Sunday Best!


“Our Heavenly Father did not launch us on our eternal journey without providing the means whereby we could receive from Him God-given guidance to ensure our safe return at the end of life’s great race. Yes, I speak of prayer. I speak, too, of the whisperings from that still, small voice within each of us; and I do not overlook the holy scriptures, written by mariners who successfully sailed the seas we too must cross” -Thomas S. Monson

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

Out on a WIM #19

Hello family…. and stuff…. Hahaha!
AWWWW….. Yes Lex and I email occasionally and I just wrote her a letter! Tell her that I love her and I am so proud of her. She is going to do wonders I tell you. Tell Liz congrats and that I love her and Linds too!!!!!!!! Ah!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so exciting!!!! Give Tan and Gray mood a hug for muh.
In a package I would not mind if you sent me maybe a Mormon Tabernacle CD would be nice! Also in the next letter you send will you print off the talk by Jefferey R. Holland from the 2012 October Conference about Peter and The Savior!!!?? That talk I used to listen to all the time? I have been craving that! ALSO I wouldn’t mind if you sent a little bit of clothes! If there is room… If not then I can buy like five dollar undershirts here that I bought one of. I am going to buy a couple today so I’ll be taking some money out of the account. It has been exceedingly hot here and so I have been not wanting to layer things and that is basically all I have! And if you wanted to you could send me my TOMS but that is optional! Whatever works for you mama. Thank you ever so much. How can I ever repay you?
I seriously love that quote you sent. It is true I feel like we grow so much and learn so much from the trials we face and it all comes down to how we endure them. I am grateful for my trials as a missionary they have helped me to grow into a better person even just this long. And I have a lot more learning to do.
This is the quote I sent Emily: “No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude and humility. All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God … and it is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire and which will make us more like our Father and Mother in heaven.”-Orson F. Whitney
Ok so cool things that happened this week:
We were out contacting and we met this couple R. and N.! And they own pigs… That’s right PIGS!!!!!!! I love pigs. So we went back to meet the pigs and they was one named oinkie…. IT WAS THE SIZE OF A HIPPO! I am not even kidding. When we go back to visit I will take a picture and send it home to you.
Brother K. has now received the Priesthood!!!!!!!! Awwwwwww…. He is the best. If he was the only success out of my mission that’d be good enough for me. BUT I have lot more to do out here. It’s wonderful 🙂
We met this man E. and he is a rosta man! AND he had hair down to his thigh!!!!! It was insane. He said at one point his hair was down to his feet. Needless to say I asked him for hair growing tips.
On Saturday we had this service project called “clean up B.” and we all went the missionaries and members and had a section of B. to clean. It was great!
There is a lot more but I am going to send pictures so I got to keep this a little short! I hope everything goes well this week and I am looking forward to getting the package.
Anyway life is great! This transfer is flying by. We are just working hard and saving lives. That’s all. No big deal. 😉
Dad: You are wonderful! I am sure you did great on your testimony. Sounds like life is going good still. I sure do love you!
Thanks one and all for the support and prayers! God speed!
Love with my heart, Sister Emily 🙂

Tayzie Mae!

We are all in love with our darling Tayzie Mae!

She is such a cute puppy.

One thing she does that is so cute is that she plays fetch. For a little puppy, she’s pretty good at it too! It’s fun to watch her running and playing.

She’s a sweet lil’ pooper!!DSC05660DSC05658



Can you stand how cute she is?

What a fun puppy!!!

Out on a WIM #18

Hello! How are you my vacationing familia?!

Mom: I am glad you enjoyed the picture! I sent a program from his baptism to you and the fam! It’s in a letter that I sent to Kels. Hey I am so glad to hear that you all had a blast at Lake Powell. I am weirdly not jealous at all! 🙂 Awww… tell the kids I say hello and that I love them very much. I got your letter where the daycare kids drew me pictures! It made me tear up. They are so cute and you said exactly what I needed to hear in that letter and that great quote you sent me.

Awww… The puppy sounds so cute! I hope you have fun at the Scouts Banquet!

Thanks Mom I sure do love you a lot! I am being safe and I am loving my companion! She says hello.

Dad: It sounds like you had loads of fun this week! You better be careful not to hurt yourself old mang 😉 Have a great week. I love you! I wear that braided bracelet you made for my to give me strength and it reminds me of you and the fam!

OK SO. This week was wild. Some fun things that happened are:

Saturday we went to visit a Seventh Day Adventist church! It was very interesting. One of our investigators P. goes to that church and he invited us so we went. It was very lively and they spoke and sang about “love”. One lady got up and sang a worldy song and one lady quoted some wordly songs it was different then what I am used to. It was a good experience. The people were very nice! I hope it helps P. to see that we care about him and want to help him find the truth.

This week I went on exchange with Sister C. the sister trainer leader! It was very fun. We had a successful day and she helped me to learn more teaching techniques! She gave me lots of compliments and said very nice things so that helped me to feel confident and know that I am doing good as a missionary! Sometimes I don’t feel like I am all that great but it helps me to realize I have a lot to improve upon and it is all good learning 🙂

When Sister T. and I were at the lady that is our investigator’s house. E., I told you about her a while ago. She is the one who said she hated Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! She had come A LONG WAY. She was telling us that she felt bad because she didn’t think about God for a few days. She is a completely different person and we are working slowly with her 🙂 Anyway so we were at her house and talking about a lot of things. The spirit was very strong and we usually sing hymns with people at the end of our lessons and so I had thought that we should sing “Sweet Hour of Prayer” Hymn 142 and I saw Sister T. was looking for a hymn as well and so I decided to wait and see which one she picked and SHE PICKED THE SAME ONE. Unity I tell you… It’s a wonderful thing 🙂 The spirit is great!

Brother K. was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Sunday 🙂 AWWWWWWW….. It was a wonderful experience! He keeps talking about how when these things happen to him he wants to cry! We have to explain to him that it is a good kind of crying.

We are doing the puppet show again and we were practicing on Saturday and Sister T. and I wanted to practice so we took our puppets home and practiced. It’s pretty darn funny! We performed ” You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban with me singing as Josh Groban of course and Sister T. as the back up black girl singer and we did it with the puppets it was super funny!

Anyway sorry this email is all over the place! Life as a missionary is so great! I love being a missionary here So much 🙂 I am grateful for every single one of you and your support! I miss you all but honestly no offense I rarely think about home! Which is wonderful 🙂 You all have a magnificent week. I LOVE ALL OF YOU!

It still hurts.


I always feel a sadness in my heart on September 11th. I still can’t believe we live in such a world. A world where some people hurt innocent people because of hate. I know it will not get any better…not for a while. Not until He comes again. Then the hate will be gone. I look forward to that day with faith in God. Until then, when others are hurt, I will cry and pray. I won’t ask why…I know why. Because that is part of the plan. I will love with everything I’ve got. I will help others any chance I get. I will forgive. I will share and be a friend. I will try to be the happiest and most joyful person I can be.

John 16:33
33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.