Hello! This week was excellent. Didn’t quite show in our numbers! But let’s face it numbers don’t mean a thing….. SO yes 🙂 I got the package! THANK YOU, it was a lot of fun! The O’s aren’t there… We actually were lucky to have been there when he dropped it off! Yes you can still send mail there. The Zone Leaders and I check the mail and take care of the O’s stuff since they are not here. We should be getting a new senior couple soon! Prolly next transfer.
Awwwww… I am glad dinner went well for Janny’s birthday dinner!!!
Sounds like you did great in sharing time 🙂
They do not celebrate Halloween here! Ummm… but for Halloween I dressed up as a sister missionary and went around door to door sharing the gospel…. 😉 Hahaha I actually did wear an orange skirt, purple shirt and black cardigan though for Halloween. Me and the sisters all wore Halloween colors and we drew moustaches on our faces at the end of the day for a picture.
Yes my new members are doing really well! Brother K. is about to get a calling and he has the priesthood. Has never missed a day of church and never misses an activity or branch project.
L. is doing well. She bore her testimony in church on Sunday and also was fasting and always pays her tithing and fast offering She is so cute. She always “Sister, I am sorry but will you help me fill out my slip again. They are both SOLID. AH!! I am so happy. Um so Brother K. only has one church shirt and it doesn’t have a collar so he can’t wear a tie and I really wanted to get him something. But I really am not sure if we have money for me to do that… Will you let me know if that’d be possible at all?
My new comp… Yes she is having fun. She is warming up to being a missionary. She has opened up a lot so that makes me really happy. We are good friends, I love her a lot. There is still much to work on but she and we will get there. I just have to remind myself to have patience and take things little by little. I have seen miracles happen with her though so I am excited to see what else is in store. I see a lot of good in her and I know I am blessed to have her as a companion.
Stressed? Me? Noooooooooooo….. Just kidding! A little but I have a better handle on things than I did before. There is just a LOT on my plate and really all I can do is my best. Yes He is already helping and lifting me to a higher plane I believe.
Thanks for everything mommy 🙂 I sure love you. You are such a strength to me.
Tell Dad I love him and I think the world of him.
Ummm this week we performed the puppet show again! It was a lot of fun. We also did an all day service project painting this cute day care center! Lots of service this week. I love it!
I am doing really well. Sometimes I am really tired inside and my brain feels a little over loaded but I really am doing great! I never will let that tiredness show. I am so grateful for this time I have… I would never waste a minute of it! Don’t worry about me in the least, I am working hard and doing my best and learning and growing everyday! It is great!
I love you all.
Special Birthday shout out to the one that birthed me… Mama, I am SO glad you were born. I look up to in every way and you have made me the person I am today. Thank you for choosing to live a good life and be a good mom and raise me in the gospel. It means so much to me. I love you more than anything. Seriously you are still my best friend. I wish I could give you a hug for your birthday and buy you some flowers and stuff but sadly I can’t… But it’s the thought that counts! You know I would if I could. But what I can give you is an air hug and a cool shout out! Anyway back on track… Thanks for all you do. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST MOM EVER!!!!!
One and all have a great week!
Remember Alma 37:6 “by small and simple things are great things brought to pass…”
I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL (I know Janet loves when people do this) So I did just for you as a special birthday gift… 😉