Sunday Best!

The Ten Virgins is one of my favorite parables.

Watch this beautiful video and see why it is so powerful, and thought provoking. “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.”

May our lamps and vessel’s always be full!

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

You Can’t Change Other People!


Family is so important to me!

I’m the Mama in my wonderful family. I’m the sister and daughter in my extended family. I am also an aunt, grandma, cousin, sister, and sister-in-law.

I love my family, all of them.

Do I always agree with them? Not always. I learned a long time ago that I can only change myself. One thing I can do to change myself is that every time someone is not acting, or choosing, in a way that I would act or choose, I remind myself not to worry about that. I can’t change other people. I can love them no matter what, though. I know for sure that I don’t know everything. I’m don’t have all the answers, and I’m not always right. But, I have experienced a lot, and when I see another person headed a direction in life that I have been, with “not so fun” results, I want to stop them, or at least warn them. I have also learned that sometimes people need to learn a lesson for themselves. No matter what you say, if you say anything, they will continue on the course they are on until they realize it’s not where they want to be. They can’t just decide not to go there, they have to go there, and then decide that they don’t want to stay there!

Since I have learned that you can’t change other people, I have been able to relax and not worry about them as much and just love them. I know and respect that they have been given the gift to choose. To me it is a little harder to relax and not worry when the person choosing something that I wouldn’t choose is someone the I love, because I do love them. I had a good friend tell me once, when my oldest was headed off to junior high, “Joy, you’re not the only one who loves him.” What she meant to me is that Heavenly Father loves all of us. He will help us as we go through life. We must have faith that they will be ok. That Father will help them just like He has helped me in my life.

So what if you are out in the world, dealing with people who are not family?

What if you are driving? Do you let others choices make you crazy? DON’T. It will well up inside you and

naughty words will come out of your mouth.

Start singing a hymn. Tell them you love them. Even if they can’t hear you. If someone is driving you nuts in your life, pray for them. Or even better, pray for yourself. Ask Father to help you to learn to love that person the way He loves them. I have done this and I know it works.

Always remember that others are placed in our lives for a reason. They are a blessing, or could be a blessing, in your life even if they are just there to teach you patience and be an example of what not to do.

Bottom line, you can’t change other people, but you can change yourself.

Tuesday Adventure!

We had such a fun Tuesday Adventure! My darlin’ and I love spending our Tuesdays together and we’re always trying to think of meaningful and fun activities. Our time together is precious.

We both love doing Family History. So, for a while at least, we plan to spend every Tuesday morning at the Family Search Library. Today, I worked with my dad doing my family history, my sweetie worked on a computer somewhere else in the building. We worked for about and hour, not long, and then we left. We talked in the car about what we did as we drove to our next activity. It was great!!


About a month ago we had a very wonderful meeting in at our church. It was a meeting called “Stake Conference”. We meet with all of the congregations in the area where we live, and hear from other members we don’t always hear from. In this meeting we heard members talk about their experiences at the Temple. The feeling in the room as they spoke about the Temple was glorious. I feel that same feeling when I’m in the Temple. So…we decided then to attend the Temple once a week. We chose to go on our Tuesday together. We wanted to go to the Oquirrh Temple. I was so excited!!! It is so beautiful. We drove to the Temple, and found out they were closed for 5

We snapped this picture out in front of the Temple.

It was ok that they were closed, because the Jordan River Temple is close by. Yay for Temples!

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Aren’t they beautiful?

We went to the Temple. It was wonderful. I love to be there and feel close to Father in Heaven. See that gold statue on top of the steeple?

That is the angel Moroni.

He was a prophet hundreds of years ago. You can read more about why we have the angel Moroni on our Temples here!

Before heading for home we stopped at Scheels. Wow, what a fun store. It is a sporting goods, etc store. I’ve never been in a store that has a ferris wheel inside of it. Yes, this store has a ferris wheel inside of it!

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We took a ride, and I think I might be getting too old for that. It was fun though. We walked around, and kept losing each other. My darlin’ loves sports. He is an amazing athlete. He doesn’t really need any sports equipment, but he really likes to look at what is the latest. It’s kinda like me and handbags. I totally get him.

Well, we had such a full and fun day. I cherish our time together. He is my other half. He is my best friend. And Tuesdays are always an adventure with him.

Out on a WIM #40


Pre-mission “Bro”!



Ok so to start I will answer all questions…..
St. L. is so wonderful. I love it here so bad. This week was SOOOOOO crazy. It was SO hard to leave B’dos my home 🙁
My flight went really well. I got here in the afternoon on Wed. I met Sister S. who is the cutest, sweetest girl!!!!!!! We are very similar and I love her a ton already. But we had a rough first day. The lessons went well but the people were so sad that Sister C. was gone. It was difficult to go from a place where you know everything and everyone loves you then go to a place where you do not know anything and no one wants you! But everything is falling into place. Right off the plane they had me drive…. The driving is dif here…… I scraped the side of the brand new car on a random brick wall thing, I STARTED JUST BAWLING. It was a little bit of lemon juice in a paper cut.. ;( 🙂
But all is well. Things are looking up. ON THE BRIGHT SIDE: I love Sis. S. She is so much fun and we work so well together. We are both happy and outgoing and fun 🙂 The people here are so nice and I am getting to know everything better. We are basically blanking the area because they switched the boundaries of where we work! It has been fun. THE OTHER DAY WE got 7 new investigators in one day!!!! Talk about awesome!!!!!! 🙂
My comp is so great! We will do great things together!
The branch is fun! Tons of youth…. About 60 members. Church is still a little disfunctional but we will do our best to help with that.
The truth is I really miss B’dos quite a bit still but I know I will love it here just as much 🙂 The missionaries I am serving with are so much fun. We had a great Zone Activity this morn!
This will be such a wonderful transfer and I am so happy to be here. I know the gospel is true.
Hahaha on sunday the BP(Branch President) asked me to give a talk right before sacrament started so I just whipped something up. It went nicely!!!
I have just been getting to know the area and people but so far I love it a lot!
I will send pictures soon and tell you more and more. This week has just been super wild but we’ll see how everything goes for sure.
Well I love all of you so very much!!! I hope you have a great week. I will talk to you soon but just know I am safe, happy and loving life as a missionary as usual 🙂
The church is true!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!! Sister Emily

Our Sweet Smiling Puppy!


Can you see it? She’s smiling! This puppy is so darn cute. It’s a good thing, because she is not very obedient. She doesn’t come when you call, and she loves the mud, even when you tell her to get out of the mud. Maybe she secretly likes bathes. When she cuddles with you, it is the best!!!

I love furry friends!

Out on a WIM #39

Emily with Al Fox -Pre mission pic
Hello my wonderful family!! How are you all?? Sounds like everything is just lovely at home 🙂
Well this week was wild and a half. We were SO busy and still are so I might have to be not as talky as usual because I have lots of chores to do and I need to pack……………………..…………………………………………………………………………… That’s right I am leaving my beautiful home of Barbados and I am going to…….. *drum roll please* ST. LUCIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am really excited in case you couldn’t tell 😉 It’ll be so great. I am going to be switching with Sister C. (the one I came in with and served around before) she is coming to be with Sister H. and I am going to be with Sister S. her trainee!!! It will be a blast! I have heard great things about Sister S. and I know Sister C. will continue to help Sister H. and love her like I do. I am really sad at the same time. There have been many tears and smiles. Yesterday at church reminded of when I left home. Seriously it was a bit too much attention for my liking. But it was fun I don’t think it really has hit me yet. Prolly when I get on the plane. I am so excited to be with Sis. S., I heard we are very similar so that’ll be fun 🙂 But these past few days we have been trying to see everybody and saying goodbye. I am tired of goodbyes and stuff but I know I will see these people again even if it’s not in this mortal life. I will miss this place bad bad bad. It feels a little like leaving home again, I seriously love everyone so much!
Other than that, a few of our progressing investigators have dropped us this week.. It has been sad and hard. BUT through it all I know they will eventually except the gospel. Whether in this life or the next! And Brother R. is still doing so well 🙂 He will be baptized in a couple of weeks! I am sad I will miss it but it’s alright.
Oh also!!!!!!!!!!! Last Monday after I emailed (not to scare you mom)…. But we went to a place called Sam Lords Castle and our car got broken into. Actually the other set of sisters car. Somebody chucked a giant rock through their window and stole both Sister H. and Sister H.’s bags!!!!!!!!! They lost EVERYTHING. debit cards, scriptures, planners, money, I.D. It was so bad. But we have figured everything out now. It was pretty sketch.
I had the chance to bear my testimony yesterday for my last sunday and it was a special experience. I loved looking out on all these people that I love so much. Look at their cute faces and see their sweet spirits that have blessed me and helped me to strennghten my testimony in the last 9 months. It has been such a blessing. I am so grateful to be a missionary and for the things I learn and the people I meet. Barbados will always have a special place in my heart. And I am also very excited and ready to go work hard and have the time of my life in St. Lucia. I know that is where the Lord needs me and I feel comfort when I think about it.
I am also so glad that I was able to serve with Sister H., I am going to miss my “daughter” BAD! She has helped me to see things from a very different light and I have been able to lead our Barbados area in a way I wouldn’t have been able to any other way. I have been blessed by her love and also I feel well prepared for the future in many aspects!
Alright well just know that I love you all so very much. I hope you have a wonderful week, I know I will. I will write you next week with all of the details about St. Lucia and Sister S. and everything 🙂 Love you!!!! Keep on keepin’ on. Christ lives and loves us and carries us through everything.
Love always, Sister Emily (future resident of St. Lucia boyyyyyyy) YEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday Best!


“I love you; I pray for you. I would ask once again that you would remember me and all the General Authorities in your prayers. We are one with you in moving forward this marvelous work. I testify to you that we are all in this together and that every man, woman, and child has a part to play. May God give us the strength and the ability and the determination to play our part well.”

-Thomas S. Monson

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

An Amazing Day! An Amazing Man!

dad's80thToday on this amazing day, my daddy turned 80 years old! Would you look at this man? He is the picture of health! He doesn’t look like a day older 69. We had a fun time surprising him with a party at the Family Search Library. Then we went to dinner tonight. I have spent the last few weeks putting together a “Warm Fuzzy” book for my dad. What is a “Warm Fuzzy” book you ask? Well, I contacted all the fam and asked them to write a nice birthday wish and thought to tell dad, grandpa how much they love him. Then I put them all together so he could read how we all love and admire him. I will be adding the pictures from today. Isn’t he a handsome gentleman?

Here is my “Warm Fuzzy” for my dad:

Dear Daddy,

How can I express the feelings of my heart? I will do my best.

I am amazed when I think of what a blessing a father like you is in a little girls life. I have always wanted to marry someone like you. In fact I remember asking you when I was little if I could marry you. Of course you said that Mom needed you, and I would find someone special just for me. And I did.

You have been the perfect example of a Christlike person. When I say Christlike, I don’t mean perfect, I mean that you are as close to being the very best person you can become, and you are always striving to emulate what Christ would do in life. As I have watched you go through difficult situations and handle them calmly. I know that you are making a conscious effort to think before you act. Your obedience to the commandments was my first lesson in doing what’s right, because it’s the right thing to do. Your love of the gospel and the scriptures has been so inspirational to me. I have a love of the scriptures and the gospel because of you and mama. Both you and Mom have taught all of us kids to work hard. For my whole life you have set a high standard for what a worthy priesthood holder looks and acts like. I knew that my husband would need to honor his priesthood just like you.

I want to do family history constantly! I have had to be patient and let the rest of my life take most of my time now, but you and Mom make it look so fun!!! Your creativity is inspiring. I love to show you the things I’ve created knowing it will make you proud. It means everything to me to know you are proud of me.

One thing that means more to me than you’ll ever know is our monthly date. I look forward to having you all to myself and talking about what is going on in our lives. You are always interested in what I am doing and how my family is doing, asking for specifics about the kids and Brett. It is fun to see you joke with the waitress and cashier.

I am so glad you have taken such good care of yourself and Mom. When I have seen a little pile of pills on the counter for Mom that make me happy knowing that you are making sure she gets what she needs. I tell all my friends that the reason why the two of you are so healthy is because 1-You both take a million vitamins and 2-Heavenly Father is blessing you both with wonderful health, because you bless others so much at the Family Search Library and the rest home.

One of your special gifts is loving others. Father in Heaven has blessed you with the ability to love, love, love! You emit love. It just drips off of you! I want to be a more loving person, because of the examples I see in you, and Mom. When I think of home I think of you and Mom, after all, you taught me what home looks like. “To be at home is to find yourself with those who put your heart at ease.” I am always striving to make the home I am the mama of like that.

Thank you for naming me Joy. I haven’t always appreciated it, but I know you were inspired to do it. I know that you were inspired to name me Joy, because I needed it. It has been a blessing to me.

I can’t imagine my life without you, and I know that I am truly blessed to have you as my daddy. I love you! Joy 

Yes, he is that amazing!!! I love him so and want to wish him a very Happy 80th Birthday!!!



An amazing hero of mine is Stephanie Neilson.

Watch the video the hear her story. She is an inspiration. She is an example that you can experience a most terrible tragedy and survive. She not only survives, but she has triumphed! She shares her feelings, struggles, life, and family with the world on her blog. You can read it here!

I am so thankful to have NieNie as a Hero!