Happy Birthday and Miracles!

Today is my brother Keith’s birthday. He is here because of miracles. I called him today to tell him Happy B-day, and asked his permission to tell a little about him. He said, “Of course.” So here goes. 
My brother Keith is only about a year and a half older than me. Sometime in the process of growing up Keith lost his way. I say that, because the way he was going, was not the way our parents had taught him. He became involved with drugs. He used many drugs, Nicotine, Alcohol, and others. The drug that caused the most damage to Keith’s body is Cocaine. When using Cocaine he injected it into his body and became infected with Hepatitis C. Hepatitis C attacks the Liver and destroys it. After years of drug abuse, Keith ended up in big trouble. He ended up in jail, awaiting what might be the biggest possible change, time in prison. I’m sure he was very upset and felt like he didn’t deserve this. Or at least he didn’t want what was happening to him, to happen. He spent 6 months in jail waiting to find out, what the judge would decide about his future. It was a very difficult time for him, no drugs and all day long, day after day to think about life and what might happen. Even that was a miracle. To go from being under the influence of drugs, and not seeing clearly or caring only about the next fix. To having the opportunity to really see, or think about his life. After this period of time in jail, Keith was allowed to go home to my parents instead of prison. That was another miracle. He was 34 years old and had been given a second chance. There was so much prayer and fasting going on during this time. So he was home and was really ready to start a new life. He was aware of the way his life was and he knew what he needed and wanted to do, to make his life better. But what about the Hepatitis C? Well, it was still there, doing damage. Keith had been given a second chance but might not be able to be around very long to enjoy it. He married a wonderful and caring woman, and they started building their life together. But as time went by, we all realized that we would need, another big miracle for Keith. By 2007 he was in really bad shape. He would have to spend time off and on, in the hospital to help him survive his illness. He was on the -transplant waiting list- waiting for a new liver, but you don’t always get one. Sometimes you die while you’re waiting. Then on July 7th 2007, Keith received a call. They had a liver and could he be down to the hospital within a few hours. Keith and his wife Teresa went as fast as they could, down to the hospital. We all gathered in the waiting room to wait and pray. We felt very positive, everything would be ok. Sure enough, after hours in the operating room the surgery was finished and our Keith was alive. We went to visit him the next day and could not believe the difference. He was ready to really live his life. We had received another miracle. We are all so thankful to the donor family for their great sacrifice. Their decision blessed Keith, and gave us a miracle in the middle of their sadness. It has been almost 4 years since Keith received his new liver and he is doing great. I am so glad he is here to have another birthday! I love you, brother!

What works for me!

I am the mom to a missionary. 
A missionary mom. 
Actually, I am the mom to two missionaries. These missionaries are adult children. I love them so much. I really do miss them. You need to know that when you serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you leave your family and live somewhere in the world. You share the gospel, and serve God’s children. You communicate with your family by email and letters. Except for twice a year, Mother’s Day and Christmas when you get to talk to each other on the phone. Sometimes it is hard. But I think I have figured out how to enjoy this time while they are gone. Whenever I feel sad or like the next year and a half of my life with take forever, I reason through the emotions like this: First, they are adults. They are young, but they are adults. And I want them to become independent and able to live on their own. Second, they are learning and experiencing life. They will see life out in the world. In a place where they have never been before. I want them to learn and experience life. Would I deny them this opportunity just to have them here with me? No. Third, they are there to serve. They have given up a year and a half to two years of their life to serve, love and help others. I have taught them their whole lives to love everyone and to serve others. They are amazing. Fourth, the only time I feel sad and lonesome is when I am thinking about me. If I think about them and what amazing kids they are, and how this opportunity will bless their lives and bless the lives of those they serve, I am thrilled for them. And next thing you know, I am no longer sad or lonesome and I happily go about my day. I will say, probably the most important thing in all of this, and the Fifth thing is that I believe that our Heavenly Father loves them and will protect them, and bless them. This is what works for me! It may not work for everyone, but it works for me, and I thought I should share it. 

"Have a super great day!!"

I work at a dental office. 
It is a great place to work. 
In fact, as far as dental offices go, it is a wonderful place. 
My job is to talk to the patient at the end of their visit. I reschedule them and collect money. I don’t mind it at all. I am usually the last person they see before they walk out the door. One day, while visiting with the patient who was checking out, I finished the conversation with, 
“Have a super great day!!” 
All the people that I work with just laughed and teased me about that, like I was being sappy or not sincere. Just so you know, I’m not the type of person to wish someone a 
super great day
unless I meant it.  They apparently don’t know that in order to have a super great dayyou have to be “puttin it out there”, like “The Secret”.  I always use the word super in front of great day!” When I say my prayers in the morning before I leave my home, I ask God to please help me “Have a super great day!” It’s what I want and what I am trying for, everyday. I want that for everyone, I hope you “Have a super great day too! 
Natasha, Havin a super great day!

I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year. “Give me a light, that I may travel safely into the unknown.” And he replied, “Go out into the darkness and put your hand in the hand of God. That shall be to you, better than light and safer than a known way. 
-Minnie Louis Harkins

May you have the 
Happiest of New Years

Fork in the Road!

Ode to the Zode
By Dr. Seuss
Did I ever tell you about the young Zode,
Who came to two signs at the fork in the road?
One said to Place One, and the other, Place Two.
So the Zode had to make up his mind what to do.
Well… the Zode scratched his head, and his chin and his pants
And he said to himself, “I’ll be taking a chance
If I go to Place One. Now, that place may be hot!
And so, how do I know if I’ll like it or not?
On the other hand though, I’ll be sort of a fool
If I go to Place Two and find it too cool.
In that case I may catch a chill and turn blue!
So, maybe Place One is the best, not Place Two,
But then again, what if Place One is too high?
I may catch a terrible earache and die!
So Place Two may be best! On the other hand though…
What might happen to me if Place Two is too low?
I might get some very strange pain in my toe!
So Place One may be best,” and he started to go.
Then he stopped, and he said, “On the other hand though…
On the other hand… other hand… other hand though…”
And for 36 hours and a half that poor Zode
made starts and made stops at the fork in the road.
Saying, “Don’t take a chance. No! You may not be right,”
Then he got an idea that was wonderfully bright!
“Play safe!” cried the Zode. “I’ll play safe. I’m no dunce!
I’ll simply start out for both places at once!”
And that’s how the Zode who would not take a chance
Got no place at all with a split in his pants.
Happy thoughts for the upcoming New Year! 
Merry Christmas!
Love, Joy

My Dream Come True!

Mission call opening party!
(aka: my dream come true!)
 with her mission call! 
Where will she go?
(See Aunt Lisa and Uncle Larry on Skype in the background?) 
Lots of friends and family here,
 to see her open her mission call!
“You are hereby called to serve 
as a missionary for 
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints…”
Crying!! What a sweetheart!
 It’s Texas, Ft. Worth-
 Spanish speaking!!!
 Well, that is awesome!! 
I was a missionary in Texas when I was young!
 I’m so excited that she will grow to love Texas, 
like I do!!

“The stars at night, are big and bright!!
deep in the heart of Texas!!”
We feel so blessed! We will have two missionaries now!

Receive All Things With Thankfulness!

Doctrine and Covenants 78:19

19 And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.
Receiving all things with thankfulness is sometimes a challenge. At least it is for me. (I’m still working on this.) What if we are dealing with a difficult situation? What if we are sick for a period of time? What if we are sad? What if someone we love has left or passed away? What if a choice someone else made has changed our life? The list goes on and on. We all have reasons to be sad or unhappy at times in our life. But remember, we are here to experience challenges and trials, and learn and grow. What makes life wonderful is to find the lesson in each experience and learn it (quickly, if possible), and thank God for the blessing of that experience and move on. When I think of all the struggles or challenges that I have had in my life, I can usually find a blessing associated with that struggle or challenge. Sometimes the blessing is that the struggle is over. I can see how going through tough times has made me more thoughtful of others, when I see them dealing with a challenge. I consider myself a stronger person, than I used to be. I am fairly patient. I feel like I get closer or more in tuned to our Father in Heaven when I’m struggling. The most important lesson I have learned is this. Receive all things 
with thankfulness! 
Choose joy! 
The mind that lives in joy
 does not live in complaint! 
You are in charge of how you feel! 
If your first response to a situation is negative, stop yourself and thank God for the journey. 
Put a song in your heart and be happy!
Psalm 34:1
I will, bless the Lord at all times: 
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

 Thanksgiving Day  
Love, Joy


The most destructive habit……..Worry
The greatest joy……………………………………….Giving
The greatest loss…………………….Loss of self-respect
The most satisfying work…………………Helping others
The ugliest personality trait……………………Selfishness
The most endangered species………Dedicated leaders
Our greatest natural resource…………………Our youth
The greatest “shot in the arm”..Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome…………………Fear
The most effective sleeping pill………….Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease……………….Excuses
The most powerful force in life………………………Love
The most dangerous pariah……………………A gossiper
The world’s most incredible computer……….The brain
The worst thing to be without………..Hope
The deadliest weapon………………………….The tongue
The two most power-filled words……………….”I Can”
The greatest asset……………………………………….Faith
The most worthless emotion……………………..Self-pity
The most beautiful attire…………………………..SMILE!
The most prized possession……..Integrity
The most powerful channel of communication..Prayer
The most contagious spirit……………………Enthusiasm

I Voted Today!

“I pledge allegiance
to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation Under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” 
I am so grateful to live in this “one nation under God”! To have the freedom to choose our leaders, and vote!  God Bless America, Land That I Love!!