"…stop accumulating…"

Andrew Carnegie, one of my heroes said, 
“I resolve to 
stop accumulating 
and begin the infinitely more serious and 
difficult task of 
wise distribution.”
I am about there. 
I have lived in my home for 14 years. I have been bringing things into my home for 14 years. I do take things out too, but too much has come in and not enough has been taken out. One day my dad was here visiting, and he looked around and said, “I can see you’re still a gatherer!” Ouch! He and my mom had just moved from a 4000 square foot house, into a 2 bedroom apartment. 
How did they do it? 
“Wise distribution!” I have been wanting, needing, to stop accumulating and distribute more! I am going to work on this, I am going to stop accumulating, stop bringing things home. And make more trips to donate! Now, if I can get the others I live with to do the same, we’ll be in good shape!!

Bloom Where You’re Planted!

Every experience helps us grow!
What if you have been misunderstood? 
What if things in your life
 don’t go according to what you had planned? 
What if you are sick? 
Or you lose something or 
someone important to you? 
What if it rains and rains, for days and days, 
and there seems to be only dark clouds in the sky?
What if you try so hard to be a good person, 
and it doesn’t seem to be enough? 
Have you ever heard the expression: 
“Life is 10% 
what happens to you
 and 90% what
 you do with 
what happens to you!” 
 When life is a challenge:
1-Receive all things with thankfulness! 
I recently had an issue with a tooth, that just about sent me over the edge. I can honestly say that the first thought that crossed my mind was, “This is good, now when I’m feeling better I will appreciate it so much more, than I would have if I wasn’t feeling miserable right now!”
2-Think of the challenge as a gift!
What is this gift? 
What am I supposed to learn? What is the lesson? 
I will learn and be better than I was. I will have greater knowledge and more love, if I think of the experience as a gift. God must think a lot of me, to give me this opportunity to grow! 
I will thank God for the gift!
3-Pray for peace and patience, 
as we pass through this challenge!
God is the sculptor, we are the clay! Sometimes it takes a 
little while for us to learn what God is trying to teach us.
4-Be prepared to hear 
what God is trying to tell us! 
Sometimes we are so busy complaining about our situation, that we can’t hear. God will speak to us when we struggle and tell us what we need to learn and do to move on! Listen!!
5-Keep moving forward! 
I heard a saying once, I don’t know who said it, but it went something like, “It came to pass, not it came to stay!” We need to remember to move forward, learn the lesson, thank God for the experience, and be a better person for going through it!
 Bloom Where You’re Planted!!
Love, Joy

Thejoyfulnest is 2!!

It’s true! I have been officially blogging for 2 years! 
It has been a wonderful thing! 
What has been my goal for the past two years?

  • To have a joyful and happy place for people to visit!
  • To write fun and interesting stories about life and family?
  • To be informative about how to get started doing “Family History!”
  • To make a history of my family and my darling missionaries!
  • To tell the world that I believe that life is wonderful, and challenging, and if we “just keep swimming” it will be great!

My goals for the future of thejoyfulnest?
More of the same! I will hope for a few more visits and new friends! 
Love, Joy

I am so thankful for Gratitude!

A lot of us don’t talk much about gratitude when it’s not November, but hopefully we express it everyday to Father in Heaven. I choose to “receive all things with thankfulness“. I am a work in progress though. I found a wonderful post about raising grateful children, that I wanted to share. Ann Voskamp at “a holy experience” posted it and you can read about it here! What a great idea! Teach children while their young to be grateful, and I’ll bet they grow up to be grateful adults. I think the world could use as many grateful adults as possible. I am going to do this with my daughter Emily. She’s the only one home now, but I think if we do it together and invite my darlin, her dad, there will be so much gratitude in our home, that it will be bulging at the seams! (does a house have seams?) Anyway, it will be a great experience! I know it! Let’s all be more grateful!! 

God Is Everywhere!

There’s not a tint that paints the rose
Or decks the lily fair,
Or marks the humblest flower that grows,
But God has placed it there…
There’s not a place  on earth’s vast round,
In ocean’s deep or air;
Where love and beauty are not found, 
For God is everywhere.
-Author Unknown
I have been thinking about the beauty of this world and how grateful I am that God blessed us with such a beautiful place to learn and grow. What we do with our life is so important, the choices we make, the things we accomplish with the time we have been given, the legacy we leave for our children. Others may not worry so much about what they do, or who it affects, but we can still choose to be amazing. I know our Father in Heaven is everywhere! I thank God for life, for this wonderful world we are so blessed to live in, and for the opportunity to learn and grow and to work on becoming what He wants me to be.
Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

Joshua 1:9

Be sure to pause the music at the
bottom so you can hear Louis.

A Beautiful Day!

March is over, 
and Spring is here.  
I had to go out into the day!  
Have you ever had a day where the sky is so blue, the sun is so bright in the sky, that you have to get out there and enjoy it!! I hopped in the car and rolled down the windows and turned up the music! I leaned my head back against the seat, and put my arm out the window, feeling the wind as I drove.  
It was perfect! 
It was complete happiness!!

One thing I Wish I Could Change!

I have been cleaning my office today. One thing I do while working and cleaning in my office is watch movies. Usually movies I don’t have to “watch” because I have seen them so many times. I can work, whether it be scrapbooking, or whatever, and listen while I am doing it. Today, while I was working in my office, I decided to watch some of our family videos
What a fun thing to do!!! 
We have some great family videos. We have been on some wonderful trips and video taped activities that the kids have done. As I watched and listened today, I noticed something that I wish I could change. I don’t usually have regrets, mostly because even when a situation isn’t the best, I still learn and grow from it. What I wish I could change is my focus. 
In all of our family videos, mostly on trips, I focused on the place we were visiting. Lots of video taping of places and things. Places and things, that I thought would be important to our family while watching them later. Now, my little darlings are grown up. I wish I taped “them” looking the things, or just taping “them” having fun at the places we visited. I do have video of them. I just wish I had more video of them. I think I was thinking at the time, “We’re here and we’ll probably never be back, so I better have lots of pictures of these things, so we won’t forget!” 
So this is just a little FYI. 
When video taping, tape your kids! 
Tape them so much that you think, “No one will ever want to watch this much video of my kids!!” 
Someone will…you will

My Mom!

My Mom had a birthday yesterday. She turned 79 years old. When I called to tell her happy birthday she told me she is 79 going on 40. I believe that! This woman is amazing and she has more energy than I do. I feel so blessed to have a mother in my life. She is perfect for me. 
My Mom is; 
kind– always thinking of others,
smart– she went back to school when she was 50 and got a degree,
loving– she loves everyone,
a super teacher– she teaches almost everyday,
firm– she is not afraid to let you know, if you need a reminder,
a good listener– she has listened to me all my life,
she is mine– the one that I call Mom!!
I love you, my wonderful Mom!
Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes, by dozens and hundreds.  Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins, comrades and friends – but only one mother in the whole world.  ~Kate Douglas Wiggin