It All Worked Out!



I rode the train to the restaurant where we were eating lunch. It was a nice lunch with my co-workers. I had to leave early. It was the day my “Bonus Baby” was going through the temple for the first time. It is a big deal to members of the LDS church.

I had recently been given an assignment in my ward to be the Primary President. I was feeling quite overwhelmed, like always, and I had been trying extra hard to stay close to Heavenly Father. I felt like I needed inspiration in many areas of my life.

In my rush to get back to my car and head home to meet Emily to go to the temple, I got on the wrong train. It didn’t take long for me to realize I was going the wrong direction. I panicked and started to think. “What can I do? What should I do? Should I ride until it comes back? No time for that.”

I knew right away I needed to get off.

If I got off the train, I would have to walk for many blocks to get where I needed to be, but at least I would be going the right direction.

I got off the train and started walking. I immediately started having thoughts come to my mind. As I walked, there were a few times I felt concerned for my safety, but only for a minute. I prayed the whole time asking Father to help me make good time, be safe and get to where I needed to be. The life lesson was clear:

1-If you are headed in the wrong direction, stop heading in the wrong direction. Do whatever it takes to change directions. You can always stop going the wrong direction.

2-It may take a while to get back to where you were, but it is worth it. It may take you through difficult places, but you can do it. It will take more effort than you would have had to put in if you weren’t going the wrong direction, but it’s still the thing to do.

3-You “can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth” you! (Phil 4:13). Focus on the light. Focus on the goal. Keep moving.

My goal was to get to the temple with my baby. To be close to God and have the spirit with me. I made it, and it was a wonderful experience.

I heard a quote that is so powerful to me:

“But if we’re facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking. If it takes a year, or sixty years, or five lifetimes, as long as we’re heading towards light, that’s all that matters.”-Joseph Goldstein

Another favorite:

2 Nephi 31:19-21

19 And now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.

20 Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.

21 And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen.

What direction are you facing?


We had a nice little trip to St. George, Utah last week end. It was beautiful!!! I kept thinking how nice it would be to live there….except for one thing. 

photo (22)We were getting ready for bed and we wanted to take the dog out to go potty before we put her to bed. My friend said,

“Take the black light and you’ll be able to see if there are any scorpions out on the patio.”

I was thinking, really? We went out with the light on and this is what we saw right outside the door. Yes, I was not very interested in staying outside. I let my darlin take the dog out and I went inside. I think I’ll keep living “up north” as they say in the south.



13 Things I’ve Learned From Posting 1000 Posts!!!!!!!!!

I have reached a milestone!!! Today I’m posting my

1000th post!

Here are 13 things I’ve learned from posting 1000 posts!!!!!

1-It’s ok to be yourself. 

I have learned that even though I’m not perfect, I am lovable.


2-It’s a great way to tell your story. 

I love to read over my stories and relive my experiences.

3-I love to talk about my family, and their history.

I have wonderful children! My grand baby is adorable! My ancestors are the bomb! We are all basically pretty great people!!!


4-It’s actually very fun to have a blog.

It’s a happy, fun, exciting place to share my life!

5-I have lots of heroes, friends, and memories.

My heroes are the good examples in my life. I try to emulate their lives. My friends are golden and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Well, my memory may go, but I’ll still have my blog.

6-Funny things happen in life.

Laughter really is the best medicine. I wrote a post once about laughing at inappropriate times, and yes I have been known to do that. I just innocently try to live my life and funny stuff just happens. I start to giggle and it’s all over. Next thing you know I have a stomach cramp, and tears are streaming down my face. I am thankful that I laugh easily. Life is too short to not laugh hysterically when the opportunity presents it’s self.

7-There are some wonderful movies and TV shows out there.

Dory: “Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming….what do we do we swim, swim!”

I need that reminder a lot.

8-Sometimes I don’t Have anything to say, believe it or not. And that’s ok.

I have been amazed at the lack of things to say, or when I can’t think of anything to post. I never thought I’d see the day. I am very social, I can talk to anyone, but I do like to be by myself and just sit still and read or relax sometimes.

9-Life is busy!

Life is busier than ever before. We’re all busy. It makes living adventurous! Sometimes finding time to do a blog post is very difficult, but I’m always glad when I do.

10-I really love Sunday’s the Best!


Peaceful, inspirational, and spiritual! Spending the day thinking about God and His precious gifts, and looking for ways to bless others lives!

11-The world is full of Beautiful Places!


Always focus on the beauty in this world. We are so blessed by Father above to live in such a beautiful place. Look for the beauty!

12-I have learned lot’s of lesson’s. 

I’m so glad I’ve written them down. I love to learn and I’m glad that challenges are not wasted by having to repeat difficult times. I so appreciate the lessons!

13-It takes a long time to write 1000 posts. 

Who knew it would take almost 5 years of blogging to reach 1000 posts, but I did it!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!

The Last “Famous Long Cut!”

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My wonderful father-in-law Pearce passed away on Tuesday February 25th. It has been a very busy, emotional, peaceful, happy, grateful week. Pearce has been struggling with Alzheimer’s for 8 years. It is a cruel disease. We have missed being able to talk with him and have him be able to talk back. Before Alzheimer’s he was always ready to share stories and knowledge. He has always been a very active person, very athletic. He skied any chance he got. He loved tennis, racquetball, golf, really any sport. My darlin would go for bike rides with him, he would forget how to shift his bike. Shortly after that they had to quit going, my sweetie was worried he might forget to stop for traffic and get hurt. It has been an adventure and a trial.

Now about the “Famous long cuts”. All of Pearce’s children have at least one memory of him taking them on a “long cut”. Of course a “long cut” is the opposite of a “short cut”. Whether it was in the car or hiking or something else, he would say, “Let’s go this way.” It would end up taking much longer to get where they were going than if they had just gone the original route, but it was always an adventure and the family had fun together.

We decided that him having Alzheimer’s and having his passing to the other side of the veil take 8 years is his last “Famous long cut”. It has taken way too long. We have missed him for years, even though he has been close by. My darlin used to always say, “It’s ok, cause at least I get to hug him still.” Very true.

He is now at peace. I believe, we all believe, he is in the world of spirits with other family members who have passed also. His parents, grandparents, a sweet baby daughter born too early. We know he is happy and we know we will see him again.

He lived a good life and has graduated to heaven. Yes, we’re sad sometimes, but we choose to celebrate his life and his moving on to better things. Graduating. His example and life will always be a part of us. I am so grateful to have known him. He raised my sweet husband and taught him to be the kind of man he is. He taught him that there wasn’t anything in this world that he couldn’t do, and that he was a “trooper.”


Lists, Calendars, and Binders!

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I have been frantically trying to get a grip!

I am always organizing and listing and calendaring each January as a new year begins. I honestly love it! I cannot function until I do it.

One of my favorite things about organizing my life is the fact that I (best case scenario) “Have a place for everything and keep everything in it’s place”. When I do, I feel calm and orderly. I can focus on what needs to be done, and not worry about what doesn’t need to be done at the current moment.

So this is what I do:

  • I usually buy the new wall calendar and my new planner early in the previous year. That way, as I make Dr. appointments and things that I plan for six months or so down the road, I can put the appointment information right on the calendar.
  • When I have a minute here or there, I start adding birthdays to the calendar on the upcoming year.
  • I go over in my mind what things we have discussed as a family we will want to put on the calendar. One example is that Emily will be home from her mission in 2014. We will want to plan all kinds of activities around that event.
  • In my LDS ward, I’m the Primary President. That means I’m in charge of the children and their teachers and leaders. I have two counselors and a secretary that I couldn’t live without! We meet weekly to discuss our primary. We want to be prepared for all of the upcoming events and celebrations as well as making sure everyone’s needs are met. So we start listing all of the activities and events, and plan a date for them to take place. We need to get them on the calendar for our ward so others know when they’ll take place too.
  • Right now I have several lists I’m creating and working on. One for Primary, one for my second job, working for a local dentist, and one for my family and extended family. We get together at least once a month, and I help plan those. Also, I am making a list and planning for our taxes. Because I do daycare, I will finish organizing my records so that they are orderly and complete. I will need to make receipts for those parents whose children I tend.
  • In each of the categories of my life, I have a binder. NO floating papers! I love it. Of course I decorate them and then I feel like I’m being creative too.
  • I made a binder for each extended family, my family and my darlin’s. I will keep papers that tend to get misplaced that have to do with these families is each binder.
  • One more thing I do, that happens as the year goes by is I will use a folder for planning a particular event. When my parents had their 50th Wedding anniversary I organized food, and kept track of those who were invited. We recently put a new roof on the house. In the planning stages I got quotes from a few different roofing companies. I kept the quotes and measurements and anything else we may need to get it ready in the folder. I even took a small piece of the roofing shingle to compare colors. In the end what I have is a record  that can stay with the house if we ever sell it, and we know how much we spent and how we did it next time we need to re-roof the house. I file that folder away in my file cabinet with other informative files.

That’s about it. I love to be organized. I am not always organized, but I love it when I am. I hope this helps anyone who is not sure what to do with all of their calendars, lists, and binders!

Happy organizing!!!

P.S. In case you notice the little colorful dots on my little Moleskine Planner and calendar, I have my daycare kids color coded. Each color represents a family/child. Then all I have to do if I’m tending them on that day is put the dot. Then I’m not filling up the calendar with information that takes up a lot of space. FYI.

Happy New Year!!!


“I said to the man who stood at the gate of the new year, ‘Give to me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’ And he replied, ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand in the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.” Minnie Louise Haskins

This is one of my favorite quotes. It is the beginning of a poem that was written by Minnie Louise Haskins. It was read by King George VI during his Christmas address in 1939. World War II had recently begun. I can imagine what the people that King George spoke to had on their minds at that time.

I think that at this particular time in the history of our world people have many things on their minds, too.

Life on this planet has always been a challenge, to some more that others. Really, it’s a challenge to everyone, just in different ways.

Our Heavenly Father has given us this amazing opportunity to come to earth, to learn and grow. We learn from all of our experiences. We learn each and every time we make a choice. Sometimes we learn how to manage or be successful in spite of another person’s choice that has had an affect on us.

No one knows what lies ahead. I know that if we trust in God, do what He asks, live a good life, and listen to what He is trying to tell us, we can make our way through life and be triumphant!

I think what Ms. Haskins is trying to teach us with her words is this: There are a lot of smart people in the world. There are a lot of books that give advice and tell us what we need to do to be successful in life, but the best thing we can do is trust God. Let Him lead us as we go. He knows everything and loves us with a pure love. Would He ever lead us the wrong way? No.

He is the way.

May we all, put our “hand in the hand of God” as we begin a new year!

Make it a great one!! Love, Joy

It still hurts.


I always feel a sadness in my heart on September 11th. I still can’t believe we live in such a world. A world where some people hurt innocent people because of hate. I know it will not get any better…not for a while. Not until He comes again. Then the hate will be gone. I look forward to that day with faith in God. Until then, when others are hurt, I will cry and pray. I won’t ask why…I know why. Because that is part of the plan. I will love with everything I’ve got. I will help others any chance I get. I will forgive. I will share and be a friend. I will try to be the happiest and most joyful person I can be.

John 16:33
33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Family History Friday: Amazing Find!


I recently read a great story about a couple who serve as LDS missionaries at one of the churches FamilySearch Libraries.

They were at the FamilySearch Library on the day a call came in from someone who wanted to donate an old Bible. They don’t usually take that kind of donation, unless it has genealogical information in it, but the Bible was accepted at the library. What they found inside was something special just for them.


Rare Bible rescued from trash provides missing family history

By Trent Toone  July 22, 2013 -Deseret News

SAN DIEGO — An old Bible rescued from the garbage more than 40 years ago recently emerged as a priceless family history treasure for one California couple.

Elder Ed Jones and his wife, Sister Dawna Jones, serve as family history missionaries and directors of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints FamilySearch Library in San Diego. While going about his regular duties one hectic Monday morning, Ed Jones received a phone call that has greatly blessed his life.

The woman on the phone identified herself as Gwen Whitlock. She wanted to know if the library would accept the donation of an antique family Bible.

Ed Jones informed her that donations are not generally accepted because the library is short on space, but if the Bible contained genealogical information, the library was interested in examining it. At that moment, Dawna Jones heard the conversation and intervened.

“As all good wives do, she grabbed the phone out of my hands and proceeded to talk to the lady,” Ed Jones said. “’Yes, absolutely, please bring it in,’ she said.”

The following day Whitlock came and hoisted a very worn, 12-by-18-inch book that weighted around 15 pounds on to a table.

The rare Bible itself was a treasure. It was compiled by the Rev. Joseph Knight and published in 1815. It included the Old and New Testaments, as well as the Apocrypha. It also contained illustrations and a collection of beautiful etchings.

“It looked like it had weathered at least two world wars,” Ed Jones said. “We were quite interested.”

As they turned the pages, the Joneses discovered a more priceless and personalized treasure. Inside they found ornately handwritten genealogical records going back into the 1700s. When Dawna Jones saw the last name “Hammond,” her jaw dropped in disbelief. The names, dates and information belonged to her husband’s direct English ancestral line.

“It just blew our socks off,” Ed Jones said. “I knew there was a hole in the line, and … this (information) closed that hole. I didn’t have to look it up on the pedigree chart, I just knew. It was literally the biggest blessing we have ever received in family history. It was phenomenal.”

Ed Jones’ mother joined the LDS Church at age 87 and spent her final years doing family history work. Dawna Jones had assisted her mother-in-law and knew what was missing.

“I always thought my mother-in-law’s work was the most we were going to be able to do,” she said. “But when we found this Bible, it was like she was right there, saying ‘Here it is, it’s all yours.’”

As Whitlock initially observed what was happening, she was a little skeptical.

“How can that be? It was too good to be true for my brain to get around it,” Whitlock said in a phone interview. “But as she continued to talk, I realized it was true.”

Tears flowed as a small crowd gathered around to hear the remarkable story, Whitlock said.

“The fact that I gave it to someone in the Hammond family, which was what I wanted to do, it was such a miracle,” Whitlock said. “We were all standing there crying, thinking, ‘I can’t believe this.’”

Whitlock’s decision to donate the relic Bible to the San Diego FamilySearch Library came after she had safeguarded it for decades. A gentleman was strolling through a Southern California alley and found the Bible in a trash can. He retrieved it and gave it to the Whitlocks more than 40 years go.

Over the years, Whitlock and her husband, the Rev. Carl Whitlock, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Pacific Beach in San Diego, have searched for a Hammond descendent among their friends and congregation, but to no avail.

“It’s been such a wonderful, spiritual story of how God put it (the Bible) for him to find, to bring to me, for me to hold it for them,” Gwen Whitlock said. “Then for God to impress me to take it the day the Joneses were there is a miracle of huge proportions.”

Now the Joneses want to return the favor.

“Because of what they did for us, we have a debt to pay,” Dawna Jones said. “We are going to try and help him find his family history.”

To those who have struggled in family history work, she said don’t give up.

“We are given promises. As long as we are doing the work, doors and windows will open. We will find the work that we need to find to complete the work for our kindred dead,” she said. “We’ve been working for years and years. I believe those promises more than ever. I’ve seen it happen in other people’s lives, but I never thought it would happen in ours.”

Gwen Whitlock hopes people learn two lessons from this incredible story.

“The lessons would be patient, God works miracles,” she said. “I’ve taken care of that Bible for so long. Be patient and God will work it all out in his time, and the right time.”


You never know how you will be blessed with information you’ve been searching for;  this information came in the most amazing way!!

The trick, I think, is to be researching, to be at the library, when the amazing information comes!!

Take a Picture!

DSC05354I made this cute little “dust” collector when I was about 13 years old at girls camp. I only went to camp one year. I must have thought it was so cute, because I kept it for years. Then one day I was cleaning things out and I came across it. I had all of these memories come immediately to my mind, then I thought, “I should throw this away. But it is so cute, and I made so long ago, I can’t get rid of it now!”

Actually, yes I can, and I did! I have learned through out the years that you can’t keep everything. One thing that I can do is snap a picture of it. Then I can almost have it forever. I can do a post about it on my blog, and then I can share it with everyone.

If you are struggling with letting go of things you should, take a picture, it will last longer and take up less space, and you won’t have to dust it!