Out on a WIM! #9

Hello family!
How are you all?? I hope life is treating you great! Tell Quincy I say to get feeling better and that I love her! How is Colin and Vickie?? It sounds like everything is going very well 🙂 This week has been great! Lots of hard work, good times, fun people, mean people, laughter, learning experiences, and everything else. I guess that is every week though…
1-What is something fun you are planning to do, or have done for p-day? Like visit a tourist sight?
1. WE PLAYED BEACH VOLLEYBALL TODAY! SO that was way fun 🙂 Welp. I think we will visit a tourist site eventually. Our P-days have been really cray cray lately. We go get ice cream every P-day!
2-Are there any fruits on the island you have never seen before?
2. They have passion fruit! Which is delicious. We make juice out of it! Also they have something called bread fruit here. I have not tried it but I want to! It’s more like a vegetable.. I hear it tastes like a potato!
3-Have you eaten anything unusual? 
3. I ate “coo coo” which I think I told you about… It just mushy stuff! Honestly I am not sure what it is…. And we eat “doubles” which are burrito type things! They are great!
4-How long does it rain, when it rains? Is it a few minutes, or a few hours?
4.It usually rains whenever the sky feels like it. It’ll rain for a while and then stop! It hasn’t rained for a while! Also that “tropical storm” never happened!!! It basically just rained like any other day…
5-How do you handle someone who is not nice? Does it happen?
5. Yes please. We have run into quite a few mean people! You just keep that missionary smile on your face and be very professional. Most of the people are very nice. A lot of them are a little too friendly……………… BUT either way I just try to be very professional and don’t show that I am scared or anything like that. It’s not that bad to deal with people!
6-Do you check in with the other missionaries often? Daily? Weekly?
6. Yeah yeah! We have nightly calls so we talk to the Zone or District leaders every night. And see them a couple of times a week! But we are so far from anyone else. I have no idea what happens on the other islands…. But I am very close with the people serving in Barbados! 🙂
7-Is the island hilly, mountainous, or not so much?
7. The island isn’t too hilly! It’s very flat compared to other islands. We drive a lot. I wish we walked more!!
8-Favorite scripture or lesson learned this week?
8. HMMMM…. My favorite scripture of this week is 1 Nephi 4:6 [And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do.] Sometimes we don’t know how something is going to work out but we just know that it will with the Lords help. Also something I have realizing is humility. I thought I was humble until I got here. We work so hard all day and we really do have great numbers for our mission and sometimes I get caught up in that we worked so hard and that is why we have these people. Which is true but we are just instruments in the Lords hands. All I need to do is not let ourselves get in the way. So I must be obedient and stay worthy of having the spirit with me all of the time. I can see the Lord in my life and in the lives of the people here. It blows my mind! This is the Lords work, not mine or any of the missionaries. The Lord provides a way!
Ok so more news…. This is week is transfer week! And I am… *drum roll please* STAYING where i am WITH SISTER T.! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 I am so happy.
Funny Story: So we were teaching this guy C. and his porch was pretty busted up (just like all of the porches here) SO I didn’t think much of it. Alright so I am right in the middle if teaching and I shift my weight over to one leg………… WHEN ALL OF THE SUDDEN…………………………………………………. I go busting through the porch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I know I have gained weight but I didn’t think I was THAT fat! Cheese on bread. So I got some crazy cuts and I gushing a little bit of blood! And I just got up and continued teaching… Choking back laughter. It was so funny! So we leave and I was “Bye C., sorry I busted your porch” Then we get in the car and I realize that my skirt was ripped…………. All the way up to my bum…. I know…. Can you say embarassing? Just kidding. I just thought it was so funny. Anyway my cuts are healing but I am not sure about ego….
There is more to tell but I don’t have much time!!! Love, Sister Emily

Sunday Best!


“We should not underestimate or overlook the power of the Lord’s tender mercies. The simpleness, the sweetness, and the constancy of the tender mercies of the Lord will do much to fortify and protect us in the troubled times in which we do now and will yet live. When words cannot provide the solace we need or express the joy we feel, when it is simply futile to attempt to explain that which is unexplainable, when logic and reason cannot yield adequate understanding about the injustices and inequities of life, when mortal experience and evaluation are insufficient to produce a desired outcome, and when it seems that perhaps we are so totally alone, truly we are blessed by the tender mercies of the Lord and made mighty even unto the power of deliverance.”

-David Bednar

Hope your Sunday was the Best! Love, Joy

Out on a WIM #8

Good Afternoon! (Everyone here doesn’t really say “hello” “hey” “hi” They always say Good morning, Good afternoon or Good evening or goodnight!) This week has been so GREAT! It actually has been a lot of things. Basically any emotion you can think of I have felt it this week! It sounds very hot at home like it is here! It’s always so hot! SO this week:

Monday- CRAZIEST DAY EVER. We were supposed to do a lot of things. But we didn’t really have any time… We have some how become the “Assist-ers”. The O.’s were gone again this week. And so if anyone had a problem they came to us. SO we were taking care of everyone on Monday instead of ourselves! YAY. But it all worked out great. We took Sister C. around to say goodbye to some of the people we see. It was sad! We all cried.
Tuesday- We took Sister C. to the airport at 6:00 a.m… And then we welcomed SIster F. into our companionship 🙂 She is very sweet and likes to talk! It was a challenge to regain unity but everything went well. She really is a great girl.
Wednesday- Lots of lessons! Good day!
Thursday- GREAT LESSONS! We found out Sis. F. is leaving us to go with another set of sisters in our District. She was SO SAD.
Friday:Handed Sis. F. off to the sisters! It was so fun to have her and I learned a lot. I’m happy that there is two of us 🙂 Either way I think it is great! So we did a lot of contacting on this day…. WE RAN INTO THE AWESOMEST CRAZIEST PEOPLE. SOOOOOOOOO we were contacting by the O.’s house! (CRAZY STORY TIME) Alright so we come to this house and there is this lady named E. She starts telling us about how she HATES Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and saying very inappropriate things but that’s how she feels. She told us all about her life and awful things that have happened to her… And literally I am sobbing as we are teaching her. I think for more than one reason. I could never imagine anyone hating My Heavenly Father and my Brother Jesus Christ. They mean so much to me. And to imagine what she had been through to get to that point… IT BROKE MY HEART. So she then later told us that she was “fighting” with God and then was about to turn herself over to the devil when she heard a knock on the door and two girls say “GOOD EVENING!! :)” We prayed with her and for her and she started to cry and we gave her a hug and left. (This is the shortened version of this story) So we left and Sister T. and I just went to the car and prayed harder then ever. I was just weeping. For many reasons. But it was a cool experience. I loved it. Then we met some Less Actives and got ice cream with the Elders later that night!
Saturday- We picked up the O.’s from the airport at 10:45p.m.! AH! Out past curfew………. BUT I AM SO GLAD THEY ARE HOME! We were dead tired.
Sunday- We had a great fast and testimony meeting! I teared up many times! I love hearing the members testimonies! It gives me hope! WE HAD THREE INVESTIGATORS AT CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which like NEVER happens in Barbados…. 🙂 AWWWW… The Lord is blessing us so much! I can’t believe it!
So P. was at church, he doesn’t have legs! I think I told you about him. He is so solid. He is reading the Book of Mormon and loving it. I want to tell you about all of my investigators but there is not enough time!!!
I LOVE the PEOPLE! and I wouldn’t change that for the world! We are meeting so many people. They are my brothers and sisters. How we look doesn’t matter it what is on the inside that matters. We really have had better numbers than ever before this week. We have worked our bungs off and been BLESSED, BLESSED, BLESSED. It is all thanks to the Lord. He is my strength 🙂 Also today there is supposed to be a Tropical Storm flying through our area! We should be fine! Anyway I don’t have time to write you all individually but Mom, Dad, Ri, Janny, Chels, and Al…. I really do love you all with all my heart. I miss you guys but I love being a missionary! LOVE YOU! Have a great week! Keep the faith. Read your scriptures, pray and notice all of the Lords tender mercies 🙂 LIFE IS GREAT! Love, Sister Emily


Sunday Best!



“Marriage is the foundry for social order, the fountain of virtue, and the foundation for eternal exaltation. Marriage has been divinely designated as an eternal and everlasting covenant. Marriage is sanctified when it is cherished and honored in holiness. That union is not merely between husband and wife; it embraces a partnership with God.”

-Russell M. Nelson