Out on a WIM #22



Good afternoon my brothers and sisters, my fellow saints! Hahaha (this is something one of the members in our branch says whenever he stands up to give a talk, bear testimony or conduct a meeting)

 My week has been most excellent.
Yes I did get the package! THANK YOU. It was basically the best day of my life. Better than any Christmas I’ve had. Oh….. this is awk…. it’s not even Christmas time… Hahaha I honestly have no idea what season it is at all. Yeah hopefully my meds will get here because I don’t want my face to go ham or anything like that..
SO. My new companion……. Well where to begin? She is adorable. She is nineteen but she looks like she is sixteen! I am so excited to have her. She is pretty dang shy. She is starting to open up more now. We get along well. Of course I still miss Sister T., she was my sister. Every once in a while I get a tear and then move on and work hard 🙂 So far for training I have been placed in a relatively hard position but I know Heavenly Father will help me in carrying out my duties and I know that I am with Sister H. for a reason and that I have things to learn from her and a big heart that can love her until she dies from love. She is not even sure why she is so great but she is! She just needs to realize her strengths. She doesn’t give herself enough credit. I have been trying to help her to see how fun missionary work can be and rewarding. Anyway I have enjoyed my time with her so far and know that we will have a good couple of transfers!
So this last week:
Monday and Tuesday we went around and Sister T. said bye to everyone! It was really sad. We only bawled our faces off. Tuesday night we had a sleepover with all of the sisters because we were taking them to the airport the next day and picking up the sisters.
Wednesday we went and picked up the new missionaries! It was insane! They looked so scared.
The rest of the week we have been getting the area back in line… It got all messed up when I got sick and everything.. I have been showing Sister H. around and teaching by myself a lot. Which is alright! I actually am so grateful to be in this spot because I feel like I am growing in a different way. There were times where I wouldn’t say things or take a lesson a certain way because I was afraid to make my last comp upset… Which is awful I know.. But anyway I feel like I am growing in many ways and it is great. And not to mention Heavenly Father has been such a huge part in my life. This is His work. I am grateful to have this small part in His work 🙂
On Friday I actually just needed some advice so I had an interview with Sister W. and she helped me to have hope and told me that she knew that Heavenly Father had placed Sister H. in my care because He knew that I was one of few who could handle it and stuff… It made me feel a lot better and everything. Not that I was struggling but I did need those words!
We actually have another baptism on this coming Sunday 🙂 I am so excited and little stressed because there is still more to teach her… Oh well everything will be great! L. is progressing well and was so prepared. I know I have told you about her. She is an inspiration! I will let you know how everything goes with that next week!
I love you all! I hope you all have a great week. Remember who you are and what you stand for. Heavenly Father loves you. The church is true!
We have been reading in Alma in the BOM and I love to hear about Ammon and his brethrens. They are wonderful! Go and read it again!
P.S. Did you get my little notes in the mail mom and dad??
Love, Sister Emily XoxO

Sunday Best!

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“The Creation, great as it is, is not an end in itself but a means to an end. We come to the earth for a brief period of time, endure our tests and trials, and prepare to move onward and upward to a glorious homecoming.  Our thoughts and deeds while here will surely be more purposeful if we understand God’s plan and are thankful for and obedient to His commandments.” -Russell M. Nelson

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy


Family History Friday: Montpelier Cemetery!

Me and my darlin had such a fun time at the Montpelier, Idaho Cemetery.

My husband’s great-great grandparents are the Hogensen’s, Christian and Petra. They  are buried there. This is their headstone below. We’ve always enjoyed the story of their lives. They were married onboard the ship William Tabscott enroute from Liverpool, England. The were asked by Brigham Young to help settle the Bear Lake Valley.

These little headstones look like they lost a few little ones. It always breaks my heart when I think of all the babies lost, and how devastating that would be to lose a baby.  DSC06057Their daughter Agnes was my husband’s great grandmother. She married Charles Rodwell Pearce. Their daughter Ruth Pearce was my husbands grandmother.

DSC06086It was so fun to find their graves and spend time talking about them and what their lives might have been like. I always get a little teary when I think about all of our ancestors. I am so grateful for their lives and sacrifices. I love them. I am always ready for a visit to a cemetery. Try it, you might love it!!

Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

Tuesday Adventure!

I worked it out with my daycare to take Tuesday’s off!! Yeah!

So I will be having a fun adventure each week with my sweet husband. Some Tuesday’s may be more adventurous than others, but life is usually pretty unpredictable and that makes for some pretty fun adventures.

So I will be sharing a little about our adventures as we go! I hope you enjoy hearing about them. We went to close down the summer home of my mother-in-law, my darlin’s mom. We traveled to the Bear Lake Valley that is about half in the state of Utah and half in the state of Idaho. We went up on Monday night and stayed over. We got up and drove to Montpelier, Idaho to have breakfast. On the way in town this beautiful moose crossed the road in front of us. I couldn’t get the camera fast enough to take a closer picture, but you can see he is big and beautiful!DSC06048

We drove on in to town, ate breakfast then we decided to go to the cemetery for fun. Yes, we do that sort of thing. My husband’s father has roots in the Bear Lake Valley, so we knew there would be family members buried in the Montpelier Cemetery. We had so much fun looking for familiar names. We found the Hogensen’s, but couldn’t find the Pearce’s. So we went to the City Hall and asked them for the information. They were very helpful and just look at the beautiful building they have. DSC06084

We went back to the cemetery and found the Pearce’s. I love cemetery’s! Have I said that before? I’m sure I have. I find them very peaceful, not at all scary. DSC06096

On the way out of town, we saw this very beautiful old building. I had to get a picture. Do you think it was a school? Church? or maybe a big house? Beautiful.DSC06097

In the little town of Paris, Idaho there is an amazingly beautiful Tabernacle. I was amazed at the detail the craftsmen put into this building. The colors are perfect and the design is lovely. What a gem in this little town. DSC06114

The we took a drive up Bloomington Canyon. Wow! The leaves were spectacular!!DSC06117





It was truly a wonderful day. And our adventure continued as we made it home in time for my darlin to help the Cub Scouts in the neighborhood finish last minute preparations for the Pinewood Derby that is scheduled for Thursday.

My favorite thing about this Tuesday Adventure, was being with my darlin!!


Out on a WIM #21

Hello my most wonderful family! It sounds like you are all doing just wonderful!

Ok let me jump into some crazy news from this week:

– This week I got super sick on Wednesday and we thought that I had Dengue (I don’t know how to spell that) It is an illness that is contracted from mosquitoes…. It can be deadly…. BUT surprise!!!!! This Sister is alive and well. I literally slept for like 20 hours on Wednesday then we went to one appointment and Coordination… Then Thursday we went out all day and I was miserable and just crashed afterwards… So Friday we staying home all day and I seriously slept the whole day. It was crazy. This mission doctor thought I had strep so he gave me meds.

-Next item of business………………….…………….. We got our transfer calls and Sister T. and I are being split up!!!! Wah. Just kidding.. She is going, and I am staying here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And *drum roll please* I am training a cute Sister named Sister H. 🙂 Oh man I cannot believe I am training. But I am wildly excited.

So cool story having to do with both of these: After I got my transfer call I was thinking “OH gosh I can’t train when I am feeling this way. This is poopy. So I prayed to my wonderful Father in Heaven and told him how I really would appreciate it if I could feel better so I can train properly and work hard as a missionary and what do ya know????!!!!??? The next day I felt as good as new. Literally all pains left my body and I felt WAY better. Awwwwww….. God is good.

We are trying to help L. (our member referral) progress towards baptism very quickly. She is doing very well. She was not able to make it to General Conference and she started to cry because she couldn’t be there. She is an inspiration. We talked to her about the Word of Wisdom and she said she’d stop drinking tea and do whatever it takes to make Heavenly Father happy.

With Sister T. leaving we’ve been saying some goodbyes and it’s very sad! I want to cry because I am going to miss her but I am really excited.

I am so grateful for the time that I have had with her. She has helped me to see things differently and has taught me to be patient.. I thought I was patient before… There are so many things that she helped me with and I love her. She is literally like a sister to me… She knows everything about me and she has seen my weaknesses probably more than anyone. I never realized how many things there are to work on before my mission. I will miss her dearly and will never forget her.

On the other hand I can not wait to be a trainer and to stay here 🙂 I feel like I do better and learn in a different way when I am in charge so it’ll be a great learning experience and will help me with many things 🙂 I will tell you about Sister H. next week after I meet her.

I asked one of the elder’s on the phone what he could tell me about her and he said “All I know is she is not as happy and energetic as you” and I said, “Why??” He said, “Because no one is.”….. Hahaha that may or may not be true…

Speaking of energetic people…. HOW ABOUT GENERAL CONFERENCE???????? Oh gosh I loved it so much. I have never taken better notes in all my life. I was so grateful for all the speakers and talks. Exclamation point 😉 That was super funny! President Uchtdorf’s talk was wonderful talking about the gospel of Jesus Christ and Elder Hollands, Elder Bednars, D Todd Chirstopherson. All of the speakers really talked a lot about enduring to the end and I think that was good for us all to hear 🙂 I liked the story about the shoes that the missionary had and they were worn out like crazy. That’s how I want my shoes to be, worn out in service. I want to serve the Lord and give him every minute of my time now. I am devoted and I love the gospel so much. This Conference really helped me a lot. I heard things that I knew I needed to hear and things I didn’t quite know that I needed to hear.


Well it’s been yet another crazy week here on the WIM. Thanks for all the support 🙂 I love you all dearly! I am grateful to be a missionary and have this time to be strengthened by the Lord! I know this church is true and I am grateful for the happiness that it bring to me. Ah it burns like a fire in my heart. With so much love, Sister Em dog Billionare! 😉

Sunday Best!


Self-mastery is a challenge for every individual. Only we can control our appetites and passions. Self-mastery cannot be bought by money or fame. It is the ultimate test of our character. It requires climbing out of the deep valleys of our lives and scaling our own Mount Everests.-James E. Faust

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy


Out on a WIM #20

Hello my oh so beautiful fam!
Hey it sounds like everything is going wonderfully. Tell Lex that I love her with all my heart and that she’s going to great! Yes I did watch the Relief Society Broadcast! It was great. I can not wait for General Conference. I have never been so excited in all my life. Thank you for the package! You are a doll. WHAT’S IN IT???????????????????????????????????????????????????? Yeah I am really not that excited 😉 Just kidding I AM!!!!
Anyway our recent convert is doing GREAT!!!!!!!! He loves the branch they all do well at welcoming him into the family. He actually blessed the sacrament yesterday for the first time. He did so good!!!!!!!!!!!! I just cried in the congregation like a proud mother :,) He is such a gem. He is actually about to finish reading the Book of Mormon as well! He is oh so awesome.
We has a really fantastic week.
Last Monday we did a family home evening with the branch. It was a lot of fun we were teaching the members about the work of salvation and trying to push the work along. 🙂
We had been looking for a Nursing home to go and do some service and we had been looking forever and we were out tracting one day and FOUND ONE!!!!!!! YAYY for old people 🙂
I went on exchange with Sister W. this week and it was fun to be in a new area for a day! We went and saw K. the one from the picture and he taught us a lesson on being humble! It was great and humbling!
As for big news this week. This lady (Member referral) who we have been teaching for a long time came to church! STORY TIME: SO this lady L. we started teaching her quite a while ago…. BUT she did not seem interested she seemed very closed off and really likes to talk…. like everyone else here…. And so we were maybe going to give her a drop lesson and one day we went back and she just had a change of heart and wanted to read the BOM and learn more. So we continued teaching her. We wanted her to come to church and maybe set a baptismal date but she was like talking about how she didn’t want to rush into things or be “pushed” into things… So we kept working slowly with her. She is in Mosiah in the BOM now. She has a strong testimony of it. SHE LOVES THE BOM!!! At church she felt very excepted and felt the spirit a lot. And so we met with her last night and she told us that she wants to be baptized. So we asked her when thinking she wanted some time… NO WAY! She said she wanted to be baptized in 3 WEEKS!!!!!!!!! AWWWWWWWW……..
Man the Lord is blessing us and we are finding people who are just so prepared.
As for me I am just trying to keep up with them. I am def not the best teacher but I try my best. I have a lot to work on but I’ll continue on having faith that Heavenly Father will help me to help these people who need the gospel. Oh man the church is true.
Anyway sorry I am almost out of time since I sent pictures today! But I love you all.
I want you to all know that I have a burning testimony of this gospel. Everyday I feel more and more blessed to have the opportunity to share it and to have it in my life continually. And I am so very grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and My Heavenly Father they keep me going. Thanks for all of the support back home. I love and kinda miss you all!
Have an ever so wonderful week! Choose the right. Read your scriptures. Pray. Look for blessings they are all over the place. LOVE YOU ALL!! I’ll talk to you in another short week.
All of the love in the world, Sister Emily.