*Family Words*

I don’t know about you, but at our home we have some words that are completely our own. The reason why they are our own is that we made them up.

One day Kelsey was trying to help Emily work through something that she was upset about. I asked her “What’s the problem?” Kelsey said “I’m just trying to consooth Emily.” In case you wondered, that is “console” and “sooth” together. What a darling little girl!! When I am struggling, I love it when I get “consoothed.” It really helps me feel better.

Remember that word. You have our permission to use it!!

Dream Come True!

My daughter Kelsey is who I call my “Dream Come True”. She is, but she is not the only “dream come true” in my life. I only refer to her that way, because I waited so long for a darling little girl to come into my life. She is serving a mission right now, for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As of yesterday, she has been gone for 6 months. She’ll be home in one year. What a blessing she is to me, and our family!

Kelsey at eight years old!

When Kelsey was eight years old, she was riding her bicycle around our driveway. She was focusing so hard on where she was going, she didn’t notice that one of the neighborhood boys had just gone off a jump and was headed straight for her. They collided and both of them landed on the ground. After checking them out we realized that Kelsey was bleeding from her forehead. She had about a one inch gash. We cleaned her up and headed for the hospital for stitches. On the way to the hospital we talked about what was going to happen.

She started to cry and said, “I’m just very upset, because my skin is very important to me!”

I told her I understood, because her skin was very important to me, too. What a darling little girl! She made it through the stitches, and you can barely see the scar, but we have never forgotten the cute thing she said that day.

Happy Birthday "Dream Come True"

Happy 22nd B-day to my beautiful Kelsey!!
22 Things I love about her:
1-She’s mine!
2-She loves me!
3-She’s tiny! 
4-She in respectful!
5-She loves Heavenly Father!
6-She loves our Savior!
7-She loves her fellowmen!
8-She is responsible!
9-She is a wonderful daughter!
10-And sister!
11-And friend!
12-She loves reading!
13-She loves learning!
14-She is smart!
15-She has cute “tootsie roll” toes!
16-She has a great smile!
17-She has a great sense of humor!
18-She is sensitive and kind!
19-She is spunky!
20-She loves to sleep!
21-She loves to get things done!
22-She is a “dream come true”!

Psychic Kelsey!

So the other day…
the mail came, and
I was seriously bummed 
because there was a letter for Emily
 from Hermana Kelsey, and a card for my darlin
 from Hermana Kelsey. I was thinking, “What am I, chopped liver?” I said to Emily, “That’s not very fair!” 
She said, “Why?” And I went on to tell her that I’m the one who writes to her, and send’s her packages, and stuff. I said, “All I need is a little note from her that says, she loves me, and that she’s glad that I am her mom!” 
So my darlin opens his card and on the back was this note to me!!!!!
In case you can’t read it, it says, “I love you and I’m glad you are my mom!” Is she psychic or what? Wow!!!

What works for me!

I am the mom to a missionary. 
A missionary mom. 
Actually, I am the mom to two missionaries. These missionaries are adult children. I love them so much. I really do miss them. You need to know that when you serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you leave your family and live somewhere in the world. You share the gospel, and serve God’s children. You communicate with your family by email and letters. Except for twice a year, Mother’s Day and Christmas when you get to talk to each other on the phone. Sometimes it is hard. But I think I have figured out how to enjoy this time while they are gone. Whenever I feel sad or like the next year and a half of my life with take forever, I reason through the emotions like this: First, they are adults. They are young, but they are adults. And I want them to become independent and able to live on their own. Second, they are learning and experiencing life. They will see life out in the world. In a place where they have never been before. I want them to learn and experience life. Would I deny them this opportunity just to have them here with me? No. Third, they are there to serve. They have given up a year and a half to two years of their life to serve, love and help others. I have taught them their whole lives to love everyone and to serve others. They are amazing. Fourth, the only time I feel sad and lonesome is when I am thinking about me. If I think about them and what amazing kids they are, and how this opportunity will bless their lives and bless the lives of those they serve, I am thrilled for them. And next thing you know, I am no longer sad or lonesome and I happily go about my day. I will say, probably the most important thing in all of this, and the Fifth thing is that I believe that our Heavenly Father loves them and will protect them, and bless them. This is what works for me! It may not work for everyone, but it works for me, and I thought I should share it. 

My Dream Come True!

Mission call opening party!
(aka: my dream come true!)
 with her mission call! 
Where will she go?
(See Aunt Lisa and Uncle Larry on Skype in the background?) 
Lots of friends and family here,
 to see her open her mission call!
“You are hereby called to serve 
as a missionary for 
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints…”
Crying!! What a sweetheart!
 It’s Texas, Ft. Worth-
 Spanish speaking!!!
 Well, that is awesome!! 
I was a missionary in Texas when I was young!
 I’m so excited that she will grow to love Texas, 
like I do!!

“The stars at night, are big and bright!!
deep in the heart of Texas!!”
We feel so blessed! We will have two missionaries now!

Dream Come True: You won’t believe this!

This is Kelsey’s purse!
It’s teeny! 
It’s like 9″ wide X 4.5″ deep X 3″ tall. 
You will be amazed @ what fits in 

this teeny purse!!!

Here it comes!




This is amazing!

In case I have cramps and a cold! Chloraseptic, Midol, Lotion, hand sanitizer, receipts, prescription.
What’s with the Beano? Head ache medicine, eye drops, red pills (I think it’s Sudafed), Blistex, Chapstick.

I might need the little green marble, you never know!
Cell phone, iPod, cash (good to have), knife (from Cabela’s), pen.

Mascara, 2 lip glosses, check book, wallet, gum, Tums, bobbie pins, hair elastic, two little coin disc things, Zicam, keys!

She is one amazingly prepared girl!! Hey Kelsey! Can I have one of those Beano’s!?