
Mr. Rogers!
“You are special!” I always felt special when listening to him. From the time I was a little girl, when I would question my worth, I knew I was special and of value, while listening to him. When I got older, doing housework, I would catch glimpses of him, while my children were watching. I knew he was helping them feel special too. His positive way of looking at life is an example of how to live. His life, and program, taught us to, “Love your neighbor as yourself”.  


I know, I know, she is a cartoon character. She is still one of my heroes! She actually reminds me of myself, in some ways. Those who know me, would say it’s because I can’t remember stuff for very long. I would say it’s because I remember the things that are really important, like family, or friends. Also, because my life long desire is to be positive in every situation. That’s what I love about Dory. She is a “glass half full” type of gal. She get’s her feelings hurt on occasion, but she forgets it, and moves on with her darling little life. I want to be more like Dory in that way. 
” Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.”

Marlin: The water’s going down. 
It’s-it’s-it’s going down!
Dory: Hmm. Are you sure about that?
Marlin: Look! Already it’s half-empty.
Dory: Hmm…I’d say it’s half-full. 
Marlin: Stop that! It’s half-empty!

Dory: [dreaming] Uhhh…the sea monkeys have my money…
yes, I’m a natural blue…

Dory: I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine 
and he shall be my Squishy. 
Come on, Squishy come on, little Squishy. 
[baby talk, the jellyfish stings her] 
Dory: Ow. Bad Squishy, bad Squishy.
They are inside the whale and Dory tells
 Marlin to let go of the whales mouth. 
Marlin: How do you know that nothing bad won’t happen?
Dory: I don’t.
Dory: Hey there, Mr. Grumpy Gills. When life gets you down 
do you wanna know what you’ve gotta do? 
Marlin: No I don’t wanna know.
Dory: [singing] Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. 

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. 
What do we do? We swim, swim.
Marlin: Dory, no singing.
Dory: [continuing] Ha, ha, ha, ha, ho. 
I love to swim. 
When you want to swim you want to swim. 
Marlin: Now I’m stuck with that song… Now it’s in my head. 
Dory: Sorry. 

My Heroes!

Abraham Lincoln
is one of my heroes!
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
“Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.”
Gettysburg Address— “that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain–that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom–and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
2nd Inaugural address“With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds…. “
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”
He was diligent in his education, always reading and improving his knowledge. He was an honest man and was fair and just. He believed in God, and wasn’t afraid to speak about Him. He had a quick wit as you can see from the last quote. I’m glad there are 
leaders like
Abraham Lincoln
to look up to and admire.  

Happy Birthday, Daddy!!

This is the sweetest, funniest, most tender hearted and loving man!
This is my Dad!
He has always been there for me when I need advice and counsel. He has led, and continues to lead, a life full of integrity and goodness. Years ago, my Daddy started to take me on a date once a month, just me and him. We go to dinner, and talk. We share our days and life experiences together. Sometimes, I tell him what I think he should do in a certain situation. He tells me what he thinks about what’s going on in my life. Sometimes we talk about my children, and what they’re doing or a hard thing they’re going through. He gets big tears in his eyes, and can’t even speak. I love that the older he’s gotten, the more tender he is. I love him so much. I hope someday to be half the person he is. I will just keep doing the things he has taught me to do, both in word and through his example. Thanks Daddy for being such a great Dad, for your wonderful example, and for always being there for me.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!

My Heroes!

Martin Luther King
 is one of my heroes!
 I admire so much his dream of brotherhood and equality. His desire to have our country be a place where we are “judged not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character” was so inspiring. What a beautiful speech! You can hear it here! I feel sad that he isn’t here now. I would love to meet him. Here is his last speech. I love how he uses the Bible verses to express himself. He knew, and I know, that God is in charge and that everything will turn out the way it’s supposed to in the end.

My Heroes!

Nelson Mandela is one of my heroes. His strong belief in a democratic South Africa and the end of apartheid landed him in prison for 27 years. He said himself, “During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to the struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But, if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.” But he didn’t have to die for his ideal. He was released February 11th, 1990, and was elected in the first democratic election as the President of South Africa. He served from 1994-1999.
The novelist ANDRE BRINK said,
“He exemplifies a moral integrity that shines far beyond South Africa”
It is amazing to me that it could be said of any world leader that they exemplify moral integrity.
Nelson Mandela, Inaugural Address 1994
“Our deepest fear is not that are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn’t serve this world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that
other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that
is within us.
It is not just in some of us -it is in everyone!
And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other
people permission to do the same,
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence
automatically liberates others!”-Marianne Williamson
Let’s follow his counsel.

My Heroes!

I really admire Andrew Carnegie. He is one of my heroes! His life and example are a testimony to me of hard work and giving back. He is an example that to earn your own way in life and to be loyal to family and God are most important. I love that he used his wealth to bless all.

“Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community.” -Andrew Carnegie

The government didn’t take it from him with taxes and such, so they could decide what to do with it, and who to give it to. I like the idea and I believe that we are stewards of our own money. We decide how to share it and how to bless others. And I do believe we should, and have an obligation, to bless others with what God has given to us.

Andrew was born in Scotland in 1835. Things changed in their life and his parents became unable to provide for the family. His parents and younger brother moved to America. He got his first job at twelve years old, earning $1.20 a week. He worked hard and became a multi millionaire and in the year 1901 sold his business to JP Morgan for $480 million. Morgan created US Steel and Andrew became the richest man in the world. Can you imagine $480 million in the year 1901!! Wow, richest man, I’d say. By the time he died in 1919, he had given away 90% of his wealth. He didn’t just hand the money over to people, he made an institute that would make money available to universities and colleges, as well as, many other organizations and philanthropies. He made a way for the money to bless others, if they put an effort in to be blessed by it. I love that. You can read more about it at the link at the bottom of the post.

We came across his grave on a recent trip to New York. We visited the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, and there it was. Bonus! I read a little about him and his life and was fascinated. What a great man!

I think the most impressive thing to me was that his grave site was so humble. There were housekeepers and others who were employed at the Carnegie household who were buried there too. Other families buried at the same cemetery had quite large mausoleums and extravagant head stones and such. I didn’t even know who they were, although their last name was familiar. What did they do with their life? I have no idea…but I know what Andrew did.

Here is a sample of the way he thought and his humble beginning.
Taken from The Gospel of Wealth by Andrew Carnegie.
….”The eldest son of parents who were themselves poor, I had, fortunately, to begin to perform some useful work in the world while still very young in order to earn an honest livelihood, and was thus shown even in early boyhood that my duty was to assist my parents and, like them, become, as soon as possible, a bread-winner in the family. What I could get to do, not what I desired, was the question.”
“As the factory system developed hand-loom weaving naturally declined, and my father was one of the sufferers by the change. The first serious lesson of my life came to me one day when he had taken in the last of his work to the merchant, and returned to our little home greatly distressed because there was no more work for him to do. I was then just about
ten years of age, but the lesson burned into my heart, and I resolved then that the wolf of poverty should be driven from our door some day, if I could.”
The question of selling the old looms and starting for the United States came up in the family council, and I heard it discussed from day to day. It was finally resolved to take the plunge and join relatives already in Pittsburg. I well remember that neither father nor mother thought the change would be otherwise than a great sacrifice for them, but that “it would be better for the two boys.”
“In after life, if you can look back as I do and wonder at the complete surrender of their own desires which parents make for the good of their children, you must reverence their memories with feelings akin to worship. On arriving in Allegheny City (there were four of us: father, mother, my younger brother, and myself), my father entered a cotton factory. I soon followed, and served as a “bobbin-boy,” and this is how I began my preparation for subsequent apprenticeship as a business man. I received one dollar and twenty cents a week, and was then just about twelve years old. I cannot tell you how proud I was when I received my first week’s own earnings. One dollar and twenty cents made by myself and given to me because I had been of some use in the world! No longer entirely dependent upon my parents, but at last admitted to the family partnership as a contributing member and able to help them! I think this makes a man out of a boy sooner than anything else, and a real man, too, if there be any germ of true manhood in him. It is everything to feel that you are useful.”
“I have had to deal with great sums. Many millions of dollars have since passed through my hands. But the genuine satisfaction I had from that one dollar and twenty cents outweighs any subsequent pleasure in money-getting. It was the direct reward of honest, manual labor; it represented a week of very hard work – so hard that, but for the aim and end which sanctified it, slavery might not be much too strong a term to describe it. For a lad of twelve to rise and breakfast every morning, except the blessed Sunday morning, and go into the streets and find his way to the factory and begin to work while it was still dark outside, and not be released until after darkness came again in the evening, forty minutes’ interval only being allowed at noon, was a terrible task. But I was young and had my dreams, and something within always told me that this would not, could not, should not last – I should some day get into a better position. Besides this, I felt myself no longer a mere boy, but quite a little man, and this made me happy.”-Andrew Carnegie

Well, if you want to know more about my hero Andrew Carnegie, google him, or you can go here! I have his book “The Gospel of Wealth and Other Timely Essays”. It is very interesting and I have enjoyed reading it.

I resolved to stop accumulating and begin the infinitely more serious and difficult task of wise distribution. -Andrew Carnegie

My Heroes!

When I was 5 years old, my best friend lived next door. We lived in the country so friends were few and far between, as they say. I spent quite a bit of time alone, not wanting to be too much of a burden to my friend, but once in a while I would go next door and he would be in the back of his house taking care of something important I’m sure. I really had a great time with my friend, when he could play. Sometimes I’d be gone for hours and my mom would wonder where I was. She would eventually find me…out in the field, plowing with my best friend. In case you couldn’t tell by now, my best friend wasn’t another 5 year old. It was Mr. Chard, a grandpa type who, like I said lived next door to me. I used to stand on the fence and say, “Mr. Chard, can you play? Even now thinking about him I miss him and his sweet and gentle way. This was many years ago; you could trust your 5 year old daughter with a man like Mr. Chard. He wouldn’t hurt a fly. I remember he never had time to “play”, but I remember riding the tractor next to him and plowing the fields for hours. It’s too bad that the world has changed. I would have never had a best friend when I was five if I didn’t have Mr. Chard. He has been gone for years, but this little girl will never forget his kindness and love.