Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 7:3 -email-

mom the new name in swaziland is mage its said like ma gay. but thats the title for mom here its different here, very different this is what i thought SA was going to be like we are in the bush. swaziland is really cool it only has about a million people so its quite small but its going well.

1 How do you like your new area?
1.its awesome my last area was a hard area and we worked hard and had little success but just since i’ve been here since tuesday and we already have three B dates.

2 are your living quarters nice?2.yes we rent a house and we stay with our zone leaders we stay down stairs and they stay upstairs. its nice better than the last one.
3 How are things with your new companion?3.good he is from Richfeild idaho he is a good guy.
4 Are there very many members?4. ya at least a hundred or more.
5 Have you seen any animals like elephants or others?5.not yet but we will go to a game park soon and see them.
6 Will you get me a nativity made of wood?6.yep i will
7 Where is Elder Webster from?7. ya he is from idaho
8 How long has he been out?
8.nine and a half monthes
9 Who are the other elders you live with and how long have they been out?9.Elder Ng’anda and Elder Samai
10 Have you learned anything new about South Africa in this move?10.well i learned that SA is not that differant from home but swaziland is!!!
11 Favorite Scripture this week?11.Moroni 10:3-5 awesome scripture!!!

Special question:
12 How do you know that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers?

12.hmmm good one, i would have to say that you should listen pay attention to how you feel and keep your eyes open for the answers.
anyway life in Swazi is awesome and i’m gonna lose some weight for sure this place has hills and we are walking. Love you

                                                           Love Elder Flexy

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 7:2 -email-

so i have some news i got transfer news yesterday and i am going to swaziland its pretty freakin awesome. and my new companions name is Elder Webster. but now i’m gonna be in a walking area so i might lose some of my chub. and i hope i’ll finally be getting baptisms. but ya today we played sport and me and Elder Clark and Elder Armstrong two white africans were dominating the competition it was fun. i have a bad ingrown toe nail that hurts so freakin bad but oh well it will be ok.  i’m glad all is going well at home and that the little ones are doing well.

1 Have you tried any new recipes?
1.kinda we try weird stuff when we don’t have much food.

2 Do you have to do a certain amount (hours) of tracting each week?  or Service?
2.well we tract when we have no appointments so we tract a lot.
3 What activity or lesson do you most look forward to each week?
3.well i look forward to seeing the joseph family and lungani langa

4 If you could change one thing to help your investigators accept the gospel, what would it be?
4.get them to church for sure.

5 Have you met anyone there or know someone at home with traits that you admire? What are they?
5.well Elder shumway and i get along great we have some similarities that make the companionship easier.

6 What character traits would you like to develop?
6.well i am being made to learn patience

7 In what way do you feel you have grown the most since coming out on your mission?
7.well i’ve learned to be independent thats good

Special Question:

8 How do you recognize inspiration, when making decisions?

8.wel i would just tell them that God gave us feelings so we could communicate with the spirit with our feelings.
anyway things are going great i’ll give you more details later but i’m getting photos for you guys so i have even less time so love you 

                                                 Love Elder Flexy

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Alex the day he got his mission call

Elder Flexy 7:1 -email-

wow this week has been tiring we stayed up late new years eve and played Risk and Settlers of Zerahemla it was way fun. and since most of our investigators have been gone for the hollidays we have done a lot of tracting. probably at least fifteen hours this week. but its paying off this area is picking up after all our hard work. thats awesome that you went to st. george i hope you had a good time you probably did. ya mission is still the same as its always been.

1 What are the different types of money there and how do they exchange?
1.well there is the Rand which is seven rands for one dollar.

2 Do you ever run out of $?2.ya sometimes but we get by its not bad.
3 Have you ever scored a goal in soccer, playing with the elders?3.ya i have actually! we played basketball on new years day and i kicked some bum i scored like ten shots.
4 How are you and your companion doing in your teaching?
4.we are doing great a lot better.
5 What is your favorite scripture for this week? ( I want you to give me a favorite each week, so we can see what you’re learning and teaching)5.Probably Amos 3:7 we use it when we talk about prophets.
6 Pictures?6.i’m making a cd today so i’ll sent it soon.
7 Do you think you will ever write a letter? Do you have time to do both email and letters?7.not really i haven’t written any letters in a long time to anyone theres just no time.
8 How many missionaries are in your ward?8.well there are two companionships us and the zone leaders.
9 Did you say your apartment is on a hill?9.kinda i guess the terrain here is very hilly.
10 What is the most prominent religion in South Africa?10.probably whats called the Zion church its a mix between christian and the Zulu culture.

Special Question:
11 How do you help your investigators to recognize the spirit?

11.well if the spirit comes very strong in the lesson we just ask them if they feel that and we bear testimony that its the spirit.
ya the time is flying by and i’ll be home in no time. love you 

                                                                     Love Elder Flexy

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 6:4 -email-

haha thats funny that colt thought i was gonna be weird when i get home. thats whats funny is on mission you don’t change that much you just get better. ya its ok to be a boob i’m like that too i cry all the time too. ya the elders in my zone are awesome.

1 What is your Zone Leaders name again?
1.Elder Ngdlovu and Elder Skinner
2 Did you ask Elder Shumway if he knows Dr. Harris’ family in Star Valley?
2.ya he knows quite a few Harris’s
3 Did you ask the Roy’s if they can make you a CD of your pictures to send home!!!????
3. no, but i’m making one here at the internet cafe’ asap
4 What did you eat for your Christmas meal?
4.we had turkey, ham, stuffing, baked potatoes and salads.
5 How many elders ate at the Roy’s? Did you tell them “thanks”?
5.four and yes we said thanks
6 Did you have any extra good teaches this past week?
6.well we have done some really good less active work.
7 Have you met or seen any important people, like Nelson Mandela?
7.well i saw the governor or whatever of kwazulu natal which is the state we are in.
8 Do the police always recognize you as good people who are not trying to cause problems?
8.ya for sure they know we are church people.
9 Since Elder Martin is not your companion anymore, are you going to learn to drive?
9.ya probably we will see.
10 What do you want for your B-day? Money or a package? or both?
10.whatever is easiest for you to do.
11 Are you taking vitamins?
11.sometimes i don’t remember every day but pretty regularly.
12 Have you been sick at all? if so, how?
12.i have just little colds nothing big.
Special Question:
13 What can we do to avoid the pride cycle (see Kelsey’s email)?
13.well the best way is to give thanks to god and realize that you wouldn’t have what you have without him. 

anyway things are going great the work will continue to go forward!! keep being the great mother you are. love you 

                                                         Love Elder Flexy

hahahahahahaha riley picks to many fights thets good though ya i’ve wrestled quite a few people on mission and i’ve won all of them. but ya not much has changed since we spoke on saturday but its going great and i hope larrys battle wound will heal quickly. ya learning gratitude is a very hard thing. i want you to read the story of jesus feeding the five thousand i want you to notice that jesus gives thanks for the food they have and then the miracle happens. anyway keeping being the great father you are.

                                                          Love Elder Flexy
(Kelsey’s email)

Sexy Flexy Elder Man,
Howzit!! It was so fun to talk to you yesterday and see you. It’s seems like it’s been so long. I’m proud to be your big sister, and to see how you’ve grown and matured in the gospel. I was telling Brother and Sister Clifford and Brother Simon about talking to you on Skype, and they wanted to know how you were doing. They also said to tell you hi. So today was a really great day. I went to mission prep and we talked about the pride cycle and the dispensations. The pride cycle is when in the scriptures there always seems to be righteous people, but then they become prideful because they are too blessed. Then they have trials and tribulations. They are humbled and repent, and become righteous again, and then it starts all over. It happens all throughout the Book of Mormon, over and over again. Then the dispensations you can remember by saying Adam enjoys nuts and many Christmas sweets (Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Christ, Smith). They each had their own time when the gospel and the priesthood were on the earth. It was pretty neat. Then I went to the family ward and listened to Colter speak. He did a really good job. Then I went to my ward where I taught the lesson in relief society, and in my sacrament meeting two of the sister missionaries that are going to be leaving soon spoke (Whitney and Shalyse ). Shalyse is leaving not this Wednesday but the next, and Whitney is leaving the week after that. It’s so exciting, but kind of sad because I am going to be the only sister missionary in mission prep. 🙁 It’s okay though. Anyway, I hope things are going great for you. Have a good week, and be good. Love you a lot. Love, Kelsey 😀

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 6:3 -email-

(Here is Kelsey’s email to Alex first:)

       How are you doing? I hope you are doing great. So I finally got my call! Are you ready? Take a deep breath. I have been called to serve in the Texas Fort Worth mission, teaching in the Spanish language. YEAH!! Isn’t that cool? You may now call me Hermana  (that means “sister” in Spanish). 🙂 I’m going into the MTC in February , so I’ll probably see Andrew, because he is going at the end of March, but I’ll be there longer because I am learning a language. I’m so stoked. The church is definitely true. There is no doubt about it. We had a good lesson today in mission prep. We were learning about latter day prophets and scriptures to use to teach people about how we have them now. After class I talked outside with Whitney (who is going to Tahiti and learning Tahitian and French) and Shalyse  (who is going to Ecuador and learning Spanish) for like an hour, just talking about mission stuff. It was really fun to talk to some other girls that are doing the same things as me, because there aren’t that many. Then I went to the family ward, and announced where I am going on my mission in sacrament meeting, so that anyone who hadn’t already heard (there weren’t very many) would know where I was going. Then I went to my ward. I was the only person in temple prep that wasn’t a teacher for the class, so Justin (who was teaching; he served in Texas too, but in McAllen) was basically just having a talk with me about the first lesson in the temple prep book (about the Plan of Salvation). It was really neat. Then I announced where I am going again in my ward, and bore my testimony. We had a really nice Christmas program by my ward choir, and then the relief society president asked me if I would teach the lesson next Sunday. I’m terrified, but I told her I would do it. So I’ve had a pretty busy/exhausting day. I’ve been up since four thirty this morning, so I’m pretty tired. Anyway, I better go. Love you lots. Be good.                    Love, your big sister, Hermana Kelsey 

HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is freakin Lakker!!! i’m so glad you are learning a new language i’m working on my Zulu but its really hard. so Elder Brown in my mtc group lives just outside the boundries of your misson so he might see you the last two monthes on mission. but ya i’m so happy for you i’m actually crying in this internet cafe its kinda awkward anyway. so you will love the temple its is such an amazing experiance and i hope all your preparations go well and you will be out here in no time. oh ya and start practicing recipes right now otherwise you will be eating crumy food like me. and don’t worry about the lessons that will be easy, you know the doctrine just teach it. anyway i’m running low on time. Love you tons keep strong and i’ll see you in no time!!!!

                                                    Love Elder Flexy

ya kelseys call is awesome and she is gonna love the field. its such a good experiance. ya i’m glad you have a new calling having differant callings makes it fun. and tell Parker that he is a goof. so this last week an investigator called me a tokaloshi as a joke its pretty funny a tokaloshi is a little deamon summoned by witch doctors to attack people in there sleep. but he was just making fun of my height. tell Hollie congradulations for me. 
1 How have your P-days changed or have they with Elder Shumway?
1.they haven’t changed much we still play sports and email just like usual.
2 Do you still have appointments on Monday? Are they after 5:00?
2.ya we only have one today because the other wants us on Sundays.
3 What things are your investigators struggling with the most right now?
3.well just coming to church as always if they came to church they would be baptized.
4 Is there anyone you would like us to include in our prayers, specifically?
4.can you pray for the Mguni family they are the closest to baptism.
5 Do you have plans for Christmas?
5.yes we are eating a late lunch at the Roy families home which is where we will call home from.
6 We have Skype, but Bro Sandstrom said that sometimes the internet gets bogged down. We will get a calling card to save money if we end up using that. What do you want to do? Do you want to try Skype and if that doesn’t work have us call you somewhere? Think about it and let us know ASAP?
6.i will just phone the house phone on skype so just stay close. and tell colter to be ready to come over on christmas day because i want to have a chat with him.
7 For Christmas, will you eat at a members home? or will you just be with the missionaries?
7.yes we will eat at amembers home.
8 Is it still hot to you? Are you adjusting to the humidity?
8.i’m adjusting quite well which is funny cause i’m gonna freeze when i get home.
9. it rains quite often mor often than at home.
10 Do they have domestic dogs and cats?
10.ya too many dogs they make the work harder but they have both.
11 What do you usually eat for dinner, when you’re where you live?
11.PBJ or maybe an egg or something easy.
12 What is your favorite thing to eat?
12.i would have to say the chip and cheese rotis like a frie and cheese borrito
Special question:
13 How would you explain the purpose of the Sabbath day to someone who doesn’t know about the Sabbath? 

13.i would tell them that it is a sacred and hallowed day for reverence and thinking of and respecting God and to partake of His holy sacrament.
anyway i;m out of time love you

                                                        Love Elder Flexy 

ya dad i’m glad your staying active its good for you so i got slide tackled on saturday and i minorly hyper extended my knee but i’m doing fine so i saw my second dead person on mission the streets of SA are a dangerous place. but its going well and the work is going forward. Love you.  
                                                       Love Elder Flexy

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Alex- the day he got his mission call!

Elder Flexy 6:2 -email-

Wow we have worked so freakin hard this week!! we tracked for five and a half hours the other day it was crazy! but it has been great we had a christmas party for the ward it was pretty fun. we also saw a life size nativity scene with black people sculptures. so ya things are going great.
So here are a few questions: (Emily and Kelsey helped)

1 Is it hard to follow the mission rules?
1.some are easier than others.
2 What color is your toothbrush?
2.its blue
3 Are you flossing?
3.yep every day (usually)
4 Is your companion cute?
4.he has a girlfriend so that doesn’t matter HAHA
5 How do you wash your clothes, is it a washing machine like that time we went to the laundry mat?
5.we have a washer but we have to hang dry them.
6 How do you decide what or how to teach?
6.well we have study and planning time to discuss those things with your comp.
7 Do you ever feel discouraged or upset when people don’t listen?
7.not anymore i used to, but now it just, is what it is.
8 How are you and Elder Shumway doing?
8.he is doing well he dosent like our bathroom but he will be ok.
9 What do you usually eat for breakfast?
9.toast with PB and Nuttella
10 Do you often have dinner appointments? How often?
10.sometimes maybe twice a week.
11 Who do you get letters from at home?
11. you guys, Jess, Carlie, and Geni
12 How do you respond when someone is attacking our church?
12.well we say “we aren’t here to fight have a nice day.”
Special question of the week:
13 How do you explain the Godhead to people on your mission? What scriptures do you use?
13.well we just explain that they are three separate beings but are one in mind and we usually don’t have to use scripts for that but when we do its Jesus’s baptism.
anyway things are going awesome we might have some baptisms soon!! and ill get some pictures home to you soon. love you
Love Elder Flexy

thats awesome to hear about the party and you wrestling those kids they need to be roughed up a bit. so i have a confession i’ve wrestled four guys in the ward and they are all bigger than me but i won all four it was pretty fun. is riley getting tough? i hope so i want a challenge when i get home. ya that lesson is a good one. and i always just look at the fact that my leaders can actually see better than me so blind obediance is not even accurate in most situations. but ya things are going great here in SA. tell nathan hi for me. love you
Love Elder Flexy

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 6:1 -email-

this week has been crazy!!! we have worked so hard! ya this week was transfers and i’m staying in Durban North but i got i new companion Elder Shumway. He is a cowboy from Wyoming. he is awesome i can tell we are gonna have a good time. ya he isn’t related to the shumways we know but ya.
1 Did you or Elder Martin get transferred?
1.Yes Martin was sent to blomefontain to be a zone leader.
2 If so, who are you with, and/or where are you?
2.Elder Shumway in durban north still.
3 How are your investigators doing?
3.they are doing good hopefully they continue to progress.
4 Have you gained or lost any weight?
4.ya i gained like two KGs but now i’m back down to the same i have always been.
5 Have you had any interesting weather since you’ve been there?
5.just hot weather and humid but its not to unusual.
6 Would you like a copy of the Conference report Ensign?
6.we actually already have the conferance one so we are good thanks.
7 Anything new on pictures?
7.i will buy another memory card and send the other cards home.
8 Do you want me to send you some memory cards? I’m worried you have had to stop taking pictures because of not having any memory.
8.ya i will for sure.
9 Did you receive your Christmas package yet?
9.yep i got it, it was super nice and thanks for the photos they were super nice i loved them.
10 Do the South Africans celebrate Christmas like we do?
10.ya its very similar there is just no snow.
11 Do you have plans for Christmas?
11.not yet but we will do something fun. about my phone call home we are allowed to use skype which would be cheaper and better so if you could get skype that would be great.
12 Do the South Africans play any other sports besides football (soccer)?
12.ya they play Rugby and Cricket as well.
Special question of the week: How would you explain to others that we are Christian? 
13.well that is simple we beleive in Christ and we know that only through him can we be saved.
anyway things are going great with the new companion!! and the work is going great love you. 
                                                                Love Elder Flexy
i’m so glad to hear you are having such a good Christmas season. i hope this season is good for everyone back home. so yesterday we tracted into this very mean man that just wanted to bible bash so we just left. but ya i had a desire to punch him but i’m a missionary and i’m bigger than that so i didn’t. but he chased the spirit away and we had to pray to get it back but other than that its been great.ya having christmas come really does make me miss home a little bit but i’ll be fine. anyway love you Baba
                                                                 Love Elder Flexy
ya waiting for the call is the most exiting thing EVER!!! ya but it will be worth it in the end. ya about the parables that you were talking about maybe when Jesus taught like that it was to teach the meek and humble the ways of the lord. but the rich and prideful could not interpret the parables so only those who were in tune with the spirit could learn the mysteries of god. anyway mission is awesome and you will love it so much. love you
                                                                 Love Elder Flexy

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 5:5 -email-


This week has been sweet!!! we have had some great lessons and some fun experiances. we were in some really scetch areas tracting but it was fun we didn’t get mugged so it was good. this is the last week of the transfer and i’m getting a new companion or a new area or both we find out tommorrow it should be good. me and martin have been companions for four and a half months.
1 You said a while back that someone you were teaching was getting ready for baptism. Are you still teaching them?
1.ya she hasn’t been to church since then so not for a while.
2 Do you feel like the people you are teaching feel the spirit while you’re there?
2.ya for sure the spirit is super strong in most of our lessons.
3 Are you still with Elder Martin?
4.transfers are this week so this should be cool
5 Any new investigators?
5.not too meny we have been tracting a lot but it doesn’t do much.
6 Are any investigators progressing better than others?
6.ya some are a little faster than others but thats how mission is.
7 What usually holds things up? As far as baptism goes?
7.they will not come to church in this mission if you get them to church they usually get baptised but thats the trick getting them to church.
8 Do they struggle with the word of wisdom?
8.Yep i would say 80% of people in SA have a word of wisdom problem.
9 Are the people in general, nice to you for the most part?
9.ya they are nice just not interested.
10 Do you feel like you have grown spiritually?
10.ya for sure i have grown most in knowledge.
11 How, in what way? my studies i’ve been learning lots
12 What is chair football? is like soccer but no teams its every man for himself and he protects himself and you only have three goals on your goal and you are out of the game.
Special question of the week:
13 How would you explain that God loves all of His children, when some live in terrible circumstances? Why do some have a better situation in life than others?

13.i would say because we all are differant so he puts the strong ones in harder situations because they can overcome the trials. and he puts the weak in the cradle of good surcumstances.
anyway things are going great we are still working very hard. i’ll let you know what transfer neews is next week.

                                                                   Love Elder Flexy

man i missed thanksgiving they of coarse don’t celebrate it her so we didn’t have a feast. hopefully when i get home for thanksgiving all the family will be there. man i miss snow so bad it is so fetching hot down here and if i get transfered to richards bay it will be even HOTTER. ya jazz game sounds awesome i hope you have a good time, maybe Sage can come along and shout “Go Wild Cats!” haha that was freakin funny. ya Brett the shelf maker!!
Wow so we are sitting in the email place and we hear a loud engine outside so we went out and it was a Lambergini Murchilargo its worth about 4 million rands which is about five hundred and seventy thousand dollars that is a big person car!!! anyway keep helping with mendozas and all will be well in zion!!!
                                                                     Love Elder Flexy

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

 Elder Flexy 5:4 -email-
this week has been good we are still working hard. and our families are comng along very slowly. so i probably won’t be the one to baptise them but they will be baptized.ya i miss going to the temple. on saturday i won first place in chair soccer it was way fun!!
1 Do you have a favorite scripture that you use a lot while teaching?

1.well i use my mission scripture a lot for spiritual thoughts at member missionary lessons.

2 What is your favorite story about Jesus?

2.i would have to say the story of the lady who was healed by touching his clothes that one is awesome!!
3 What is your favorite Book of Mormon story?
3.Samuel the lamenite for sure!!!

4 Do you find yourself ever saying “slow and steady, wins the race?” or was that just for me?

4.ya sometimes but we try not to be in too big a hurry.

5 Are you the shortest elder?

5.yep its the same story as always
6.we see president when we go to the office and at interviews but not much else.
7.we are quite close to other elders so we see them a lot.

8 Do you think it feels so hot to you, because the humidity is so high? I looked up the temp and it was like 82 degrees, which wouldn’t be that hot in a dryer climate.

8.ya it is the humidity that is killing me i sweat so much but nothing happens its still hot!!

9 Are you still teaching the same people?

10.yes we have two families that are progressing faster but they are still not ready.
11 Have you had any faith promoting experiences? Or experiences were you have been saved by the spirit? (Remember Chad Cederlof in the alley?)
11.we have had faith building lessons but we haven’t been protected to our knowledge.(could have but we didn’t see it.)

12 Have you received any more of my letters?

12.ya i received two more and i would write back but we don’t have much time to do it.
Special question of the week:
13 What do you do when you are discouraged to help you snap out of it? or have you been discouraged? How would you encourage someone who feels like they are not loved or valued?
13.ya i’ve been discoaraged but you just get over it and go to work. i just push thoughts and feelings like that out of my mind.
anyway things are going great i hope all is well in zion. love you mama

                                                                                  Love Elder Flexy


I shall call you Mantla( means power in zulu)Baba and you shall be mine!!! 🙂 i’m glad you are still making shelfs i’m doing some wood work of my own i’m fixing our table in our flat it should be good. ya idk if they celebrate thanksgiving and that cheese cake sounds so good!!! ya i wan’t to play some one on one soccer woth you that would be awesome. anyway i better bounce love you Baba

                                                                                   Love Elder Flexy

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 5:3 -email-


Things are going great this week we taught a powerful member present! and when we left our member stayed just to chat i think they will be good friends and be baptised. so the work is going good but the only problem is the missionaries before us didn’t plant many seeds at all so we aren’t having success very quickly but the people that come after us will. we are planting seeds like crazy and we are working hard. i’m glad you had a good birthday!!! i wll try to figure out the picture thing. 
1 Are you and Elder Martin teaching well together?
1.ya we are teaching pretty well its just hard cause he teaches way differant then i do but its going good.
2.we don’t have a whole lot in common but we have found things.
3.ya he played soccer and he just chilled with his sisters.
4.he was out about a year when i came in.
5 Do you do anything else except soccer on p-days?
5.well today we were supposed to go ice skating but we ran out of alotment 🙂
6 Can you go site seeing?
6.  ya we go site seeing sometimes but there isn’t too much to see in our area.
7.ya we saw conferance
8 If so what was your favorite talk? was the one by Richard G. Scott about character.
9 Are you still teaching the same families?
9.ya we are we have gone tracting a lot lately but not much comes of it.
10.we did get a refurral for the Lunda family and they are power we taught them for two hours strait.
11. other than the member present not to much.
12 Do you have a favorite lesson or topic to teach? Maybe about the “armor of God?”
12.well we like the first lesson just because we teach it so much.
Special question of the week:
13 How do you explain that because of Christ all will be resurrected? How can this be possible?
13.well to explain that i would just say that death is like a big rope tying everyone down but when jesus was resurrected he broke the rope so everyone is free.
anyway things are going great by the way i’m one sixth of the way finnished with my mission. crazy huh!!! Love you

                                                                  Love Elder Flexy

you ran into john bytheway that is freakin awesome and funny i was just thinkin utah is like the only place that that would happen. so i miss cold weather soooooooo bad its so hot here sometimes i just want to sleep all day and work at night. and i also miss camping and mountains there are no big mountains here just hills. anyway i wish i could go to the temple since the last time i went was with you guys. anyway things are going awesome better quit for now love you!

                                                                  Love Elder Flexy