My brain, the computer.

Have you heard people compare our brains to computers? Or talk about the amazing amount of information the human brain can hold? I have heard it said, that a genius only uses 10% of their brain, or our brains are smarter and have more capability that the largest computer. Blah blah blah….blah. They’ve never used the brain I’m working with! Don’t get me wrong. I love my brain! It is a great brain! But if I were to compare it to a computer, well, it would not be the latest, greatest, model. I was talking about this with some friends tonight, and telling them that my computer (brain) is like a computer that is 20 years old and I’m still trying to put new programs into it. It crashes a lot!! And I don’t really have enough memory in my hard drive to adequately keep track of all the things I need to keep track of. I don’t really know why I’m telling this to whoever reads this, except to say, I know my brain is an older model. I love it just the same. I am grateful I have it, and especially glad it works as good as it does. I wouldn’t mind a little more memory, but I’ll just keep working with what I’ve got. That’s all!

Citizenship Day!

Today is Citizenship Day!

What is a citizen? Mariam-Webster says: “A native or naturalized person who owes allegiance to a government and is entitled to protection from it.”

A citizen is a member of a society. As a member, you have certain rights, and you have certain responsibilities. Your rights are: to vote for leaders, maybe even become a leader, freedom to pursue what you want to do with your life, to speak freely, freedom to worship and practice what you believe.

Your responsibilities are: to vote for leaders, be informed about what the government is doing, to help make the community a good place to live, obey the laws of the land, defend your country against enemies, to pledge your allegiance and loyalty to that country that protects you and gives you freedom to live your life the way you desire!

What kind of a “Citizen” are you?


“Every good citizen makes his country’s honor his own, and cherishes it not only as precious but sacred. He is willing to risk his life in its defense and is conscious that he gains protection while he gives it.” -Andrew Jackson


“The requisite of a good citizen of the republic of ours is that he shall be able to and willing to pull his own weight.” -Theodore Roosevelt


“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”              -John F. Kennedy


My brother-in-law, Ian, was born in Zimbabwe. This is what he said about becoming an American Citizen:

“I have been a citizen of the United States of America for 10 years. I will always remember the day I took the Oath of Allegiance in the federal courthouse in Salt Lake City. The courtroom was full of immigrants from all over the world who were there on that day to become citizens of the greatest nation on earth. It was a day of great happiness and emotion as we took the oath together.

There may be many things wrong with America, but it is still the greatest nation on earth. Nowhere can a person enjoy such freedoms and such opportunities as here. When we look at the world as a whole, we realize that the majority of human beings do not enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that we do. That realization will always make me grateful to be a citizen of this great country.”

Busy Being Glad!

If you were busy being glad

And cheering people who seem sad,

Although your heart might ache a bit,

You’d soon forget to notice it.

If you were busy being good,

And doing just the best you could,

You’d not have time to blame some man

Who’s doing just the best he can.

If you were busy being true

To what you know you ought to do,

You’d be so busy you’d forget

The blunders of the folks you’ve met.

If you were busy being right,

You’d find yourself too busy being quite

To criticize your brother long,

Because he’s busy being wrong.

-Edgar A. Guest


Distracted by discouragement!

Have you ever had something that you’re working on, like a project, or finding a job, or cleaning out the garage, or serving others, or just trying to be the best you can be. Sometimes when I am trying really hard, which I am doing most the time, I get distracted by discouragement. Thoughts like, I’m not good enough, no one wants to work with me, I’ll never get this project done, what is next for me, or I will never be that awesome. I know that God wants me to do my best. I know He is aware of me. So when those thoughts and feelings of discouragement come, I know who they are from, and I refuse to let him distract me like that. I get down on my knees and thank God for all  blessings given, even the challenges. I know that working through these things helps me to be the best I can be. Then I get busy, moving, working in whatever direction I feel prompted to. Your mind cannot think about two things at once, so think about Heavenly Father directing your activities, helping you along. He will, He does!

Don’t be distracted by discouragement! God loves you, I know He does! He will help you not to be distracted. Focus on what you know, like, I am a child of God. You can do it!

Love, Joy

The Roof is Done!!!

See the shingles curling?
 They need to go bye-bye!!
My hard working darlin!!
What an amazing man! 
He can do anything!
We have such great neighbors, 
friends, and family!!! 
Thursday evening we had lots of help tearing off the old shingles! It’s a dirty job!
We had big people and little people helping!
Everett and Parker! My buddies!
It was starting to get dark so they had to quit for the night. 
We borrowed a trailer from
 one of our neighbors, for the dead shingles! 
May they “rest in peace!”
The next morning lots more help!
My friend Krissy, 
and her son Tyler, and husband Tom. 
They are amazing!! 
This little guy wanted to help so bad. 
This is Jacob, 
he lives next door. 
He was helping put the 
shingles in the trailer! What a helper!!
The roofing supplier delivering the shingles and stuff!
It’s pretty slick! They have a conveyer type machine that sends the supplies and shingles up to the top of the roof. The shingle bundles weigh about 80 pounds each. In the old days these guys would carry them on their shoulders, up a ladder. I’m glad we didn’t have to do that. 
Can you see the hole? It was leaking below the swamp cooler. Ouch!! My darlin had done a patch job, but it really just needed to be re-done.
My brother Keith helping! He was a hard worker too!
Starting to put the shingles on!!
My job was keeping them fed and hydrated!! 
Taking our last load to the transfer station. We took 3 loads total!
Taking a water brake!
Almost done!
I love it! It’s beautiful!!
Thanks to Riley, Emily, Keith, Krissy, Tom, Tyler, Chad, Parker, Don, Autumn, Nathan, Jacob, Robert, Everett, Cragun, Brad, Alex, Chase, James, John, Wayne, Kent, Joseph, Danny, Justin, David, Jacob, Darwin, Devin, Mark, Howard, Annette (yummy brownies), Kent and Terri (popsicles), for your help!
(If I forgot to mention you, please forgive me) 
You are all heaven sent! 

Cute baby owl’s!

Can you see this baby owl 
in the bottom of the milk can?
He must have flown in and got stuck. When I went out on the patio to look at the stars, I heard some funny noises. The noises were kind of like purring. I called my darlin out to listen. He got his flashlight and went out toward the trees. We saw about 4 or 5 baby owl’s in the trees. 
Then my darlin started hearing lots of noise coming from the milk can. We looked in, and this is what we saw. He was stuck. We took a few pictures, then my sweetie, carefully leaned the milk can on it’s side. The little guy walked out and flew away. Yeah!!!
He looks kind of grumpy! 
But beautiful!
Here is one of them 
on the power line.
You can barely see him, 
but he’s there with red eyes!! 

Happy First Day of Summer!!

It’s the first day of summer! 
What are your plans? 
Traveling the world?
We are going to re-roof our home! 
(Is re-roof a word?)
And when I say “we” are going to
 re-roof our home, I me “we!”
I know, lookin good!
 It’s been needing it for years!
 Scary huh! I bet you’re thinking we are “those” neighbors. The ones that everyone wishes would move. We really are good neighbors, I promise, but we didn’t have…*ahem*… the…you know, the money. Now thanks to my mom-in-law for loaning us the money, we will getter done!! 
Thank you Nancy, 
I love you to bits!

If that sounds fun to you, come on over! 

We know how to have a good time. 
I will be sure to take plenty of pictures of our roofing party!!
I hope this doesn’t sound too much like I’m complaining. 
I am not. I am so glad we finally get to -get it done!!!!