
FullSizeRenderTogether Again! These beautiful girls, my “Dream Come True” and my “Bonus Baby.” I am so thankful to have them both in my life!!!


My Sister, My Friend

It doesn’t really matter if we’re together or apart, you’re never really far from me, you’re always in my heart.

I love the way we both can laugh, until we almost cry, yet hug each other tenderly, and real tears fill our eyes.

In some ways we’re so different, yet our values are alike, so I know you’ll always have my back, whenever trouble strikes!

You know my darkest secrets, and you never judge my pain. You validate my dreams, and let me know they’re not in vain. 

The face I often show the world, is who “they” need to see, but you accept me for myself, as God would have me be. 

If I could turn one “wish” to prayer, it would be that you could see, how precious you are in my eyes, and how you’ll always be. 

For no matter where life leads us, from now until the end, I pray you’ll feel my love for you, “MY SISTER,” my best friend!

by Barbara D. MacAdam

“For You? Or For Me?


When I was a young mother, and my girls were real small, I bought all of their clothes and they looked darling. I sewed a lot for them.

 I dreamed of the day when I would go shopping with them. I thought it would be so fun to spend time picking outfits together. I imagined that we would like the same styles and fashion. I actually thought I was pretty stylish and hip to the latest fashion.

Pretty soon, however, they started to pick their own clothes. If I bought something without them with me I would end up taking it back, because they didn’t like it. That’s when I stopped buying things for them, without them being there with me.

Since that fateful day….I have come to realize that my dreams of having fun shopping with my girls has not turned out like I thought it would. It’s still pretty fun, it’s just not like I thought it would be. Expectations.

Let me just tell you how it works. I’m shopping with my “Dream Come True” and I say, “Look at this cute shirt! What do you think?”

She looks at me, then the shirt and says, “For you? or for me?”

Ouch! I’m thinking, “Is there a difference?”

Yes, there is…because she would never wear the things I think are cute!

I guess I’m not as fashionable as I thought I was…

…so, if you have daughters and they say, “For you? Or for me?”

don’t feel bad, you’re not alone.

It’s a Sign!

photoMy darling Kelsey…my “Dream Come True” received these three water bottles all within a week of each other.

She won two of them in a contest and the third one was given to her for reading with the kids at the elementary school.

I told her, “It’s a sign!! You’re not drinking enough water!”

Don’t you think??


Now That’s a Bag!

Me and darling “Dream Come True” were out shopping and she saw this awesome huge bag!


I said,”I bet you could fit in that bag!”

IMG_0807You may or may not remember this…


This was before Kelsey left on her mission!

Next thing I know she is getting ready to climb in!!!!!
Just kidding! Look at that smile! 😉

“Good things come in small packages,” like my Kelsey!!

Love you, sweet “Dream Come True!”

Best “Furry” Friend!

We have a sweet “Furry” friend that lives at our house.

People have called her, “Man’s best friend,” but since there’s not all men at our home we will just call her our “Best ‘Furry’ Friend.”

This is Tayzie right after we got her.

The idea to go get her was Kelsey’s, so when Tayzie is misbehaving, I always call her Kelsey’s dog. Isn’t she adorable? What a fun pup.

Kelsey is pretty darn cute, too!!!

Kelsey and Tayzie


This is the famous “smiling dog” photo!!

Well, maybe not famous, but it should be. TayzieSmiling

And here is Tayzie after her last trip to the beauty parlor for pups. She is so cute!!!!

photo (36)I didn’t know it was so fun to kiss fur!!! Right there, behind her eye!

Flexy say’s she is hormonal, because she gets so excited when we come home, that she literally cries and howls. I usually say to her, “I know, I missed you too!!!”

It is so great to have a “Best ‘Furry’ Friend”!!!!

13 Things I’ve Learned From Posting 1000 Posts!!!!!!!!!

I have reached a milestone!!! Today I’m posting my

1000th post!

Here are 13 things I’ve learned from posting 1000 posts!!!!!

1-It’s ok to be yourself. 

I have learned that even though I’m not perfect, I am lovable.


2-It’s a great way to tell your story. 

I love to read over my stories and relive my experiences.

3-I love to talk about my family, and their history.

I have wonderful children! My grand baby is adorable! My ancestors are the bomb! We are all basically pretty great people!!!


4-It’s actually very fun to have a blog.

It’s a happy, fun, exciting place to share my life!

5-I have lots of heroes, friends, and memories.

My heroes are the good examples in my life. I try to emulate their lives. My friends are golden and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Well, my memory may go, but I’ll still have my blog.

6-Funny things happen in life.

Laughter really is the best medicine. I wrote a post once about laughing at inappropriate times, and yes I have been known to do that. I just innocently try to live my life and funny stuff just happens. I start to giggle and it’s all over. Next thing you know I have a stomach cramp, and tears are streaming down my face. I am thankful that I laugh easily. Life is too short to not laugh hysterically when the opportunity presents it’s self.

7-There are some wonderful movies and TV shows out there.

Dory: “Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming….what do we do we swim, swim!”

I need that reminder a lot.

8-Sometimes I don’t Have anything to say, believe it or not. And that’s ok.

I have been amazed at the lack of things to say, or when I can’t think of anything to post. I never thought I’d see the day. I am very social, I can talk to anyone, but I do like to be by myself and just sit still and read or relax sometimes.

9-Life is busy!

Life is busier than ever before. We’re all busy. It makes living adventurous! Sometimes finding time to do a blog post is very difficult, but I’m always glad when I do.

10-I really love Sunday’s the Best!


Peaceful, inspirational, and spiritual! Spending the day thinking about God and His precious gifts, and looking for ways to bless others lives!

11-The world is full of Beautiful Places!


Always focus on the beauty in this world. We are so blessed by Father above to live in such a beautiful place. Look for the beauty!

12-I have learned lot’s of lesson’s. 

I’m so glad I’ve written them down. I love to learn and I’m glad that challenges are not wasted by having to repeat difficult times. I so appreciate the lessons!

13-It takes a long time to write 1000 posts. 

Who knew it would take almost 5 years of blogging to reach 1000 posts, but I did it!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!

“I’m in the Armpit!”

IMGBack in the day, many moons ago, Kelsey was in jr. high school. It was a tough time for her. It’s a tough time for everyone. I had a friend once call jr. high, “The armpit of life.” Ever since then, we call it that too. We didn’t hide this description from the kids, they knew that’s what we called it.

One day Kelsey was having a particularly hard day.

She was very upset about life, school, and anything else you can think of. We were giving her suggestions of things she could do to make things better, and we were probably giving her a little grief for not doing as well in school or life as she could be. She finally blurted out,

“I can’t help it, I’m in the armpit!!!”

We all started laughing, including Kelsey. It was a good. We all needed the reminder that the “armpit” was temporary. From that time on, she was much more relaxed about the struggles that come while you’re “In the armpit of life.”