Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 11:4 -email-                                                                          
this week has been very nice its getting a little cold for winter. but its nothing like utah winters but ya life is good. ya i’m glad she sent that photo. ya so this week was aweosme we had six investigators at church it was so nice to actually heve people come.  i bought a swazi ring from a silversmith in Ezelwini it has the shape of africa on the one side and CTR on the other and it has braided elephant hair around it. its pretty fetching sweet!!!! ya this week we built a fire in our fireplace and i guess i didn’t get my eagle scout for nothin, i got this huge log on fire and it burned for a long time. ya me and my companion have mastered the art of staring dogs down, we will never be chased by dogs again. but ya life is good we are working hard to serve our best. oh ya i made it a goal that after i hit a year i will not mention anthing about going home, till the night before i go home. anyway life is great. love you.
    Love Elder Flexy


wow its kinda weird how everything just keeps going back home while you are on mission thanks for all the updates. are you still selling the truck? thats so wierd that all those guys are graduating from high school. oh ya
the other day i got a graduation announcment from Jessica V. the graduation anouncements were really cool this year i got a little trunky i won’t lie i miss High School sometimes but life is about the same as always we just keep pushing the work forward. love you

    Love Elder Flexy  
well i’m glad you got your licence now we can all upgrade to battle tanks, so you can’t run us off the road. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA jk i’m sure your a good driver. but ya your gonna graduate from high school by the time i get home!!!! thats Lakker sis. but anyway life is refreshing as always and the work is going forward. two of our recent converts are now teachers in our branch its pretty cool they will make you teach primary if your lucky. love you
    Love Elder Flexy

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 11:3 -email-

life is good transfers came and went and i’m staying so i will turn a year on mission only having two areas and four companions. but its all good plus i’m doing well i havent had to be a leader yet which is good. i like having less responsibilities. but ya all is well.

1 How was your week?
1.great we had a lot of member present lessons so it was good.

2 Did you have any teaching experiences that stood out? we had a very good lesson with this one sister she is so good and she understands.

3 Please tell how-
3.well the spirit was really strong and it was just nice.
4 How big is your area?
4.its pobably about from our house to the big ___ sign over the road.

5 Are you taking vitamins?
5.sometimes… ok not very often but i’m eating pretty healthy.

6 Have you eaten anything extra weird?, not for a while but i’ll let you know if i do.
7 What did you do for P-day?
7.well today we will play sports and help the Ezelweni guys clean there boarding.

Special question:

8 How do you learn to recognize the spirit?
8.well we learn a lot from the scriptures they tell us that it feels like peace, joy, love, long suffering, patience, and charity.
well thats it for now life is good. love you
    Love Elder Flexy

wow i miss bear lake that place is so fun. thats crazy that it rains so much. ya i miss the camping too. ya i saw that show water world with that crazy part where he drops the flare down the pipe and blows the whole place to smithereens!!!! ya that was a cool flick. but ya life is good. well i’m out of time love you dad.
    Love Elder Flexy 

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 11:2 -email-

what!! that’s crazy how can you lose your job. but your right you will find another one. i hope everything works out.

1 How is the work going?

1.great we had a pretty good week.
2 Are you still teaching a ton? 
2.ya we have about fifty investigators.
3 Anybody you would like us to pray for specifically?
3.yes Ephriam, lindo and ayanda 
4 Did you do anything fun for p-day?
4.well today is just a quiet p day just gonna chill with our roommates.
5 Have you had any interesting experiences this last week?
5.well we went teaching with a young man who is preparing for mission.
6 Favorite scripture?
6.well joshua 1:9

Special question:

7 How do we continue in faith when all seems lost?
7.well your faith is your trust in God so you just have to always remember that He is in charge. 
anyway life is good love you.
    Love Elder Flexy


wow your always busy aren’t you!!! jeepers your always doing something. well i’m about the same as i was when i talked to you. but life is good we keep working hard and its going great. love you

    Love Elder Flexy 


well its ok that you weren’t there for the prayer i just cryed anyway. but ya i love you.
Love Elder Flexy

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 11:1 -email-

ya i just realized that when we were talking that i never said happy mothers day so… HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!! so i don’t really know what to say today that i didn’t say yesterday. but life is good and all is well. love you
    Elder Flexy
ya that’s so weird that all those young ones are getting so old. My brother Bryce?!?! that’s great but ya it was nice to hear from you guys on the phone. but ya we have been seeing a lot of snakes lately so that’s intense. but ya that’s all for now.Love you.
    Elder Flexy

ya it was fun to talk to you about work. its good to know all the old people are doing well but  I’m about the same as a was yesterday but ya. Love you.
    Elder Flexy

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 10:4 -email-
the baptisms went great i performed the baptism for Nokwanda. its was way cool and i didn’t have to do it more than once. but ya mission is going well we have a massive teaching pool and the area is doing good. we played soccer yesterday and i didn’t do well we don’t play as much in swaziland as we did in in durban so i’m losing the skill i had.  but life is good!! we had interviews with president and i enjoyed speaking to him i think he might put me in a leadership position after this transfer but if not all the better the leadership positions stink i just like to worry about me,  my comp and my investigators. so about the phone call i will see if i can use the blackburns land line and then call you so you have the number then you can all me back so hopefully that will work. but life is about the same as it always is in swaziland. anyway love you.
    Love Elder Flexy


thats good that time is going fast that means your staying busy. we are too, we work really really hard and its paying off we are finding people like crazy. but mission life is kinda funny you start to feel like you do the same thing every day. but ya its going well swaziland is very well prepared of the lord and the people are listening. thats so crazy your selling your truck. but the roof was looking pretty bad when i left. but ya i turn ten monthes on saturday so thats pretty intense!!! i’m quickly aproaching half way done so thats pretty much the craziest thing ever the time is going so fast and i’m loving it. love you
    Love Elder Flexy

Howzit-Elder Flexy!(for real)

We got an email today. I am so glad.
Elder Flexy 10:3 -email-

sorry i didn’t Email yesterday was a national holiday so no email shops were open but I’m doing fine we hiked Execution Rock again, it was super fun and we had a brai(Barbeque) on top. So apparently i still have my hiking skills because i smoked the other elders! Life is good we are teaching like crazy, we are having three baptisms on Sunday its gonna be sweet. I went on exchanges with Elder Henson the native American and it was great we taught very well, it was fun. I’m so glad Ariane is coming back to church. Thats so good to hear. this week we successfully outdid a Jehovah witness without even losing the spirit, now that is dang near IMPOSSIBLE!! and we stared down a dog that could have eaten us. but ya its been a awesome week. i love you.
    Love Elder Sebenele (Swati name)


dang i thought that might happen the last time we fixed that pipe but (note: a secondary water pipe broke in the yard). wow that story about Adam is pretty funny that reminds me of me being called a Tokoloshi in my last area which is a little demon the witch doctors summon to get there enemies. but ya, mission is pretty sweet i’ll let you know about the baptisms next time. love you
    Love Elder Dirkie

Just an FYI, Kelsey left for Texas this morning! 
We talked on the phone, she is nervous and excited. 
Please pray for our missionaries!

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

So it’s Monday at about 7:10 p.m.
I have been checking my email account
 off and on all day, and nothing. 
Our darling Elder has not sent an email. 
Paranoid me says, 
“What’s wrong? Is he ok? 
Maybe he’s just too busy today.” 
Faithful me says, 
“He is great! Doing the Lord’s work!
 He is definitely safe, the Lord will protect him. 
You need to relax!” 
Momma me says, “That little stinker! 
Doesn’t he know I worry? 
Can’t he at least give me a few lines?!” 
It will all be just fine, but it is a challenge for me. Who knew when I decided to name Alex’s posts “Howzit-Elder Flexy”, that it was prophetic. That there would be times many times when I wonder “Howzit?”
I thought I would tell you a story about Alex when he was five. Just to keep my mind off the fact that I haven’t heard from him, and to give you all something to read today. 
The school was having a talent show. Because we’re not that talented at our house, I’ve never been a big fan of them. But this time Alex decided on his own, that he wanted to be in the talent show. I never heard a word about it. I found out after the talent show was over, that Alex had indeed taken part in the talent show. He signed up and on the sheet he said he was going to whistle. I’m sure that the teachers thought he was going whistle a song, a tune of some kind. But when he got up to do his talent, all he did was whistle. Just one note, for about 3 seconds, then he sat down. Everyone applauded. And Alex felt super. The teacher who told me the story started to cry when she told me. She said it was the sweetest thing, to see this little boy sharing his whistle with his peers. He believed that they would think that was so neat. I need to tell you here, that there were kids who could play the piano, sing, and all kinds of talents that the parents had spent money helping their child develop. I didn’t have to spend any money, ’cause Alex’s talent was to whistle. What a darling little boy! He has always been such a great kid. Always happy and easy to please. I know that he is a blessing to the people of South Africa, and I am happy to share my wonderful son with them. 

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Swaziland Flag
Elder Flexy 10:2 -email-


man that is so good that Ariane came to church and with the cute baby that’s awesome. but ya this week has been awesome we had some planned STRIKES (I think this might mean coming to church) happening but its kinda funny cause the people get all exited and ready to strike then they end up staying home and doing washing instead. so nothing really happened. 
1 Are your investigators doing well?
1.yep they are doing awesome the main ones will be baptized on the first of may.
2 Did you see conference? I can’t remember if I asked.
2.we only saw one of the sessions but it was vary good the one with the announcement of the Rome Italy Temple.  

3 If so, where did you see it? the chapel yesterday.
4 Do you want me to send you a copy of the Ensign when it comes? the mission office gets some so you don’t need to.

5 Have you done anything fun this week?
5.well other than missionary work not much….ha
6 Favorite scripture?
6.Mosiah 18 the whole chapter.
7 When will you get to see the game reserve?
7.well we saw a small one but idk when it will happen again.

Special question:

8 What advice would you give to someone who wants to come back to church and it’s been a really long time since they’ve been?
8.well i would just use the wisdom of someone else and tell them that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step so you might as well start now and keep going slow and steady!
anyway all is well here in swaziland. love you
Love Elder Dirkie(my Afrikaans first name)  

ya sounds like you are still staying busy. that is so good that Alex came over to help has been to church since i left. i was so happy to see him at my unfarewell but you should give him fire for me and tell him to come back to church. but ya i’m glad he bought a honda i miss cruzin with Riley in that old beater. but ya mission is starting to feel like we do the some thing every day but i guess thats appropriate because that is what we do every day but its good and its fulfilling. anyway i hope life keeps you on your toes. love you dad
love Elder Flexy

thats so good that your pull your grades up i’m glad your going to all the dances and stuff its good and vary fun. but anyway sorry i’m running short on time but i love you my little seester. 
Love Elder Flexy  

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Flexy the day he got his mission call!

Elder Flexy 10:1 -email-


this week has been a good one we have a new elder in our district Elder Reeder. he was previously an AP (Assistant to the President) so we are even more obedient than ever. we are having fun. so today we played basketball, football(american) and rugby it was very fun. 
1 How did you like your B-day package?
1. It was awesome the oatmeal was a good idea i’ve been a little more low on food lately and the almonds from dad are all i have left but the other elders in the zone appreciated it a lot too.
2 Pictures?
2.sorry we have been so busy i haven’t even thought about it lately.
3 Who is your new companion?
4 Where is he from?
3.4.its still Elder Diseko from Johannesburg
5 How is it going?
5.great he a good guy there are differences between us but all is well.
6 How are your members?
6.great we are going to do a activity to help with unity.
7 How are your investigators doing?
7.well we have three that will be baptized on the twenty fourth of this month.
8 Who are you teaching that is progressing? We would like to pray for them.
8.well pray for  Sipiwo, Kathuktula, and Nokwanza those are our B Dates.
9 Have you done any fun P-day activities?
9.just sports lately.
10 What kind of service have you done lately?
10.well we cleared this big front yard cover with weeds with slashers and pangers(bush knifes). 
11 Is the weather getting colder?
11.ya its nice i like the cold weather. 
12 When is your next Zone Conference?
12.i’m not sure but it will be in probably three months.
13 Favorite scripture or story?
13.well we talked about Samuel the Lamanite so that one is the best.

Special question:

14 How does paying tithing and doing fast offerings bless our lives and others?
14.well the blessings that you receive will out weigh the money you pay a hundred fold that’s why we do it.
ya so i’m sitting in the Email shop and Numb by linkin park came on and all of the sudden i missed my older brother a lot. ish!!!!!! i miss you guys sometimes but its all good I’ll plow through the rest of the time and all will be well right. its just a couple minutes. anyway love you guys an awful awful lot. love you Make

    Elder Flexy      

ok so i have a story i guess i’ll tell we were teaching this guy and we wen’t to his house the other day and we knocked on his door and said to us “Guys… Go find some new friends.” BAM!!!! and slammed the door it was the most brutal door aproach i had but now we kinda laugh about it. but we might get to see him again but ya we are teaching lots of good people maybe i’ll send a real letter with some stories on it. but i hope all continues to go good. mission is going great love you daddy.

    Elder Flexy 

EM!! thats cool that all is going well i hope your keeping your grades up don’t have the same senior year that i had it kinda sucked. so i’de like o share a quote with you…”a wise man learns from his mistakes but a wiser man learns from someone else s mistakes.” so be the wiser person of the both of us you can learn a lot from the dumb things people do before you. anyway i love you my little sister.

    Elder Flexy

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 9:5 -email-
this week has gone by way fast we worked hard. but ya we got transfer news yesterday and Elder NGanda is moving to newcastle in SA. and Elder Mead is going to Richards Bay in SA. but all the rest of swaziland is staying the same. but ya i got my birthday package last week and it was too nice i loved it. but its already gone almost but hey it was good while it lasted. but ya i ate a chicken head and chicken feet. this last week so all i need to eat is the neck and intestines and i’ve eaten every part of a chicken. but ya life is still going well i’m working hard and getting better at teaching. but anyway all is well. love you 
    Love Elder Flexy