One of my darling daycare kids is always coming up to Emily and saying, “Hold me!”
So Emily started coming up to Kelsey and saying, “Hold me!”
So Kelsey did.
These girls are so cute!!
We dropped Emily off at the MTC (Missionary Training Center) today!!
She will be an amazing missionary. We will miss her, but we know she will be blessed and that others will be blessed by her service.
Look for posts called
“Out on a WIM!”
WIM is short for West Indies Mission.
Emily’s Facebook post: Hello everyone! I’m getting set apart tonight and I’m off to the MTC tomorrow! So this is my final post before I leave. I just wanted to let all of you know that you mean the world to me. Thank you for the support, money, love and anything else you guys have given me. I’m so grateful! I want you to all know that I have a testimony of the gospel and that it burns like a fire in my heart. I can’t wait to share it with all of the people of the West Indies! I will see you guys in 1.5 🙂 I love you all!
Hurrah for Israel. And God be with you till we meet again 🙂
I recently wrote a post about how busy things have become. Last Sunday, “Bonus Baby” spoke in church, before leaving on her mission. It was mother’s day and we had a house full of guests here to see Emily speak. After Emily spoke, we had 60+ people at our home. It was a fun and very busy weekend. Emily did such a great job on her talk. She is a sweetheart and I am so blessed to be her Mama.
This Monday is Riley and Janet’s wedding. We have been busily making decorations and preparations. One of my favorite things that we have been working on is a bench to put Riley and Janet’s gifts on. It started out as our old bed frame. For years my sweetie and I shared a full size bed. We’re not tall people, and a lot of that time my darlin was working graveyard. When I got out of bed, he was getting in bed. We finally graduated to a queen sized bed. I kept the frame for all of these years because I wanted to make a bench out of it. So with the wedding coming up, we decided it was a great time to make the bench. It is turning out so cute!! We’re not quite done with it. Here’s a pic
We will be busily decorating on Monday morning so Riley and Janet can get married. Then Monday night we’ll have a reception for them. I am so happy for them. They are a very good match for each other. Every mother wants her children to marry a wonderful person. Riley is marrying a wonderful person. We love Janet.
Just two days after the wedding, Emily will leave on her mission. (That was part of the reason for having the wedding two days before, so Emily wouldn’t miss it.) We will drive to the MTC in Provo and drop her off. Then we won’t see her for a year and a half. Ouch. I’ve done this before, but I never get used to dropping off a missionary and saying good bye for a time. The hardest part about this one is, she is my baby. My baby grew up. We used to tell the kids when they were little that “growing up” was against the rules. It was fun to get their responses to that. They’d say something like, “But mom, I have to grow up!”
She did it. She broke the rules, just like the others.
My church calling has been quite busy. I am the Primary President in our ward and I absolutely love it!! I have meetings every Sunday with the children in our ward. We sing and learn together. I love the be in Primary. I meet with my counselors and my secretary each week for an hour or so. We love the children and the teachers who serve with us. We feel very blessed knowing that Father in Heaven is helping us to do our best.
After the wedding, and Emily leaves, things will calm down quite a bit. I think I might have too much time on my hands. I know there will be tears. I know I will miss my “Bonus Baby”. I also know she will do an amazing job on her mission and will bless many people. I am happy when my children have amazing opportunities. This is how I feel about being the mother to a missionary.
I’ll just keep doing what my mission president taught me.
Life is good!
This is my father-in-law Pearce, and his sister Margo. I took this picture while we attended a viewing for Geri, who had passed away, Pearce and Margo’s sister. When I saw these two holding hands, I had to click a picture. Pearce doesn’t remember people anymore, but he is full of love. They just sat like this for quite a while. So sweet!
These are my patio chairs. I have had them for quite some time. They have seen many family parties! They have also seen better days. The sun has done a number on them. I finally turned them over so the under side would be on top and all of the sun damage and wear wasn’t as obvious.
If you look close here, you’ll see tears on the seat.
And in this picture you can’t miss them.
I wanted to buy some new chair cushions, but that is not an option. We are sending our “Bonus Baby” off on her mission in a week and a half, and our “First Born” is getting married two days before that. My money is ear marked for other things.
Then I had a thought…”I could just cover them!” I went through my fabric. I had didn’t have enough of either of the fabrics I chose to cover all of them, so I decided to put one fabric on the front and the other on the back.
I laid the pad out on the fabric and cut around it leaving a few inches for seam allowance.
I cut 24 inch strips to make ties for the pad cover.
Oh, and I used the velcro piece from the original pad and attached it to the underside fabric. I figured, why not?
I pinned front and back together with the tie in place. Then I sewed it up like a pillow case. Turned it inside out and put the original chair pad inside the cover. It was a little work getting it in, but I just did it like I do when I’m putting a pillow into a pillow case.
Once it was in I sewed up the end kinda like a present. The straight part with the machine, and the angle parts by hand.
I think they turned out great!!!
We had quite the storm!! It was pouring! First it hailed then it poured. There was so much rain in just a few minutes that our rain gutters were over whelmed.
My darlin had to put on his slicker, and hammer the rain gutters back on. I’m sure he was having fun! 😉 By the time he was done, he was soaked.
If you’d like one, I don’t know for sure where you could get one. I don’t think they make them anymore. We got it from a family we lived by years ago. We have used it off and on. The Ice Cream Roller has two containers, an inner container and the outer one you see. What you do is put the ingredients to make ice cream in the inner container. Then you put that container inside the outer container, and in the space between them you put ice and salt. Then you roll it back and forth between two or more people. It is a fun thing to do as a family. After a while, you open it up and eat the tasty treat. Yum!
Now for the “Desperate Measures” part of the story. Sometimes you just need some yummy ice cream a little faster. Sometimes you’re desperate for it, but you just don’t have the strength to work for it. My cute little darlin came up with a great idea. He decided to use the treadmill to make the ice cream. I bet you’ve never heard that before. He put the roller on the treadmill, started it up and put something at the back end of the treadmill to stop the Ice Cream Roller from rolling off the treadmill. There it was just rolling and rolling while we did other things. After a short time our delicious treat was ready and our taste buds were in heaven.
Desperate times call for desperate measures!
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