough girl and I have learned a lot from her. Last night she was feeling really sad and was crying… I have never seen her cry!! I knew it was bad and so I trusted the Lord as her (mission) mom to help her in any way I could. I made her sit on my lap and we talked and cried for a long time. I think I was able to help her out ๐Ÿ™‚ She sounds just like me when I first started, she’s really hard on herself and wants to be perfect and be better fast! I keep saying “all in good time”. I am so grateful for the things I have learned here on my mission.
This week I got my transfer call again ๐Ÿ™‚ Sister K. is headed off to Suriname in two days and I am basically training again!!! I am getting a TEMPORARY missionary from Guyana! Her name is Sister K. She seems to be wonderful. It’ll be a good learning experience for her as she prepares for her real mission. And coming here will help her to know how to strengthen the small branch that she goes to! Awwww Heavenly Father is in the details of our lives, I know that for true.
This transfer coming I know will be a very wonderful learning experience. As they all are.
To answer your q’s:
How many branch members?-We have around 40-50 attend most weeks.
Where do you attend?-The church building is a normal building. It is on the upstairs floor. Our chapel is very small. It is more like a big room rather than a chapel but it is nice. I love it there.
What is the town like?-The town here is very small. Very farmish and low key. The area is mostly flat and some big hills sometimes.
Weather?-IT IS SO HOT!!!!!!!!!!! Sweating all day ery day. It’s nice.
Companion?-My comp is doing great! She is a doll. So strong and jumped right into the work. Good thing too because she is starting to train half way through her training.
How are you sleeping? How are your clothes?-I’ve been sleeping great and my clothes are doing pretty good. Pretty beat up. I could def use some socks! I will tell you all about everything when we skype. I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
Tell Meg and Jasers that I am excited for them. And tell baby Julian that he needs to come quick because I want to meet him!!
Um sorry I am running out of time, but Kels I will try and figure out when I am coming home exactly. I don’t know how but I will try!!
I love you all so very very much and am so grateful for you ๐Ÿ™‚
Have a wonderful week and I will talk to you in less than a week! See you soon. For true though.
Love always, Sister Emily ๐Ÿ™‚


Sunday Best!

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“Let us establish in our lives the habit of reading those things which will strengthen our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. He is the pivotal figure of our theology and our faith. Every Latter-day Saint has the responsibility to know for himself or herself with a certainty beyond doubt that Jesus is the resurrected, living Son of the living God”

-Gordon B. Hinckley

Hope your Sundayย is the Best! Love, Joy