Are You Feeling It?


I stated in a post several months ago that I struggle with depression. 

The end of March marks one year in our new (old) home.

It has been quite a year! 

These are the things that happened in the last year:

1-We sold our home of 18 years. Left a wonderful neighborhood and church family, and moved to a new wonderful neighborhood and church family.

2-We bought a darling new home, built in 1906 and half the size of our old home.

3-We all lived together in our old home. My oldest with his sweet wife and baby in the basement apartment while they looked for a home, and our three other young adult children going to school, etc.

Not anymore! Oldest son and wife, Riley and Janet bought a home, second son Alex bought a home, and the girls, Kelsey and Emily moved in with him.

Which means….we became “empty nesters!” (Much more difficult than I anticipated)

4-Second son, Alex met and fell in love with his sweetheart, Amber. We had a wedding in October!

5-Girls no longer want to live with brother, Kelsey moves back with us, Emily moves in with Grandmother.

6-Quit my job. It was just too much.

7-Emily met and fell in love with her sweetheart, Anthony. We had a wedding in January. Spent the whole month of January sewing, creating centerpieces, and ordering wedding decor.

Not to mention, that since 2010 we sent Riley to Boot Camp, Alex to South Africa to serve a mission, Kelsey to Texas to serve and mission, and Emily to the West Indies to serve a mission, we received them all home and had three weddings, a funeral for my father-in-law and many other changes, including health issues for my parents. This last five years have probably been the busiest time of my life.

I’m only telling you all of this, because sometimes I think life just wears you out!

I wouldn’t change any of these experiences for anything, but I feel pooped. The state of my mind doesn’t help sometimes.

The reason I titled this post “Are You Feeling It” is, because I consider feelings very important.  There are feelings of worry, fear for the future, for the safety of family, etc. Sometimes when I have feelings come to mind that are not helpful to me, I have learned some pretty good coping skills, like looking for all the good things that are happening, also making sure I am taking care of myself.

I would say the feeling I long for most on a consistent basis is Peace. I really want to feel that all the time, but that may be too unrealistic.

There are times when I want to feel close to my Father in Heaven. It’s not that I don’t feel Him to a certain extent, but not the way I want to feel Him. It could be my happy pill, sometimes I’ve heard from others taking medication that they can’t even cry. The pill makes them feel numb. I need the pill to be my best, but I want to know He is there for me. That I am of infinite worth to Him. I want to know He is hearing my prayers and answering them.

I have decided it is an issue of Faith, for me. I was studying Faith and thought, maybe I don’t have enough Faith.

In the Bible dictionary it says Faith is a principle of action. You know how people say to “exercise” Faith. I thought that explains a lot…I never really like to “exercise.” Haha 🙂 (I wish I could say I was kidding. I know, exercise releases endorphins.) So anyway, if Faith is a principle of action, I decided to make a list of things I could do to “exercise” Faith. Here it is: Study my scriptures, pay my tithing and offerings, attend all my church meetings, take the sacrament in a meaningful way-thinking about the Savior and His atonement for me, doing my best at my church calling, also really putting an effort into saying heartfelt prayers at least morning and before bed. I already do these things, but maybe not my very best effort. I committed to build my Faith.

And guess what?

It helped. I started noticing things in my day going smoother, or having some tiny insignificant thing go just right. I even had answers to prayers come in a way I could not deny. I know there may be some doubters, but I felt it! I felt Him. I felt Him loving me and I am feeling much better than I have for a year.

If you are struggling with your Faith, do your best to put your desire to increase your Faith into action. This lets Heavenly Father know you are willing to do your part, to act, to meet Him in the middle or even more. Whatever it takes, do it! I can say I can Feel it, and I am so grateful for my increased Faith.

Busyness, Etc.

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Where do I start? 

I have been a slacker…..Only in my blogging!

Life is so wonderful, and hard, and awesome! Our family had a wonderful blessing on Saturday, January 30, 2016. Our daughter Emily, my Bonus Baby was married for time and all eternity to her sweetheart in the Jordan River Temple.

It was wonderful!

It was a blizzard.

It’s was very overwhelming and fun!

I have had my two son’s get married, but this is my first wedding for a daughter. Let me just say there is a big difference in what you do to get ready for a son to marry, as opposed to what you do to get ready for a daughter to marry. I have been sewing, and hot glueing and organizing for weeks and weeks for this blessed event.

It all turned out great!

Now that we have had our day with Em, I’ll share some of our preparations with you.

I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t in preparing. I’ll share some of the things I’ve learned. I will share pictures and fun ideas.

Watch for my next post!

Happy New Year!

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I love the idea of a fresh start.

A new beginning.

The chance or opportunity to try again, to do better. 

I am so thankful for the opportunity!

What will I do? How will I do better?

I’ll just keep moving,

or as Dori says, “Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!”

I’ll look for ways to improve.

Right now I feel like I need to improve in so many ways. I won’t let myself get overwhelmed with all of the things that need to be improved.

I’ll start and keep going.   


“I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’ And he replied, ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.’ So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night. And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.” -Minnie Louise Haskins


God is always there to help us do better! 

Have the best and most Happy New Year ever!

Inspired Rocks.


Years ago we decided to do some rock walls in an area of our yard. My daddy is an amazing landscaper! His first grown up job was as a brick layer, which helped him develop skills for all kinds of yard projects. He has built rock walls many times in his life.

So my darlin’ and I asked for his help in making our rock wall. My dad said to go get a load of rocks and when you’ve got them we’ll do it. My darlin went to pick up a load. He hunted and looked through the rocks at the quarry. He spent a lot of time picking what he thought was the best rocks, then brought them home.

When my dad saw the rocks he said, “Hmm…they’re not very “inspired.” We were both not sure what he meant. He went on to explain that round rocks, like the rocks that have been in a river, that are smooth and roundish from the water running over and around them don’t make the best rocks for a wall. The best rocks for a wall are irregular and have edges that kind of fit together like a puzzle. The best rocks are “inspired” rocks.

I love the way my daddy described the rocks as “inspired.” 

I will never look at a rock wall without thinking about the day I learned what an “inspired” rock is!



I hesitate to write this post.

I know, I know, “our joyful nest” is supposed to be “a happy place to be”, but I’m sorry to say it’s not always the happiest. It’s not the saddest either. It’s just normal life, with it’s ups and downs.

I knew when we moved a few months ago that there might be some struggles for me emotionally. I don’t mind small changes and I usually cope well with them, but big changes sometimes throw me for a loop.

I have officially been thrown for a loop.

I’m not one to share complaints, or go on and on about my challenges. I do have a tendency to stay a little more quiet, and try to work through it by myself, but I wanted to give an explanation for my lack of posting lately.

Struggle #1

Depression. I am a woman named “Joy” who struggles with depression. It’s just wrong…:}. Or at least it seems like something a person like me would never deal with. I have been told by many people once I tell them, they “can’t believe it.” I have learned to cope through the years, but sometimes I have to work harder than ever to make it past a snag. Like moving out of a house I’ve lived in for 18 years and having all of my children move out on their own at the same time.

Struggle #2

I absolutely love my children, like most mothers do, so having them not live with me anymore is a lonesome thing. At the same time, I know it is good for them to grow up and I love living as empty nesters with my darling sweet hubsy. I still worry about them, and wonder what time they got home on a Friday night.

Struggle #3

Too much to do, not enough time to do it in. This never seems to change.

So of course life continues and I am still learning. Some days I am struggling very much with even leaving the house. I do it anyway, and I pretend a lot on those days.

I thought since I just spilled my guts that I would tell you some of the things I do to cope with these struggles.

Coping with #1


First of all I am on medication for depression. I lovingly call it my “happy” pill.

I never miss it!

I have tried many different medications through the years and this one works for me. I still feel the effects of depression to a certain extent, and I know I need it. I have weaned myself off before and could not stop crying, so I went back on it.

 I am careful with my sugar consumption. I love sugar, but it doesn’t love me.

I take vitamins, and eat lots of healthy food. Green things and natural things.

I get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

I attend church on a regular basis and pray always, believing with all my heart that the Savior can help me live my life to the fullest, and that He knows me and what I’m dealing with in my life. It is faith that helps me when I have negative thoughts come to my mind. I know certain things like: I am a wonderful person who is very blessed. I have family that loves and supports me and I can do hard things. I repeat in my mind that I know this, when my feelings tell me “you suck”, “no one cares”. or “God doesn’t get you”.

Gratitude! I am constantly reminding myself of all the blessings I have, even dealing with depression and struggles is a blessing.

The best thing I do to cope is to forget myself. In the middle of all of the things I feel sad about, I get busy loving someone who is worse off than me, someone who is struggling more. Sometimes I can’t do this, but I do what I can to move past the sadness. This works for me. It may not work for everyone.

Oh, I almost forgot...laugh! I have mentioned before in other posts that I laugh really easy. This is truly a blessing to me. If I’m really struggling I can watch a movie or read something that makes me laugh. 🙂

I even listen to uplifting music. This helps a ton.

I believe that we owe it to those we love and who love us to be our best self. It is not fun to live with a grumpy, sad person. I don’t want to be that person to those I love, so I do my best to be my best self.

Coping with #2

I absolutely love my children.

So this is a similar way to cope as with #1, because I do a lot of self talk.

I love my children, and I love to be with them as much as possible. They love me too, but their not supposed to be spending a lot of time with their mom and dad. They’re supposed to be living their own life. They work, go to school, date, and my oldest is supposed to be spending time with his family.

If they are doing their own thing, that is good!!!

Some people have a hard time getting their kids to leave “the nest”, we should be happy that they are happy to leave! “Yay! We did a good thing, we raised them and taught them to be independent, responsible adults, and to live on their own.”

I feel sad for a minute and talk to myself and then get busy doing something else.

Coping with #3

Too much to do, not enough time to do it in.

I can’t believe I still struggle with this… really! I love to get things done. I am a list person. I love to make lists of the things I need to get done and then check each item off as I do them. The problem is I always try to put too much into each day, and then I’m bummed when I don’t complete the list. Dur!!!

I have to remind myself… it’s ok to take your time.

Like my son Alex said “Remember, ‘Slow and Steady wins the race!'”

Read the post, here!

So…now you know more about me than you ever wanted to know. I hope in some small way that what I have said is helpful to someone out there.

We are all children of a loving Heavenly Father. He sent His son to show us by example how to live. He atoned for our sins and because of this we can always do better. We mean everything to Him. You mean everything to Him!!

and I love you!

“Have courage for the great sorrows of life, and patience for the small ones. And when you have finished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake.” -Victor Hugo

The Best Remedy-Nature!

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The best remedy for those who are afraid,

lonely or unhappy is to go outside, 

Somewhere where they can be quiet,

Alone with the heavens, 

Nature and God

Because only then does one feel

That all is as it should be

And that God wishes to see people happy, 

Amidst the simple beauty of nature. 

-Anne Frank

 A few weeks ago in church one of the young women shared an experience she had at girls camp. They rowed in a boat out to the middle of a beautiful lake. When they got to the middle, the leaders asked them to sit silently for a few minutes. They asked the girls to think, look, and listen. After the few minutes were up, some of the girls had tears in their eyes. They could feel something sweet and powerful. A message from God that they are loved. Then they sang a song called, “I Feel My Saviors Love.” All of the girls were crying now. They really could feel their Saviors Love.

I have had that same feeling out in nature.

I am so grateful for this beautiful earth!

Go for a hike, go to the park and lay on the ground beneath a tree and watch the branches move with the breeze, or even a ride in the car through the canyon or past a lake.

We are so blessed!!!

Weigh This?

Why do we always measure ourselves by the weight of our bodies? Or the size of our “whatever,” or how strong or physically fit we look?

If we focus on our accomplishments and not the things we don’t like about ourselves, we will feel much better and love ourselves.

If we focus on our looks, or what we may think is not good about our looks, which by the way, usually isn’t a problem anyway, we’re just being hard on ourselves, we’re focusing on the wrong things,

So I challenge you to share five things with someone your love, about yourself that are lovable, and/or a challenge that you made it through, or an accomplishment!


Here’s my list:

1-I have naturally curling hair that is beautiful.

2-I am a happy, positive person almost all the time.

3-I have been married for 30 years to my most favorite person on the planet.

4-I raised 4 amazing children.

5-I give hugs all the time.


“As you get older you will understand more and more that it’s not about what you look like or what you own, it’s al about the person you’ve become.” -unknown


photo (26)We had to leave our measuring wall in our old home, but I couldn’t help but share the picture we took before we left.

I’m sure every family has one of these.

Our family is quite short, so it has been fun to see others pass us by as opportunities to measure have come and gone. The kids have one cousin who is 6’6″…of course he’s at the top.

One of my favorite marks on the wall is a mark that says “Taz”. He is our sweet, beloved family pet who passed away about 5 years ago. One of our kids must have put Taz up next to the wall and made the mark. How sweet.

We took several pictures of the marks before we left for the last time.

Home, and memories of home are the best!

We will make new memories at our new home, in fact we already have.

We Did It-The Big Move

It all started with a lunch date with my little brother the week of Christmas.

We talked about goals and retirement. We talked about life and money. After we left that lunch date, my darlin and I talked and thought, and prayed and went to the Temple. After all of that, we decided to put our home up for sale, and down size to a smaller home.

After 4 weeks, we had an offer on our home and within a month of that, we moved to our new home!

It was amazing!

I have felt like it was the right thing to do, because things just fell into place. The home we sold is twice as big as the one we just moved in to, and the payment is less. We are in a much better position to retire (hopefully) someday, and do good things with our time then.

If you wonder about the kids. Our First born, and his wife Janet are new home owners! And our second son is a homeowner, too!

Life has a way of surprising you! I feel so grateful to Father in Heaven for His guidance in our lives, and or all blessings!

Here is a picture of our home as we drove away for the last time!

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