Out on a WIM #15


Elders and Sisters doing a puppet show for a school.


Hello my beautiful fam! It sounds like you all are doing great!! This week is transfer week………….. AND I am leaving……. Or should I say I am never leaving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeeeeeee!!!! I am staying here with Sister T.:) I was so happy when I heard that! It was very very unexpected!! We were sure that she would be leaving. She has been here for four transfers!

I am so glad Lex is doing good 🙂 I have not heard from her hardly at all! AWWWWW… I am so excited to meet the adorable dog we now have.
1-Describe a typical day?
1. (read about in the white handbook) Just kidding! We wake up at six thirty. Work out and stuff. Shower and get ready. Eat breakfast. Eight we do personal study. Nine we do comp study. Ten we are supposed to train but half the time that gets messed up! I am actually done training now! I never hardly felt like I was training 🙂 At eleven we usually eat lunch and then go out to our appointments at twelve! And then come home at around nine and eat dinner and plan! This rarely goes perfectly like that though! Like the other day we did a puppet show for some cute kids at this school!
2-If we send a package, what is the best thing we could send?
2. Maybe send some colorful pens! Maybe a missionary skirt or dress!
3-How often do you go on exchanges? 
3. We go on exchange with the Sister trainer leader once a transfer. But so does my companion so technically twice a transfer!
4-Do you use you planner?
4. DO I USE MY PLANNER??????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that thing is my life. I know nothing without it. I would die without it. I. I. I. Yeah let me stop being dramatic. But seriously my life is contained in those little pages!
5-How many active members are in your branch?
5. Prolly around thirty! Maybe less… It is very small! We have visitors sometimes! There was a cute couple visiting from Africa the last two sundays!! There is a lot of work to be done here 🙂 We are working on it. Brother K. (our main fantastic investigators baptism is in two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6-What is a typical response from people, when contacting?
6. People are typically very friendly. (Typically) We have great conversations with people. There are at least a hundred churches here. So they usually tell us they are from another religion. Some are open! But most people are already going to a different church. People here are very Christian but that almost makes it harder!! We do our best but often times these people have been in that religion for centuries and their whole lives! It is very difficult. But we still find great people. The Lord blesses us so.
7-Favorite scripture of the week? 
7. Oh man I have really been loving 2 Nephi 9:51 “Let your soul delight in fatness” Just kidding but really. I love all of the scriptures. I seriously am learning so much more about them. I know nothing!!!! It is awful! I love the scripture in 2 Nephi 33:1-3 this explains my life. (Elder Bednar did a talk on this) It talks about how the Holy Spirit has to carry the message into their hearts. You can teach all you want but if the spirit is not there he cannot carry the message into their hearts. We bring it unto and the spirit takes it into but only if they have a soft heart and are willing to listen and act the message. And in verse 3 Nephi talks about how he cries for them and prays for them continually and that is how I feel about everyone we work with. I think about them ALL of the time. Our Recent Converts, Less actives and our investigators. Oh gracious! I love the scriptures so.
I love that scripture that you shared mom! It’s great. The Savior did so much for us 🙂 We need to be positive and be grateful and apply the atonement in our lives and continue to try and do better and be better.
Mommy: I am sure you did so good on your talk. Of course you did! Keep being a missionary. That is wonderful! Tell the Elders serving in our area hello for me! I want to see the pictures from Ri and Janny’s wedding!!!!!!! Gosh mom I sure love being a missionary. I have so many things to work on and improve upon! But it is great! I will be having my first baptism in two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeee!!!! Anyway I sure do love you and appreciate all you do for me and your example to me. I would be nothing without you and pops! Really though. Tell everyone I am doing great and hello for me! Have a great week. Keep working hard.
Dad: It sounds like you are doing great! Have fun at Lagoon for me 🙂 Keep taking care of Murph! Ahhhh… Be grateful for having temples all around. I miss the temple. There are none anywhere near where I am. Or the people here. They have to plan a huge trip to go to the temple and most do not have money to do so. I love you lots! Have a great week 🙂
Welp! I love you all dearly. There are the cutest old people here! I love them 🙂 Gosh I hope this is enough details! Have a great week.


Sunday Best!


“A prominent judge was asked what we, as citizens of the countries of the world, could do to reduce crime and disobedience to law and to bring peace and contentment into our lives and into our nations. He thoughtfully replied, ‘I would suggest a return to the old-fashioned practice of family prayer.’” Thomas S. Monson

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

A New Furry Friend!

Kelsey and TayzieWe have a new furry friend at our house.

After much persuasion from Kelsey, we finally gave in.

Meet Tayzie Mae!

She is so cute. She has stolen all of our hearts! She is just teeny and makes a great lap dog. Earlier today she tried to jump on the trampoline and fell through the springs under the trampoline. Because our trampoline is in the ground guess who got to climb under to rescue her? Me! We have to watch her close. She is very curious!

I’m sure I’ll be sharing posts about her as time goes by. Isn’t she darling?

I love her!


Out on a WIM #14

Emily with all the sisters in the MTC!
Hello one and all! A PUPPY????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did we forget the Spazzle experience? I am even still a little bit scarred from that… Cheese on bread. Anyway it sounds like you all are getting along just great and doing all kinds of fun things without me. That’s alright! I can party in however long I have left!
This week…. Where to begin? WELL. This week has definitely been a challenge and a blessing. Isn’t it strange how those always go together? Well actually we have met so many fun people this week! And so many rude and crazy people too. So one of our investigators N. or Sister N. is still not talking to us. Her baptism was supposed to be on Saturday….. Wah. It was really sad. I am not going to lie Saturday was a very hard day for me. I’m alright though 🙂
Brother K. or C. is still planning on being baptized on September 7th.. And that is in next transfer! So I am praying that I am still here.
On Thursday night we had another exchange! Sister T. went with the Sister trainer leader. And I got to be with Sister B.! She is adorable. She just got here. This is her first transfer so I was helping to train her although I am still technically training (I really don’t feel like I am anymore) I actually LOVED being with her and leading the area….. Who knows President M. said I will probs train once I am done being trained! So we shall see. We had a great day and got a lot done.. She is so sweet! She told me that I am a wonderful teacher and leader.. AWWWW SO SWEET! I still have a lot to work on though 🙂 Also we were both talking about how we wouldn’t mind going over to the French side!!!! NO WAY. So I am going to pray about it and consult with Heavenly Father and President M. and see if that’s what is to happen. Sister B. and I could be sent over there together. Awwww I love she bad. So basically it was a wonderful success! I did miss my wonderful comp Sister T. though! She is great. We feel as though she might get transferred off the island this coming up transfer and we just cry randomly thinking about it! Man I love her. She is my Sister. We get along well. It is a lot of hard work but it’s worth it.
We are teaching one of the wonderful recent converts (Sister C.) sisters!! We met with her upon on Monduh! (We met with her on a Monday) She made us cry!!! She has cancer and it is very sad to see.
Also on Sahuduh (Saturday) we went and did a service project. At Sister C.’s house. She is great. She always comes out teaching with us. We are very close with her. We went with the elders and cleaned up her alley way. We probably cleared out 600 beer bottles……… It was crazy! Somebody had a drinking problem! Hahaha One of the went through my glove and cut my hand. It was great! Good thing I got my shots right? Just kidding calm down mom. I am fine. She was so grateful. It is wonderful to get to serve people all day ereday.
I am actually learning to have more of a serious personality! Crazy. I know! A little kid let out some flatulence during a lesson this week and I DID NOT LAUGH. It was a miracle! I am learning to have a happy yet serious way about myself! I think it is great 🙂 I am learning and growing so much it is crazy. Although sometimes it is very hard. I know that it is all great learning experiences! We have met many people who are not the most kind people and tell us that we are young and should go and find the truth…. TOO BAD I ALREADY FOUND IT RIGHT?? 🙂 Sometimes it brings you down.
Hard things about serving here: There are literally SO many religions. Probably a hundred just on this baby island so everyone is so confused and thinks we are just another religion. The church is pretty far away and rarely do people have cars! Jobs. And lots of people have a problem with the Law of Chastity and word of wisdom! It is a lot of hard work! But it is oh so worth it. The church is still very small here.
The work is moving forward! And I love being a missionary. Tell everyone to write me! I LOVE YOU!!!! 🙂
Mommy: Hello! Thanks for giving me the low down. Sounds like life is a blast! I promise I am doing great. Yeah there are hard days and impossible moments where it is very hard. BUT it’s all in your attitude. You taught me that. I just keep smiling. Fake it till you make it on some days. But honestly I am doing great! There is a lot of stress and things but it’s all good learning. Don’t worry though. I love life and the hard days turn around always. The days are so long it’s hard to have a whole bad day! It’s fantastic! I love you a whole lot 🙂 Keep on keeping on. You are the best.
Pops: It sounds like you are playing too much without me!!!!! Haha and it sounds like you have a had a relaxing week 🙂 I forgot the meaning of that word! I am glad stake conference was good! I love you daddy! Have a great week. Keep working hard.
Have a great week everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you all!!!! I wish I could say everything that happens but there is not enough time.

Sunday Best!


“No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude and humility. All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God … and it is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire and which will make us more like our Father and Mother in heaven.”

-Orson F. Whitney

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

Family History Friday: “Do You Know?”


I found a great article in the The New York Times I’d like to share with you. Dr. Marshall Duke found out an interesting thing. In his research, he found out that families who know a lot about their history did better when faced with challenges in life.

I have always believed that.

If my ancestors could go through the hard challenges they did to make life better for me, I can walk my path in life and keep the faith! I can do hard things!

Please read the complete article here! I found it very excellent.

Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

Out on a WIM #13

Hello! It sounds like life is going wonderful there. Life is just oh so dandy here! This week has been insane. Flown by and also gone by oh so very slow. I guess that is how it always goes! But mostly it flies by.
The Mission President was there and said the missionaries can now us Facebook. What the!!
2-Has your mission heard anything about that?

2. Yes please! When Elder Cornish was here he mentioned it! I honestly have not heard anything since then about it though. So I don’t know!!

3-What has been the most testimony building experience of your mission so far? 

3. Hmmmmmm….. That is tough mama. I don’t think I could say just one testimony building experience. Because I have them everyday. One from this week has been having a really rough day on Thursday.

Thursday: OK SO. Thursday was just a normal morning. We went to go and see one of our Progressing Investigators who has a baptismal date and we cried all morning trying to know how we could help her. We talked to Elder A. one of the ZL’s and he said we might just have to give her a drop lesson. So we watched Mormon Messages and tried to decide which one she could use the most. And cried our faces off. Then we went to go see Sister N. and she said she was too busy to meet with us…. So we left and as we are driving away. One of our other progressing investigators called and said he didn’t want us to go and see him anymore and dropped us like we were hot………….. SO THEN…. We went to another of our investigators houses and she told that she needed us to take her to the store and we explained to her that we couldn’t take people in our car. She started yelling at us and told us we were “ramblers”….. Hahahaha I can laugh about it now… But at the time it was not funny at all. Let’s just say that I have had better days in my life.
4-Are you doing good at being totally obedient?
4. I am def being good at being totally obedient! There is not any other way to live. Thank you for caring and checking up on me mama! Sometimes we chew gum in public, go swimming, and wake up at ten o’clock a.m. But that is no big deal. PSYCH!!! Yes I am being a good girl.
5-Are your people still headed to baptism?
5. HMMMMMM…. Well basically. No…. We have one solid baptism. That is Brother K. He is the bomb.com. His baptismal date is September 7th. And that is for real. That is in next transfer so I hope I am still here 🙂 He comes to church every sunday, reads the BOM everyday… TWO CHAPTERS A DAY! Yeah he is solid. Other than that everyone is slowly progressing and we have many very cool people it is just that there is much lack of commitment…. We are having lots of success it just doesn’t show in the baptism area 🙂 The other baptism is N. that I talked about earlier…. She doesn’t really have a date anymore but she was so close to baptism that we even had her whole baptism set up… Then I am not sure what happen…. OH WAIT… Satan… Wah. It is very sad. It ha been hard.
6-Is it still raining a lot?
6. It rained really hard the last couple of days! But in between it is hotter than hot! I love the rain though. I am starting to get cold here. Which scares me because I am going home in December. So if I get cold here… WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME IN UTAH??? Hahahaha when it rains here the people whip out there shower caps, it is hysterical. Also this guy was wearing a huge puffy coat while it was raining the other day. We just laugh…
I hope you are doing great Mommy! I sure do love and appreciate all you do and have done for me. Tell everyone to write me letters! Have a great week!
Sometimes it may seem pointless to be out here battling against every religion… There are millions of religions here. It is crazy. BUT I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is indeed the same church that Jesus Christ established. I KNOW IT and I will always share it because I love it! It has brought so much happiness and peace to my life. I will do whatever I can to help people to find out what I have found out.
Scripture of the week: Helamen 5:12 How firm a foundation!!!! AWWWW 🙂 How firm is your foundation?
I love you one and all! Have a great week! I know I will! Keep being awesome! Stay excellent! 🙂

Sunday Best!


“May we stand together as pioneers of today, always seeking the help of God to guide our families. May we learn from the past the importance of honoring our parents, grandparents, and forefathers, and may we find the strength and courage to face our future as they faced theirs.” -M. Russell Ballard

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

Family History Friday: Double-Bladed Scarf Joint!

I’ve talked about this before, but I just thought about it again today and wanted to share. Many years ago our family took the trip of a lifetime. We traveled back to Boston where my in-laws were serving an LDS mission. We started in Fall River, Massachusetts and drove all over! We went to Boston, Plymouth, New Bedford, New Port, New York, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., then drove all the way back up to Fall River. We had a ball!!

One highlight of the trip for me was seeing my ancestor Jonathan Fairbanks home in Dedham, Massachusetts. It is the oldest framed home in the United States, built in 1637/38. While on a tour of the Fairbanks home the tour guide would point out characteristics of the home and architecture. She showed us a place in the exposed frame where you could see the double-bladed scarf joint. It was interesting to see the construction of such a strong joint. That home is around 375 years old!! Wow! That is some good craftsmanship. Those people weren’t messing around.


The Fairbanks home is a monument to things that last!

Below is a picture of a double-bladed scarf joint. Notice the wood pegs two on the bottom and there are two on the top going through all three sections of wood. Very strong.

double-bladed scarf joint


So today when I was thinking about my ancestor Jonathan Fairbanks and the double-bladed scarf joint I was thinking about the connection we have. He is inspirational to me. Because of him and many others I am here. I love him and someday want to meet him. I cannot explain that connection it’s just there. At least not in a way the world in general would understand. I personally believe it is the spirit of Elijah. I love all of my ancestors. I long to know all of their stories. Someday, I believe I will.

I also have that connection with my immediate family. I believe that connection is very real. If I do all I can to strengthen my family we will be strong like the double-bladed scarf joint. We will last forever. I wish all families could be like the double-bladed scarf joint. I have noticed through the years how the family is changing. Divorce is rampant, out of wedlock pregnancies are very common. I think some children are confused at who their family really is. In a family where there are many issues that challenge the families connections, I think if they knew their ancestors are cheering for their success. If they knew that people who love them made sacrifices, oh so great to help them to have the privileges they take for granted, they might try a little harder to work for the strong connection and family I’m talking about. A family that works together for the success of everyone. I believe that is one of the blessings of doing family history work. We want our ancestors to be proud of us and the sacrifices that we make to be our best, just like we are proud of them for the sacrifices they made to be their best. Will we meet them someday and have them say, “What did you do with your life?” How wonderful it will be if we can say that we did everything we could to strengthen our family and make a connection that would last forever.

Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

He’s a Great Mate!!

Today is me and my darlins 28th anniversary!!!

I know, amazing right?

I can’t believe how the years have flown by.

So this is what we did today. I got up at 7:00 am to greet daycare kids at the door. My sweety got up a little later. We said, “Happy Anniversary!!” to each other and gave some smooches and hugs. Then my darlin got ready for work, he had to be there at 11:00 am. Some more daycare kids came. They played with play doh, and I did the dishes. A few times through out the day, I sent my sweety a text saying, “Oxxooxoxoxoxoxoxo!” Then a little while later I would get a text saying, “Ooxxoooxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxo!” Back and forth we went. Then at 5:05 he called and said he was on his way home. He arrived home, and the daycare kids left. We dressed up nice and stopped at Wendy’s drive-thru and ordered a few things on the dollar menu. We then drove to a meeting at the church. We were there for about an hour and a half. After leaving our daughter called to say, “Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you!” We met her at the house she is dog sitting at, to give her a hug and kiss. We then rushed home to get my darling sweet hubsy to bed, because tomorrow he has to be to work at 5:00 am.

It was a nice day. Was it the best way to spend your 28th anniversary? Probably not, but that’s ok. I have learned through the years not to get to caught up in expectations. I used to, but not any more. Life is awesome! Every minute of it has something to be thankful for. I have had the opportunity to love and be loved by my best friend. I wouldn’t trade that for anything. He is my everything. We celebrate our love and marriage everyday!


I love you, my wonderful and amazing darlinest of sweethearts!!