Out on a WIM #17

Ramses how are you???? (nacho moment) Hello my most beautiful family! How are you all? It sounds like you’re doing fantastic! I am so very glad to hear that!

Well. THIS WEEK HAS BEEN GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. When I say that I don’t mean that I am struggling. I know you all worry about that but I really am not struggling for the most part! There are times of struggle and times of success. It’s all learning and growing but life is great 🙂

ALRIGHT. So to begin! I know you are all dying to hear how my baptism went……………………..…………………………………………………………….. Well. It was great!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a few little scares because it was both ours first baptism! But we got it all figured out 🙂 So I will send you a copy of the program in a letter. But we had a few speakers and one of the Elders here has a uke! So he played that while we sang the primary song “When I am baptized” it sounded great and Brother K. started tearing up. And his daughter (who’s never shown an interest in the church) came to church!!!!!!!!!! So we had his baptism and I just cried because I was so happy. Brother K. wanted to bear his testimony and it was the most fervent, simple, beautiful testimony. He talked about how he was so lost when we found him but that he knows why he is here and thanked us for all we did for him. But to be completely honest, it was all between him and the Lord we were just blessed enough to be a part of it and help him to understand things. He’s really blessed our lives immensely. So yeah! It all went very well. It was the best first baptism that I could have asked for.

Ummmm… oh I got a letter from Kels and she sounded so worried that I was struggling and said she could tell from my emails. Oh man sorry if I’ve been a negative Nancy!!!! SO I wanted to tell you all that things that I am grateful to have and all of the great things about being it here!

1. It is so bright and sunshiney here. Yeah we sweat our guts out but I am grateful for the warm weather and the sun.

2. I am grateful for the people that i work with here. They are the very best. I honestly feel at home here and the people are almost always very kind 🙂

3. I love my companion. Sister T. is the bomb.com. She has been there for me all the way. Yeah there are times where everything doesn’t go smooth and we are bugged by each other. She is the kindest person in the world and very service oriented. She wants to serve everyone and she knows how to teach simply and help people to understand on their level. We have been through A LOT together and we have had lots of time to learn and grow as a companionship.

4. I love the branch that I serve in. The members are so strong, I don’t know how they do it.

I literally could go on forever. So for all who are within the sound of my voice. Sister Emily is a very happy girl and is not sad! I am alright. Yes a mission is tough. But so am I! So I am going to keep fighting strong. I know I have a lot to improve on and it’s hard to be patient with myself sometimes but I love this work so much!

Don’t worry about a thing…. CAUSE EVERY LITTLE THING IS GONNA BE ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everybody loves Bob Marley 😉
Have fun in Lake Powell family!!!!! Don’t have too much fun 😉

Family History Friday: Amazing Find!


I recently read a great story about a couple who serve as LDS missionaries at one of the churches FamilySearch Libraries.

They were at the FamilySearch Library on the day a call came in from someone who wanted to donate an old Bible. They don’t usually take that kind of donation, unless it has genealogical information in it, but the Bible was accepted at the library. What they found inside was something special just for them.


Rare Bible rescued from trash provides missing family history

By Trent Toone  July 22, 2013 -Deseret News

SAN DIEGO — An old Bible rescued from the garbage more than 40 years ago recently emerged as a priceless family history treasure for one California couple.

Elder Ed Jones and his wife, Sister Dawna Jones, serve as family history missionaries and directors of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints FamilySearch Library in San Diego. While going about his regular duties one hectic Monday morning, Ed Jones received a phone call that has greatly blessed his life.

The woman on the phone identified herself as Gwen Whitlock. She wanted to know if the library would accept the donation of an antique family Bible.

Ed Jones informed her that donations are not generally accepted because the library is short on space, but if the Bible contained genealogical information, the library was interested in examining it. At that moment, Dawna Jones heard the conversation and intervened.

“As all good wives do, she grabbed the phone out of my hands and proceeded to talk to the lady,” Ed Jones said. “’Yes, absolutely, please bring it in,’ she said.”

The following day Whitlock came and hoisted a very worn, 12-by-18-inch book that weighted around 15 pounds on to a table.

The rare Bible itself was a treasure. It was compiled by the Rev. Joseph Knight and published in 1815. It included the Old and New Testaments, as well as the Apocrypha. It also contained illustrations and a collection of beautiful etchings.

“It looked like it had weathered at least two world wars,” Ed Jones said. “We were quite interested.”

As they turned the pages, the Joneses discovered a more priceless and personalized treasure. Inside they found ornately handwritten genealogical records going back into the 1700s. When Dawna Jones saw the last name “Hammond,” her jaw dropped in disbelief. The names, dates and information belonged to her husband’s direct English ancestral line.

“It just blew our socks off,” Ed Jones said. “I knew there was a hole in the line, and … this (information) closed that hole. I didn’t have to look it up on the pedigree chart, I just knew. It was literally the biggest blessing we have ever received in family history. It was phenomenal.”

Ed Jones’ mother joined the LDS Church at age 87 and spent her final years doing family history work. Dawna Jones had assisted her mother-in-law and knew what was missing.

“I always thought my mother-in-law’s work was the most we were going to be able to do,” she said. “But when we found this Bible, it was like she was right there, saying ‘Here it is, it’s all yours.’”

As Whitlock initially observed what was happening, she was a little skeptical.

“How can that be? It was too good to be true for my brain to get around it,” Whitlock said in a phone interview. “But as she continued to talk, I realized it was true.”

Tears flowed as a small crowd gathered around to hear the remarkable story, Whitlock said.

“The fact that I gave it to someone in the Hammond family, which was what I wanted to do, it was such a miracle,” Whitlock said. “We were all standing there crying, thinking, ‘I can’t believe this.’”

Whitlock’s decision to donate the relic Bible to the San Diego FamilySearch Library came after she had safeguarded it for decades. A gentleman was strolling through a Southern California alley and found the Bible in a trash can. He retrieved it and gave it to the Whitlocks more than 40 years go.

Over the years, Whitlock and her husband, the Rev. Carl Whitlock, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Pacific Beach in San Diego, have searched for a Hammond descendent among their friends and congregation, but to no avail.

“It’s been such a wonderful, spiritual story of how God put it (the Bible) for him to find, to bring to me, for me to hold it for them,” Gwen Whitlock said. “Then for God to impress me to take it the day the Joneses were there is a miracle of huge proportions.”

Now the Joneses want to return the favor.

“Because of what they did for us, we have a debt to pay,” Dawna Jones said. “We are going to try and help him find his family history.”

To those who have struggled in family history work, she said don’t give up.

“We are given promises. As long as we are doing the work, doors and windows will open. We will find the work that we need to find to complete the work for our kindred dead,” she said. “We’ve been working for years and years. I believe those promises more than ever. I’ve seen it happen in other people’s lives, but I never thought it would happen in ours.”

Gwen Whitlock hopes people learn two lessons from this incredible story.

“The lessons would be patient, God works miracles,” she said. “I’ve taken care of that Bible for so long. Be patient and God will work it all out in his time, and the right time.”


You never know how you will be blessed with information you’ve been searching for;  this information came in the most amazing way!!

The trick, I think, is to be researching, to be at the library, when the amazing information comes!!

Tayzie’s First Bath!


Tayzie had her first bath today!!

She did pretty good.

She is so curious in the yard, she had all kinds of things attached to her. We have pine trees in the yard, so she had pine gum stuck to her. We had to cut a few hairs off that we couldn’t seem to get clean. Now she looks beautiful and clean and she prances around like a proud little puppy.

Out on a WIM #16


Hello family! How are you all? It sounds like you are all doing very well. SO AM I. I am so glad to hear that you are doing so great, staying busy and having fun!

This week has been so great. I don’t even know where to begin. So I will start with Monday. We had a great p-day and we had a FHE at one of our members house! It was great we invited investigators and answered questions and things like that! It was great! The spirit was “tick”.
We had transfers and Sister T. and I are so happy we are staying together! We have lots of new and very fun missionaries. I really do miss the ones that have left but they are always replaced by someone just as great!
Crazy Stories from this week:
So we were at one of our investigators, she remains anonymous. And we had one of our members there. This member has just become CANCER FREE!!!!! Ah we are so happy. Anyway so her foot has this whole in it from the cancer and while our investigator was saying the closing prayer she like started to ‘bless” Sister C.’s foot and squeeze it and get all up on touching it! And then started to take her dress “cloth” and to cleanse and heal her wound!!!!! It was wild. So needless to say I tackled her so she’d stop. JUST KIDDING! I just told her to be careful. Next lesson we’ll talk on priesthood authority! 😉
WE MET THE CUTEST OLD LADY IN THE WORLD! Well besides L. 🙂 Her name is Sister H. and we go sing hymns through her window.
Anyway we are meeting such fun people. They are very nice and we have lots of investigators it’s just very tricky with all the religions here. But there is always hope.
“It’s not the thing you fling it’s the fling itself…….”
DRUM ROLL PLEASE! Brother K., our hard core progressing investigator IS GETTING BAPTIZED IN LESS THAN A WEEK, ON SUNDAY!!!!!!! On September 8th will be my very first baptism. He is so ready. Brother K. they found contacting a few weeks before I got here. He started out not super interested. But something changed in him. He progressively started to pray and read the Book of Mormon and he’s been coming to church for months! He literally is wonderful. Yesterday at church this is the conversation we had.
Me: Brother K.! How is your Book of Mormon reading going?
Brother K.: It is going great. I only got to read five chapters last night.
Me: HOLY CATS BROTHER K.! That is great! You are awesome.
Brother K.: Well thanks…. I was fasting so i didn’t really have anything else to do….. (Can you say “awesome”?????) (Brother K. also participated in the mission wide fast for this push on member missionary work.
Brother K. loves the Book of Mormon and Bible! He reads at least three chapters everyday from the Book of Mormon! He is so excited to be baptized. And we are so excited as well!
Ya know what? Life is great! (sorry this email is all over the place) I honestly love the people i work with here SO MUCH. They are my family (for now at least). I am grateful for the opportunity that I have to be a missionary. And I am so grateful for the gospel in my life and the happiness that it brings! I get to share that with people! How blessed am I? I have learned so much and am continuing to learn everyday. I love it. In all honesty I would not want to be anywhere else right now. I know this is where I am supposed to be. I am grateful also for my savior Jesus Christ and for my Heavenly Father. I have gotten so close by speaking to my Heavenly Father and counseling with Him on how to be better and how to help these wonderful people!
Spiritual Experience ( I have them everyday): But one for this week was while we were having weekly planning we decided to have a goal of only saying and doing things that Jesus Christ would do. It is difficult. We were reading from 3 Nephi when Christ appears to the Nephites and how he takes time for each person and goes to them one by one and we talked about how we needed to really help each person individually and be patient. It was an eye opening experience!
We were reading in 1 Nephi ch. 15 today and I loved verse 8. It is so simple. “And I said unto them: Have ye inquired of the Lord?’ I love this because how often to do we just not inquire of the Lord and rely on our own knowledge. Nephi is showing his brothers that they know not of the things which his Father does because they have not prayed to Heavenly Father to know. There cannot be conversion without prayer.
Anyway I will move on!
Mahm: Thank you for fasting with my mission that was very nice of you! I am hoping that it will push the work forward! I liked your spider story and the dog jumping on the tramp story oh and your primary story. The best part was me picturing you doing both of those 😉 Good job on your missionary work! I have a new perspective of that. I will be a much better missionary when I get home then I was before I left. Have a great week. I love you a lot.
Daddy: Sounds like you had a lot of fun being active as usual 🙂 I love you.
I can’t remember if I am leaving anything out. I will probs remember stuff to tell you after I am done emailing…. Happens every week.
I will let you know how Brother K.’s baptism goes 🙂 All of you have a great week. Remember who you are! I luff you.

God Bless America!!!

I love this country of America so much!

I have a tradition each Memorial Day of putting up all of my Americana decorations, then I leave them up until Labor Day.

I want to remember and celebrate all of the summer holiday’s with decorations that mean a lot to me. So here you go! I just took them down and decorated for Fall, which is also a favorite time for me.

Actually, now that I think about it I love all the season’s!!!

The lovely cross stitch in the middle on the top shelf I got at the thrift store for $1.00. Can you believe it? I love it!!DSC05652 DSC05654

I’ve always loved quilts, and I always will!

Whether they’re in style or not. Maybe I love them so much because of my pioneer ancestry. I have only made a few quilts in my life, but I own many.

They are beautiful!!DSC05656Another fun thing I like to do around Independence Day is to watch movies that have kind of an “America” theme. I like to watch all of the “National Treasure” movies, our friends have a clean cut copy of “The Patriot”. I think next summer we’ll watch “Lincoln”. It helps me to appreciate what we have as citizen’s of this great country. So many through the years and centuries have sacrificed so much so that we can have what we have. I wish more citizen’s thought about and truly appreciated what this beautiful land offers us.

I want to leave it as wonderful as it is for us to my children and their children. I will do what I can to help that happen. I will vote, I will obey the laws of the land, I will stand up for what I believe even if others disagree with me.

God Bless America, Land That I Love!!!

Family History Friday: Family History Conferences!!

A great way to learn about Family History and have fun at the same time is to attend a Family History conference.

FamilySearch has a list of upcoming Family History conferences.

Check it out!

Hopefully there is a conference near you, so you can have some fun learning how to find your ancestors!!

Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

The Squishy Spoon!

DSC02159Some of the funniest things happen in a family.

When all the kids were little, out of the clear blue, my kids started fighting over the squishy spoon. I’m thinking,

“What is the squishy spoon?”

I found out it is the spoon that is fatter at the top. I have had this set of flatware since before I was married, and I still have no idea what it is used for.

It was the coveted spoon.

If you got to the drawer first you might get the squishy spoon.

Who knew?

Take a Picture!

DSC05354I made this cute little “dust” collector when I was about 13 years old at girls camp. I only went to camp one year. I must have thought it was so cute, because I kept it for years. Then one day I was cleaning things out and I came across it. I had all of these memories come immediately to my mind, then I thought, “I should throw this away. But it is so cute, and I made so long ago, I can’t get rid of it now!”

Actually, yes I can, and I did! I have learned through out the years that you can’t keep everything. One thing that I can do is snap a picture of it. Then I can almost have it forever. I can do a post about it on my blog, and then I can share it with everyone.

If you are struggling with letting go of things you should, take a picture, it will last longer and take up less space, and you won’t have to dust it!